Das Weltbudget – Sichere und faire Ressourcennutzung als globale Überlebensstrategie
The World Budget: Safe and fair resource use for global survival and well-being
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Best Practice for Right to Repair and Supply Chain Regulations: High-reparability Modular Smartphone Usage Model Mitigates Environmental Hotspots
Arsenic leakage crisis in supply chain of battery storage materials: Water quality footprint of cobalt mining demands action
The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e: description and evaluation of modifications and new features
Water – Global Assessment and Prognosis (WaterGAP) is a modeling approach for quantifying water resources and water use for all land areas of the Earth that has served science and society since 1996. In this paper, the refinements, new algorithms, and new data of the most recent model version v2.2e…Umweltpsychologie - Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme verstehen
Monitoring the German Bioeconomy - Status, performance trends and implications for sustainable development - Bioeconomy Monitoring Report 2024
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- Schomberg, Anna C.; Mostert, Clemens; Bringezu, Stefan (2025): Best Practice for Right to Repair and Supply Chain Regulations: High-reparability Modular Smartphone Usage Model Mitigates Environmental Hotspots.
In: Highlights Sustain. 4 (1), S. 38–55. DOI: 10.54175/hsustain4010003. - Schomberg, Anna C.; Tümpling, Wolf von; Kynast, Ellen (2025): Arsenic leakage crisis in supply chain of battery storage materials: Water quality footprint of cobalt mining demands action.
In: Water Resources and Industry 33, S. 100277. DOI: 10.1016/j.wri.2025.100277.
- Müller Schmied, Hannes; Trautmann, Tim; Ackermann, Sebastian; Cáceres, Denise; Flörke, Martina; Gerdener, Helena; Kynast, Ellen; Peiris, Thedini Asali; Schiebener, Leonie; Schumacher, Maike; Döll, Petra (2024): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e: description and evaluation of modifications and new features.
In: Geosci. Model Dev. 17 (23), S. 8817–8852. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-17-8817-2024. - Ernst, Andreas; Reese, Gerhard; Henn, Laura (2024): Umweltpsychologie - Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme verstehen.
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Online verfügbar unter - Beck-O’Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, B., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K. F., Dzene, I., Fehrenbach, H., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Meyer, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, J., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024): Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie - Zusammenfassung.
Online verfügbar unter - Beck-O’Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, B., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K. F., Dzene, I., Fehrenbach, H., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Meyer, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, J., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024): Monitoring the German Bioeconomy - Summary.
Online verfügbar unter - Beck-O’Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, B., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K. F., Dzene, I., Fehrenbach, H., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Meyer, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, J., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024): Monitoring the German Bioeconomy.
Online verfügbar unter - Mostert, Clemens (2024): Urban Mining – die Zukunft der Rohstoffgewinnung.
In: Harald Kühlborn (Hg.): Glückauf. Geschichten rund um den Bergbau in der Region Kassel. Kassel: euregioverlag (Band 45 in der Reihe "Die Region trifft sich - die Region erinnert sich"). - Glanz, D.; Mostert, C.; Bringezu, S.; Weishaar, H. G. (2024): Rohstoffaufwand in der ÖKOBAUDAT
Endbericht: Forschungsprogramm Zukunft Bau. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.10.2044. - Mundt, Daria; Batzke, Marlene C. L.; Bläsing, Thanee M.; Gomera Deaño, Sandro; Helfers, Anna (2024): Effectiveness and context dependency of social norm interventions: five field experiments on nudging pro-environmental and pro-social behavior.
In: Front. Psychol. 15. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1392296. - Batzke, Marlene C. L.; Ernst, Andreas (2024): Distinguishing fast change in social norms and slow change in personal norms in cooperative decision-making.
In: Front. Psychol. 15. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1380341. - Mostert, C.; Glanz, D.; Weishaar, H. G.; Sameer, H.; Bringezu, S. (2024): Anwendbarkeit von Indikatoren für den Kumulierten Rohstoffaufwand im BNB und QNG.
Hg. v. Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR). Bonn. Online verfügbar unter - Batzke, Marlene Clara Lucia (2024): Dynamics of Norms in Decision-Making.
A Psychological Analysis Combining Theory, Experiment, and Social Simulation. Dissertation. Universität Kassel. Online verfügbar unter - Dannenberg, Astrid; Gutsche, Gunnar; Batzke, Marlene C. L.; Christens, Sven; Engler, Daniel; Mankat, Fabian; Möller, Sophia; Weingärtner, Eva; Ernst, Andreas; Lumkowsky, Marcel; Wangenheim, Georg von; Hornung, Gerrit; Ziegler, Andreas (2024): The Effects of Norms on Environmental Behavior.
