Pascal Angerhausen
Doctoral candidate

- Telephone
- +49 5121 883-10192
- angerhausen[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Universität Hildesheim
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Abteilung Angewandte Erziehungswissenschaft
Universitätsplatz 1
31141 Hildesheim
N 218 - Forum
Pascal Angerhausen is part of the INCHER since September 2022. As a research assistant, he supports Dr. Shweta Mishra by collecting and evaluating qualitative data for the research project "ErfolgInklusiv".
Before he joined the INCHER, Pascal Angerhausen was working as a research assistant at the institute for social affairs at the University of Kassel, were he supported the research project "FaSo - Institutionalized solidarity from and with families. An international comparison of social rights’ entitlements". Further, he was and is still giving seminars for students of the B.A. Social Work.
He is currently working on his dissertation, titled "Challenges of Transgender Citizenship and their European "Solutions"". There, he investigates the conceptual challenges transgender citizenship proposes and the different "solutions" that European countries provide. Further, he is developing explanatory approaches for the cross-country differences of transgender citizenship in Europe.