
This project is a national cooperative project supported by the German Ministry of Eduction and Research (BMBF). The goal of the project is to exploit different applications of the tunnel magnetic resistance (TMR) effect, e.g., for magnetic field, current or pressure sensing.

Within the TMR-Tech project the INA group is a sub-contractor and is responsible for the simulation of deformation and stress distributions in new-types of pressure sensors. The TMR-effect is used as detecting mechanism to determine the stress value in local sensor elements on a membrane structure, which can be used as a very compact pressure detector. The goal is here to use finite element methods to simulate real stress sensor and membrane geometries to predict maximum sensor response signals depending on sensor position, geometry and material composition.

The BmBF project is a collaboration of the following partners:

  • Infineon (coordinator of cooperation project )
  • CAESAR (Bonn) / University of Kiel
  • Siemens Erlangen
  • INA, University of Kassel

The project is funded from July 2006 to June 2009.