In: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, S. 0. DOI: 10.1086/727588. - Helander, Hanna; Schnepf, Simone; Stetter, Theresa; Ferrara, Francesca; Leipold, Sina (2024): Convenient solutions, inconvenient truths – Why supermarkets will not drive food system transformation.
In: ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 218, S. 108096. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.108096.
- Froese, Rebecca; Andrino, Alberto; Giudice, Renzo; Stuch, Benjamin; Kilian Salas, Simone; Böhner, Jürgen; Boy, Diana; Boy, Jens; Brown, Foster; Díaz García, Elisa; Figueroa, Diana; Frör, Oliver; Guggenberger, Georg; Horn, Marcus A.; Hasson, Shabeh ul; Jung, Christopher; Lagneaux, Elisabeth G.; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Pinzón Cuellar, Claudia; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Ribeiro, Sabina Cerruto; Schilling, Janpeter; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Schönenberg, Regine; Selaya, Galia; Vega, Claudia M.; Vetter, Vanessa M. S.; Villavicenio, Miguel; Callo-Concha, Daniel; Jansen, Merel; Jungkunst, Hermann F. (2023): Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework.
In: Front. Clim. 5. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2023.1145942. - Ernst, Andreas (2023): Umweltverhalten mit Hand und Fuss(-abdruck).
In: Organisationsberat Superv Coach. DOI: 10.1007/s11613-023-00860-0. - Schomberg, Anna C.; Bringezu, Stefan; Beusen, Arthur W. H. (2023): Water quality footprint of agricultural emissions of nitrogen, phosphorus and glyphosate associated with German bioeconomy.
In: Commun Earth Environ 4 (1). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-01054-3. - DIN SPEC 91458:2023-09, Nutzung von Kohlenstoffdioxid- Begriffe.
Online verfügbar unter - DIN SPEC 91484:2023-09, Verfahren zur Erfassung von Bauprodukten als Grundlage für Bewertungen des Anschlussnutzungspotentials vor Abbruch- und Renovierungsarbeiten (Pre-Demolition-Audit).
Online verfügbar unter - Ugolotti, Alessandro; Anders, Tim; Lanssens, Benjamin; Hickler, Thomas; François, Louis; Tölle, Merja H. (2023): Impact of bias correction on climate change signals over central Europe and the Iberian Peninsula.
In: Front. Environ. Sci. 11. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1116429. - Müller, Sebastian K.; Pichelli, Emanuela; Coppola, Erika; Berthou, Segolene; Brienen, Susanne; Caillaud, Cécile; Demory, Marie-Estelle; Dobler, Andreas; Feldmann, Hendrik; Mercogliano, Paola; Tölle, Merja; Vries, Hylke de (2023): The climate change response of alpine-mediterranean heavy precipitation events.
In: Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-023-06901-9. - Egenolf, Vincent; Schüngel, Jan; Bringezu, Stefan; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2023): The impact of the German timber footprint on potential species loss in supply regions.
In: The Science of the total environment, S. 165897. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165897. - Fenn, Julius; Helm, Jessica F.; Höfele, Philipp; Kulbe, Lars; Ernst, Andreas; Kiesel, Andrea (2023): Identifying key-psychological factors influencing the acceptance of yet emerging technologies–A multi-method-approach to inform climate policy.
In: PLOS Clim 2 (6), e0000207. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000207. - Bringezu, Stefan (2023): Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele lassen sich nur mit einer Begrenzung des Ressourcenverbrauchs erreichen.
In: nbau. Nachhaltig Bauen 2023 (3), S. 32–35. Online verfügbar unter - Glanz, Dilan; Sameer, Husam; Göbel, Daniela; Wetzel, Alexander; Middendorf, Bernhard; Mostert, Clemens; Bringezu, Stefan (2023): Comparative environmental footprint analysis of ultra-high-performance concrete using Portland cement and alkali-activated materials.
In: Front. Built Environ. 9. DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1196246. - Digulla, Finn-Erik; Bringezu, Stefan (2023): Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Mineralization Using Industrial Waste as Feedstock to Produce Cement Substitutes.
In: Energies 16 (10), S. 4118. DOI: 10.3390/en16104118. - Stuch, Benjamin; Alcamo, Joseph (2023): Systems methods for analyzing trade-offs between food security and conserving biodiversity.
