Professional training course
Introduction to professional training course for physics and nanoscience students
13.11.2024 from 15:00 until 17:00 via Zoom
The link will be sent after registration per e-mail at teph-sekretariat[at]ina.uni-kassel[dot]de
General information
Information from Module Books regarding the practical training:
- BSc Physik – Berufspraktikum
- MSc Physics – PMWS 3 Occupational Internship
- BSc Nanostrukturwissenschaften – BPR Berufspraktikum Nanostrukturwissenschaften / Professional practical training to Nanoscience
- MSc Nanoscience – BPM Professional Practical Training
General information regarding the modules:
1. The students find a place for their practical training and inform Prof. Popov per e-mail ( about the place and planned period.
2. After the practical training they inform per e-mail Prof. Popov that they have completed the training and provide him a copy of the confirmation from the host institution/company. In addition, they decide whether they will present a talk at the Introductory Seminar (takes place once per year, usually in November) or they will write a report.
3. After the presentation at the seminar or after sending the report, Prof. Popov sends e-mail with a mark (for BSc and MSc Nano students) or a confirmation for the completed module (for BSc and MSc Physics students) to Prüfungsbüro FB10 with a copy to the student.