Offshore Foundations
Art des Moduls:
Diese Lehrveranstaltung findet ausschließlich in englischer Sprache statt.
Introduction to marine soils and their multiphase nature:
• Soil parameter identification for offshore foundation design
• Impact of cyclic loading on soil strength and deformation
• Laboratory tests and site investigation methods for offshore subsoil analysis
• Overview of foundation types: gravity-based, monopiles, pile groups, suction caissons
• Suitability of foundation types for different subsoil and loading conditions
• Installation techniques for different foundation types: pile driving, suction
• Economic and environmental considerations in foundation selection
• Classical geotechnical calculations: p-y curves for lateral load analysis and bearing capacity theory
for vertical loads
• Introduction to advanced numerical modelling
• Set-up and calibration of offshore foundation models
• Validation of simulation results under realistic offshore conditions
Studentischer Arbeitsaufwand:
Präsenzzeit: 28 Stunden
Selbststudium: 152 Stunden
Anzahl Credits für das Modul:
(Teil-) Prüfung
siehe Modulhandbuch
Veranstaltungsort / Uhrzeit (Sommersemester 2025)
Seminarraum 0404b, Mönchebergstraße 7
16:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
Vorlesungsbeginn / Vorlesungsende (Sommersemester 2025)
Beginn: Dienstag, 22.04.2025
Ende: Dienstag, 22.07.2025
Textbook recommendation:
Design of Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines - 2019 - Bhattacharya