In: Environ Syst Decis. DOI: 10.1007/s10669-023-09909-y. - Sangelantoni, L.; Sobolowski, S.; Lorenz, T.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Cardoso, R. M.; Soares, P. M. M.; Ferretti, R.; Lavín-Gullón, A.; Fernandez, J.; Goergen, K.; Milovac, J.; Katragkou, E.; Kartsios, S.; Coppola, E.; Pichelli, E.; Adinolfi, M.; Mercogliano, P.; Berthou, S.; Vries, H. de; Dobler, A.; Belušić, D.; Feldmann, H.; Tölle, M. H.; Bastin, S. (2023): Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS convection.
In: Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-023-06769-9. - Mostert, Clemens; Sameer, Husam; Bringezu, Stefan (2023): Die Ermittlung der Ressourceneffizienz und der Klimabelastung von Bauwerken.
In: Nabil A. Fouad (Hg.): 2023 Bauphysik Kalender: Wiley, S. 83–118. Online verfügbar unter - Huang, Bo; Li, Yan; Tölle, Merja H. (2023): Editorial: Interactions between land surface and climate.
In: Front. Environ. Sci. 11. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1169298. - Belušić Vozila, Andreina; Belušić, Danijel; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Güttler, Ivan; Bastin, Sophie; Brisson, Erwan; Demory, Marie-Estelle; Dobler, Andreas; Feldmann, Hendrik; Hodnebrog, Øivind; Kartsios, Stergios; Keuler, Klaus; Lorenz, Torge; Milovac, Josipa; Pichelli, Emanuela; Raffa, Mario; Soares, Pedro M. M.; Tölle, Merja H.; Truhetz, Heimo; Vries, Hylke de; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten (2023): Evaluation of the near-surface wind field over the Adriatic region: local wind characteristics in the convection-permitting model ensemble.
In: Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-023-06703-z. - Batzke, Marlene C. L.; Ernst, Andreas (2023): Conditions and Effects of Norm Internalization.
In: JASSS 26 (1). DOI: 10.18564/jasss.5003. - Lapola, David M.; Pinho, Patricia; Barlow, Jos; Aragão, Luiz E. O. C.; Berenguer, Erika; Carmenta, Rachel; Liddy, Hannah M.; Seixas, Hugo; Silva, Camila V. J.; Silva-Junior, Celso H. L.; Alencar, Ane A. C.; Anderson, Liana O.; Armenteras, Dolors; Brovkin, Victor; Calders, Kim; Chambers, Jeffrey; Chini, Louise; Costa, Marcos H.; Faria, Bruno L.; Fearnside, Philip M.; Ferreira, Joice; Gatti, Luciana; Gutierrez-Velez, Victor Hugo; Han, Zhangang; Hibbard, Kathleen; Koven, Charles; Lawrence, Peter; Pongratz, Julia; Portela, Bruno T. T.; Rounsevell, Mark; Ruane, Alex C.; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Da Silva, Sonaira S.; Randow, Celso von; Walker, Wayne S. (2023): The drivers and impacts of Amazon forest degradation.
In: Science 379 (6630), eabp8622. DOI: 10.1126/science.abp8622. - Lange, Florian; Berger, Sebastian; Byrka, Katarzyna; Brügger, Adrian; Henn, Laura; Sparks, Aaron C.; Nielsen, Kristian Steensen; Urban, Jan (2023): Beyond self-reports: A call for more behavior in environmental psychology.
In: Journal of Environmental Psychology, S. 101965. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.101965. - Schomberg, Anna C.; Bringezu, Stefan (2023): How can the water use of lithium brine mining be adequately assessed?.
In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling 190, S. 106806. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106806.
- Chrubasik, Nadine; Mühlenhoff, Stefan Campos; Ernst, Andreas; Herzig, Christian (Hg.) (2022): Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Campus.
Projekte, Konzepte und Impulse für eine nachhaltige Lehre. München: oekom Verlag. Online verfügbar unter - Hernández, Christian; Vita, Gibran (2022): Carbon footprint analysis of household consumption in greater Guadalajara reveal stark socio-spatial inequalities.
In: ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 199, S. 107495. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107495. - Mooney, Priscilla A.; Rechid, Diana; Davin, Edouard L.; Katragkou, Eleni; Noblet-Ducoudré, Natalie de; Breil, Marcus; Cardoso, Rita M.; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Hoffmann, Peter; Lima, Daniela C. A.; Meier, Ronny; Soares, Pedro M. M.; Sofiadis, Giannis; Strada, Susanna; Strandberg, Gustav; Tölle, Merja H.; Lund, Marianne T. (2022): Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation.
