Dr. Tim Seidenschnur

- Telephone
- +49 561 804-7570
- seidenschnur[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER)
University of Kassel
Moenchebergstr. 17
34109 Kassel, Germany
Dr. Tim Seidenschnur is a research associate in the DFG-funded project"Multiple Competition in Research and Teaching: Organizational Competition and its Consequences in the Excellence Initiative and the Teaching Quality Pact" and has coordinated the DFG research group Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System since 2021.
From April 2024 to February 2025, he held the deputy professorship "Higher Education Research" at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel.
From 2018 to 2021, Tim Seidenschnur was coordinator of the research focus Governance and Organization at INCHER and research assistant to Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken in the DFG-funded project "Legitimation of Management Consulting in Different Institutional Contexts" (LegU). The LegU project took place in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel and Julia Galwa from the University of Hamburg. Before Tim Seidenschnur worked on the LegU project at INCHER, he worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Special Sociology at the University of Würzburg and as a lecturer for special tasks at the Chair of Macrosociology at the University of Kassel. Tim Seidenschnur completed his doctorate in 2012 on the topic of "contextual anti-Semitism" under Prof. Dr. Heinz Bude in Kassel. Since then, his research interests have focused on sociological theory, particularly organizational sociology and higher education research.
Tim Seidenschnur deals with organizational sociological issues, focusing in particular on competition, legitimation processes and organizational governance
Anti-Semitism in Context. Explorations in the ethnically heterogeneous milieu of adolescents, transcript: Bielefeld 2013.
Controversy about the Wehrmacht. The debates about the Wehrmacht exhibition through the generations, tectum: Marburg 2010.
Krücken, Georg; Götze, Nicolai; Seidenschnur, Tim (2025): Lions, Game Players and Niche Providers: Universities' Positioning in Funding Competitions in Germany. Higher Education Quarterly 79(1); https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.70005
Bloch, Roland; Mitterle, Alexander; Seidenschnur, Tim (2024). How do universities compete? Introduction to the special issue. Studies in Higher Education, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2395418
Seidenschnur, Tim; Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg (2024): Multiple roles of the state - federal states and their roles in how universities compete in Germany. Studies in Higher Education, 1-10 (online first).doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2392660
Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg & Seidenschnur, Tim (2024): Multiple competition - multiple competitive actors? State competition in higher education and the transformation of federal states into competitive actors. In: Webler, Wolff-Dietrich (ed.): Excessive and overheated competition in science I. Science funding and its aberrations. Bielefeld : UVW UniversitätsVerlagWebler (Hochschulwesen: Wissenschaft und Praxis; N. F. 43), pp. 41 - 68. doi. org/10.25656/01:30633
Buschkamp, Leonie; Seidenschnur, Tim (2023): Competition on hold? How competing discourses shape academic organizations in times of crisis. Higher Education.doi.org/10.1007/s10734-023-01130-9
Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022) (eds.): The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic, CHEF Working Paper on University Reform, 37.
Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Introduction. In: Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022) (eds.): The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic, CHEF Working Paper on University Reform, 37. 1-12.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Pineda, Pedro (2022): Germany. In: Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022) (eds.): The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic, CHEF Working Paper on University Reform, 37. 143-164.
Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Conclusion and summery. In: Veiga, Amélia; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022) (eds.): The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic, CHEF Working Paper on University Reform, 37. 246-258.
Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Reflection paths of tender competitions. A comparison of the Excellence Initiative and the Teaching Quality Pact. The higher education system 1+2, 49-59.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Galwa, Julia; Krücken, Georg; Vogel, Rick (2022): Consulting in Context: Legitimacy of Management Consultants in Public Administration and at Universities. Management Revue 33 (1), 19-41. DOI: 10.5771/0935-9915-2022-1-19.
Pineda, Pedro; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Translating student evaluation of teaching: how discourse and cultural environments pressure rationalizing procedures. In: Studies in Higher Education 47 (7), pp. 1326-1342. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2021.1889491 (Online first 2021)
Seidenschnur, Tim; Mishra, Shweta; Krücken, Georg (2021) (eds.): Theories and methods in higher education research - a space of opportunities. European Journal of Higher Education, Supplement 1/11. DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2021.2004905
Pineda, Pedro; Seidenschnur, Tim (2021): The metrification of teaching: student evaluation of teaching in the United States, Germany and Colombia. Comparative Education 57 (3): 377-397. DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2021.1924447
Seidenschnur, Tim (2021): A typology of social characters and various means of control: an analysis of communication during the early stages of the corona pandemic in Germany. European Societies 23 (1): pp. 923-941. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1857422 (Open Access)
Seidenschnur, Tim; Veiga, Amélia; Jungblut, Jens; Magalhães, António (2020): Hopes, beliefs, and concerns. Narratives in German and Portuguese universities regarding Brexit. Higher Education 79: 867-884. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-019-00443-y
Seidenschnur, Tim (2019): The Logic of Innovation. A Study on the Narrative Construction of Intrapreneurial Groups in the Light of Competing Institutional Logics. Historical Social Research 44 (4): 222-249 (doi: 10.12759/hsr.44.2019.4.222-249)
Seidenschnur, Tim; Krücken, Georg (2019): Constructing the Consultant as a Legitimate Actor: The Role of Active Clients in Universities. In: Hwang, Hokyu; Colyvas, Jeannette A.; Drori, Gili S. (eds.): Agents, actors, actorhood. Institutional perspectives on the nature of agency, action, and authority. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing (Research in the sociology of organizations, v. 58), pp. 111-133.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Krücken, Georg (2019): In demand and without a plan? The role of consulting in the organizational society. In: Apelt, M. et al. (eds): Handbook of Organizational Sociology. Springer Reference Social Sciences. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Krücken, Georg; Galwa, Julia; Vogel, Rick: Berater im Spiegel des Feldes. A professional sociological reconstruction of their legitimization in administrations and universities. Social World 1 (2018), 6-32.
online: https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0038-6073-2018-1-6.pdf?page=1
Jungblut, Jens; Seidenschnur, Tim (2018): Germany: Much ado about nothing? Perceptions in German universities regarding the impact of Brexit. In: Aline Courtois (ed.): Higher education and Brexit: current European perspectives. Special report. London and Copenhagen: Centre for Global Higher Education, pp. 47-59. Online:http://www.researchcghe.org/perch/resources/publications/he-and-brexit.pdf
Seidenschnur, Tim; Krücken, Georg; Vogel, Rick and Galwa, Julia (2016): Advising universities - learning processes between university thinking and economic logic. Higher Education Management 3, 66-72.
Vogel, Rick; Galwa, Julia; Krücken, Georg and Seidenschnur, Tim (2016): Legitimization problems and strategies of management consultants in the public sector. der moderne staat 2, 253-276.
Seidenschnur, Tim (2015): Antisemitic statements in an everyday life without antisemites. In: Bude, Heinz, Dellwing, Michel and Scott Grills (eds.): Little Secrets. Everyday sociological insights. Springer: Wiesbaden, pp 153-184.
Seidenschnur, Tim (2014): Spaß am Antisemitismus - Gegenkultur im Sozialisationsraum Schule, in: Dr.-Lothar-Beyer-Stiftung an der Universität Kassel (ed.): Passagen in den Sozialwissenschaften. Contributions by the scholarship holders. Kassel university press: Kassel 2014, pp. 92-113.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Weiß, Johannes (2014): Classics test: ten introductions, Sociological Review, 3/2014, 263-272.
Seidenschnur, Tim (2014): Extremism - Theoretical options and challenges in research, Soziologische Revue, 1/2014, 47-58.