Prof. Dr. Adrian Mellage

Head of group | Fachgebietsleiter

Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 3
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften I, 3116

Research focus  (Prof. Dr. Adrian Mellage)

My research combines laboratory and field experiments to monitor and quantify solute transport and transformations in the subsurface. Specifically, I focus on nutrient cycling (e.g. C and N), contaminant turnover (e.g. nitrate, chromium, hydrocarbons and herbicides), microbial growth and activity and the transport of nanomaterials in groundwater. I integrate novel geophysical monitoring tools (i.e. spectral induced polarization - SIP) with reactive transport modelling to better capture the dynamic behavior of reactive transport phenomena in groundwater and soil systems.

Link to publications via Google Scholar.