In: The Cryosphere 16 (4), S. 1383–1397. DOI: 10.5194/tc-16-1383-2022. - Soares, P. M. M.; Careto, J. A. M.; Cardoso, Rita M.; Goergen, Klaus; Katragkou, Eleni; Sobolowski, Stefan; Coppola, Erika; Ban, Nikolina; Belušić, Danijel; Berthou, Ségolène; Caillaud, Cécile; Dobler, Andreas; Hodnebrog, Øivind; Kartsios, Stergios; Lenderink, Geert; Lorenz, T.; Milovac, Josipa; Feldmann, Hendrik; Pichelli, Emanuela; Truhetz, Heimo; Demory, Marie Estelle; Vries, Hylke de; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten; Keuler, Klaus; Raffa, Mario; Tölle, Merja H.; Sieck, Kevin; Bastin, Sophie (2022): The added value of km-scale simulations to describe temperature over complex orography: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps.
In: Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06593-7. - Daloz, Anne Sophie; Schwingshackl, Clemens; Mooney, Priscilla; Strada, Susanna; Rechid, Diana; Davin, Edouard L.; Katragkou, Eleni; Noblet-Ducoudré, Nathalie de; Belda, Michal; Halenka, Tomas; Breil, Marcus; Cardoso, Rita M.; Hoffmann, Peter; Lima, Daniela C. A.; Meier, Ronny; Soares, Pedro M. M.; Sofiadis, Giannis; Strandberg, Gustav; Tölle, Merja H.; Lund, Marianne T. (2022): Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect.
In: The Cryosphere 16 (6), S. 2403–2419. DOI: 10.5194/tc-16-2403-2022. - Mahlich, Lukas; Jung, Christopher; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022): The Biodiversity Footprint of German Soy-Imports in Brazil.
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In: Joy Murray, Anne Owen, Moana Simas und Arunima Malik (Hg.): A triple bottom line analysis of global consumption. First edition: Jenny Stanford Publishing, Chapter 32 (20 p.). - Bringezu, Stefan (2022): The World Budget.
Safe and fair resource use for global survival and well-being: Amazon. Online verfügbar unter - Sameer, Husam; Behem, Guillaume; Mostert, Clemens; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Comparative Analysis of Resource and Climate Footprints for Different Heating Systems in Building Information Modeling.
In: Buildings 12 (11), S. 1824. DOI: 10.3390/buildings12111824. - Müller, Sebastian K.; Caillaud, Cécile; Chan, Steven; Vries, Hylke de; Bastin, Sophie; Berthou, Ségolène; Brisson, Erwan; Demory, Marie-Estelle; Feldmann, Hendrik; Goergen, Klaus; Kartsios, Stergios; Lind, Petter; Keuler, Klaus; Pichelli, Emanuela; Raffa, Mario; Tölle, Merja H.; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten (2022): Evaluation of Alpine-Mediterranean precipitation events in convection-permitting regional climate models using a set of tracking algorithms.
In: Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06555-z. - Zander, Katrin; Will, Sabine; Göpel, Jan; Jung, Christopher; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022): Societal Evaluation of Bioeconomy Scenarios for Germany.
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Sichere und faire Ressourcennutzung als globale Überlebensstrategie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Online verfügbar unter - Schomberg, Anna C.; Bringezu, Stefan; Flörke, Martina; Biederbick, Hannes (2022): Spatially explicit life cycle assessments reveal hotspots of environmental impacts from renewable electricity generation.
In: Commun Earth Environ 3 (1). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-022-00521-7. - Egenolf, Vincent; Distelkamp, Martin; Morland, Christian; Beck-O'Brien, Meghan; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): The timber footprint of German bioeconomy scenarios compared to the planetary boundaries for sustainable roundwood supply.
In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 33, S. 686–699. DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2022.07.029. - Kaiser, Simon (2022): CO₂ as Carbon Source.
CO₂ als Kohlenstoffquelle - Systemanalyse des Nutzungspotenzials für CO₂ im deutschen Chemie- und Kunststoffsektor sowie der internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit für die Produktion von CO₂-basierten Basischemikalien und Kunststoffprodukten in Deutschland. Dissertation. Universität Kassel. Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR). Online verfügbar unter - Mostert, Clemens; Bock, Jannik; Sameer, Husam; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Environmental Assessment of Carbon Concrete Based on Life-Cycle Wide Climate, Material, Energy and Water Footprints.
In: Materials (Basel, Switzerland) 15 (14), S. 4855. DOI: 10.3390/ma15144855. - Beck-O’Brien, M.; Egenolf, V.; Winter, S.; Zahnen, J.; Griesshammer, N. (2022): Everything from wood – The resource of the future or the next crisis? How footprints, benchmarks and targets can support a balanced bioeconomy transition.
