Safe and reliable structures
Safe and reliable structures
The Institute of Nanostructure technologies and Analytics (INA), department of Technological Electronics, is oriented from basic research on material science, high resolution nanotechnological structuring, micro system technology, nanophotonics on one side to applications on the other side. The structured materials and fabricated components are applied in mechanical and electrical engineering in functional surfaces and interfaces as well as in smart personal environments implementing sensors and actuators for medical, information, energy and mobility technology. We have been working on research and development of micro-machined and opto-electronic components for many years. Our topics are focussed on fundamental research, but they are always application-oriented.
Our Institute is equipped with modern 400m2 cleanroom facilities including a class 1 cleanroom section. We use semiconductor technologies as NanoImprint Technologies, Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), several deposition techniques, wet- and dry-chemical etching technologies, focussed ion beam (FIB) technologies, optical lithography, electron beam lithography and microscopy (ion, electron, scanning probe and optical). Laboratory facilities for our analytics section are a further important part of our institute.
With our micro-machining projects we achieved international records. Our fundamental research on micro mirror arrays was awarded with the "European Grand Prix for Innovation Awards". INA is one of the founding members of the "Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology" (CINSaT) and the "Nanoimprint Consortium Hessen" (NIH). Prof. Dr. Hillmer is coordinating the participation of the University of Kassel in the "Nanonetzwerk Hessen" and he is chairman of the Hesse NanoImprint Consortium.

Research topics: We work on basic research and fundamental development of novel structuring methods and components in the field of mico-machining, MEMS technology (micro-electronical-mechanical-systems), thin film technology, spectroscopic sensorics, IT and medical, energy, safety and security technologies.
A. Fundamental research on method development of large area NanoImprint Technology for functional surface structuring and NIL. We developed high resolution 3D NanoImprint templates with vertical sub-nanometer accuracy. The templates are based on different material systems and are transparent or opaque, matching to thermal and UV curing of the structured organic functional layer. The templates are hard (only <3”) or soft (larger size) using SCIL technology (cooperation with SüssMicroTec, OPN and Philips).
B. Micromirror arrays for light steering using electrostatic actuation (>90° continuous mirror tilting by voltage span of 40V, required power to keeping the mirrors in position = 0.0002W/m2). Applications: smart personal environments, energy saving and production, medical care and security (Cooperation with vWBeT, NPS and Energy Glass).
C. Laser-based nanosensor “Nanonose” for trace fluid detection. Potential of sub-cm sensor system size. Applications: smart personal environments, medical and environmental monitoring and security (Cooperation with B.Braun).
D. Nanospectrometer fabricated by 3D NanoImprint with optical resolution >400 and small sensor size of few mm. Applications: smart personal environments, medical and environmental monitoring and security (Cooperation with Carl Zeiss, MAZeT, Laytec and OPN).
E. 3D photonic crystals based on micomachined InP/multiple airgap membrane Fabry Pérot Filters for spectral and polarization sensors.
F. Hybride VCSELs based on organic and inorganic materials for green and UV emission.
G. Theoretical model calculations including optical, electrical, mechanical, thermal or quantum mechanical properties (Cooperation with CEP).