Sustainable land use project

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Departments involved in FB11 at the University of Kassel

Project goals

The project focuses on accompanying research into the establishment of a new agroforestry system of value and nut trees in combination with arable crops on the Hessian state domain of Frankenhausen and research into an established agroforestry system of fast-growing woody plants (willows) and arable crops at the Reiffenhausen site (Göttingen district).

In Frankenhausen, the focus is on the establishment of a new agroforestry system, which is to be scientifically monitored. The focus of the research is on the combination of value and nut trees with arable crops. In addition to the crop development (above and below ground), this includes the recording of soil biological parameters and the effects on faunistic aspects.

In Reiffenhausen, research focuses on the investigation of root growth, the determination of carbon dynamics and the recording of plant development and biomass yield. To this end, three working groups from Department 11 at the University of Kassel are working closely together to investigate these important aspects of agroforestry research.


Duration: 09/2021 to 09/2025

Selected publications / lectures

Burzik, W., Voßkuhl, L., Müller, M., Graß, R., Athmann, M. (2024): Agroforestry: Root carbon contents in an alley-cropping system of short rotation willow and grassland. In: Agriculture and nutrition - transformation only makes sense together. 17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming from March 5-8, 2024, Giessen

Voßkuhl, L., Bartsch, J., Müller, M., Graß, R., Athmann, M. (2023): Agroforestry: root growth and earthworm activity in an alley-cropping system of short rotation willow and grassland. In: Kaul, H.-P., Neugschwandtner, R., Francke-Weltmann, L.: DIGITAL TOOLS, BIG DATA, MODELING AND SENSING METHODS FOR SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATE SMART CROP AND GRASSLAND SYSTEMS, 64th Annual Conference of the Society for Crop Science e. V. 04.-06.10.2023 in Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany: 41-42

Voßkuhl, L., Müller, M., Burzik, W., Graß, R., Athmann, M. (2023): Alley cropping with walnut, hazelnut and currant: design of an agroforestry experiment (P4). In: Morhart C, Schindler Z, Göbel L, Obladen N, Krüner K, Westerwalbesloh: Forum Agroforstsysteme: Landwirtschaft zukunftsfähig gestalten. 28-29.9.2023 in Freiburg im Breisgau: 53-54

Voßkuhl, L., Müller, M., Athmann, M., Graß, R. (2023): Agroforestry system of spring wheat and willow in short rotation - grain yield and stand development (P6). In: Morhart C, Schindler Z, Göbel L, Obladen N, Krüner K, Westerwalbesloh: Forum Agroforstsysteme: Landwirtschaft zukunftsfähig gestalten. 28-29.9.2023 in Freiburg im Breisgau: 57-58