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In: Resources 11 (6), S. 56. DOI: 10.3390/resources11060056. - Kaiser, Simon; Gold, Stefan; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Environmental and economic assessment of CO2-based value chains for a circular carbon use in consumer products.
In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling 184, S. 106422. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106422. - Batzke, Marlene C. L.; Ernst, Andreas (2022): Explaining and Resolving Norm-Behavior Inconsistencies—A Theoretical Agent-Based Model.
In: Marcin Czupryna und Bogumił Kamiński (Hg.): Advances in Social Simulation. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Springer Proceedings in Complexity), S. 41–52. - Kaiser, Simon; Siems, Felix; Mostert, Clemens; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Environmental and Economic Performance of CO2-Based Methanol Production Using Long-Distance Transport for H2 in Combination with CO2 Point Sources: A Case Study for Germany.
In: Energies 15 (7), S. 2507. DOI: 10.3390/en15072507. - Schüngel, Jan; Stuch, Benjamin; Fohry, Claudia; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022): Effects of initialization of a global land-use model on simulated land change and loss of natural vegetation.
In: Environmental Modelling & Software 148, S. 105287. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105287. - Hennenberg, Klaus Josef; Gebhardt, Swantje; Wimmer, Florian; Distelkamp, Martin; Lutz, Christian; Böttcher, Hannes; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022): Germany’s Agricultural Land Footprint and the Impact of Import Pattern Allocation.
In: Sustainability 14 (1), S. 105. DOI: 10.3390/su14010105. - Mostert, Clemens; Weber, Christian; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Modelling and Simulation of Building Material Flows: Assessing the Potential for Concrete Recycling in the German Construction Sector.
In: Recycling 7 (2), S. 13. DOI: 10.3390/recycling7020013. Online verfügbar unter - Gries, Nadja von; Bringezu, Stefan (2022): Using New Spare Parts for Repair of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment? The Material Footprint of Individual Components.
In: Resources 11 (2), S. 24. DOI: 10.3390/resources11020024. Online verfügbar unter - Sofiadis, Giannis; Katragkou, Eleni; Davin, Edouard L.; Rechid, Diana; Noblet-Ducoudre, Nathalie de; Breil, Marcus; Cardoso, Rita M.; Hoffmann, Peter; Jach, Lisa; Meier, Ronny; Mooney, Priscilla A.; Soares, Pedro M. M.; Strada, Susanna; Tölle, Merja H.; Warrach Sagi, Kirsten (2022): Afforestation impact on soil temperature in regional climate model simulations over Europe.
In: Geosci. Model Dev. 15 (2), S. 595–616. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-15-595-2022. - Ren, Zijian; Jiang, Meng; Chen, Dingjiang; Yu, Yadong; Li, Fei; Xu, Ming; Bringezu, Stefan; Zhu, Bing (2022): Stocks and flows of sand, gravel, and crushed stone in China (1978–2018): Evidence of the peaking and structural transformation of supply and demand.
In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling 180, S. 106173. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106173.
- DIN SPEC 91432:2021-02, Multikriterielle Bewertung von Energiesystemen.
Online verfügbar unter - Lang, Daniel J.; Renn, Ortwin; Rehm, Annika; Ernst, Andreas (2021): Transdisziplinäre Forschung mit transformativem Anspruch: Zehn Jahre NaWis: Rückblick und Vorausschau.
In: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 30 (1), S. 51–53. DOI: 10.14512/gaia.30.1.10. - Churiulin, Evgenii; Kopeikin, Vladimir; Übel, Markus; Helmert, Jürgen; Bettems, Jean-Maria; Tölle, Merja H. (2021): Improving the stomatal resistance, photosynthesis and two big leaf algorithms for grass in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM [preprint].
Biogeosciences Discuss. Online verfügbar unter - Berger, Markus; Campos, Jazmin; Carolli, Mauro; Dantas, Ianna; Forin, Silvia; Kosatica, Ervin; Kramer, Annika; Mikosch, Natalia; Nouri, Hamideh; Schlattmann, Anna; Schmidt, Falk; Schomberg, Anna; Semmling, Elsa (2021): Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs – Recommendations from the “Water as a Global Resources” Research Initiative (GRoW).
In: Water Resources Management 35 (4), S. 1291–1298. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-021-02784-9. - Schulze, Ernst‐Detlef; Sierra, Carlos; Egenolf, Vincent; Woerdehoff, Rene; Irsinger, Roland; Baldamus, Conrad; Stupak, Inge; Spellmann, Hermann (2021): Forest management contributes to climate mitigation by reducing fossil fuel consumption: A response to the letter by Welle et al.
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