“Microwave and Terahertz Photonics: technics and integration for generation and applications”, ITN, 7th framework

MITEPHO is an Initial Training Network (ITN) that seeks to train researchers in the pursue to develop photonic sources for CW signal generation from Microwave (μW) to Terahertz (THz) frequencies.

The main objective of the network is to establish a crossroad among the different technical domains that overlap on this topic, gathering experts in the domains of photonic sources and detectors from physics and engineering backgrounds. The network consists of 5 University partners, 2 Research Laboratories and 4 Industrial partners from across Europe. MITEPHO is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme.

The principal research objective is to design and develop efficient and reliable sources for the photonic generation of MicroWave (µW) and Terahertz (THz), providing sufficient power to be useful in selected areas of application. The importance of the topic relies on the fact that as the deployment of mature and compact solutions is just beginning to emerge, obtaining low-cost, compact and integrated photonic solutions in both cases constitutes a challenge for the near future.
The core of the network, the training program, establishes a training environment that takes care of the common and personal aspects of the training, both being equally important and essential. The common aspect is addressed at the network level (through summer schools, platforms and workshops), and aims to cover the needs of training to integrate the different components in the photonic oscillator. The personal aspect, developed through a specific career development plan for each network fellow, focuses on the tasks of the research program assigned to the researcher on the training-through-research approach.
The activities of the network will be closely followed by industry, represented in MITEPHO by a leading industry full partner (THALES), and several associated industrial partners from different activity quadrants (Ekspla and Teravil). These companies come from different countries, allowing gathering market perspectives from leading producers of technology in Europe (France) as well as the important market of Eastern Europe. 

Project Partners:

  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (coordinator)
  • Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany 
  • Universität Kassel, INA, Germany
  • University College London, United Kingdom 
  • Université de Savoi, France
  • Semiconductor Physics Institute, Villnius, Lithuania 
  • Institute d‘Electronique, de Microtronique et de Nanotechnologie (CNRS), France
  • Thales Research & Technology, France