Nanostructures I
Nanophysics (WiSe)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier
The lectures consist of 3 SWh. The lectures are suitable for students from 7. or later semester of "Nanostructure Science Course" (required subject) and from 5. or later semester of "Physics diploma" (elective course). Basic knowledge of experimental physics, solid state physics and quantum mechanics are required.
The first of the two lecture parts (WS) gives knowledge about the physical properties of the nanostructures. The lectures go into the dimensions independent of physical properties of solid objects and the dominating influence of quantum mechanical principles for description of the phenomena. Further fabrication and characterization methods for nanostructures will be discussed. The second part (in SS) deals with the application examples of nano-structured materials in the nanomechanics, nanoelectronics, optoelctronics and nanophotonics.
Content of the lectures
fundamental thoughts and differentiation from atomic physic and continuum physic
overview of the fabrication methods (top-down, bottom-up and others)
overview of the characterization methods
overview of the application possibilities
Physical fundamentals
mechanics and thermodynamics
quantum mechanics
atomic physics and physics of the moleculs
solid state physics
Mechanical and thermal properties of nanostructured materials
mechanical properties of the nanostructures
thermal properties of the nanoparticles and clusters of the moleculs
Electrical and magnetic properties of the nanostructured solids
theory of the low-dimensional electron systems (quqntum films, quantum wires, quantum dots)
electron transport in nanostructured semiconductors (tunnel effect, coulomb blockade and others)
properties of nanostructured magnetic materials and particles
Optical properties of the nanostructured solids
interaction of the nanostructured semiconductors with electromagnetic radiation
nanostructured photonic systems (photonic crystals, microcavities and others)
quantum dot structures in optical resonators
Nanostructuring techniques
top-down methods (lithography, nanoimprint, AFM and others)
bottom-up methods (self growth methods, Sol-Gel, chemical methods)
Characterization methods for nanostructures
scanning electron- and transmission microscopy
special scanning electron methods (AFM, STM, magnet. AFM, SNOM and others)
analytical methods (XRD, EBID, FIB, SIMS and others)
Introduction in the application of nanostructures
Nanoparticles and molecule clusters
Molacular electronics
Nanostructures in the optoelectronics
Review of the summer semester (Chapter 9.-15.)
Nanostructures from the physical point of view II (Applications)
Lecture / Exercise times
First lecture: Monday, 21. Oct. 2024
Monday, 15.15 - 17.00 in room 1252
Thursday, 12.15 - 13.00 in room 1245
First exercise: Friday, 8. Nov. 2024
Friday, 13.00 - 14.00 in room 1252
Documents for the lecture and exercise can be found in the Moodle course NP I (access code will be announced in the 1st lecture).
Link to Moodle:
Examination data (oral)
Oral Exams WiSe 2024/2025:
Tuesday 29.04.2025 from 10.15 am
Wednesday 30. April 2025 from 9.00 am
Length of the oral examination is 60 minutes for every student.
Please register for the exam in person or by e-mail at the Technical Physics Office. Please do not forget to register in HISPOS.
Registration deadline: 28. and 29. April 2025