Brenda Agidi

PhD Student | Doktorandin

Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 3
Ingenieurwissenschaften I, 4218

Research focus  (Brenda Agidi)

I am keen on exploring the characterization and impact of pollutants, specifically lead and benzene, in the groundwater of the oil region of Niger Delta, Nigeria. My research aims to develop a cost-effective and easy-to-use filtration materials using modified rice husk biochar to effectively remove these pollutants from abstracted water making it safe for consumption.

I combine field investigations to assess the extent of pollutant intrusion in groundwater and laboratory flow-through cell experiments to evaluate the adsorption efficiency of these biochar filter materials.

The research is funded by Petroleum Development Trust Fund, Nigeria.

ResearchGate link: Brenda Miseh Agidi (


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