Qualitätssicherung von Studium und Lehre durch Akkreditierungs- und Evaluationsverfahren (completed 2017)
Procedures for external and internal quality assurance of teaching and learning continue to be discussed controversially in Germany. This is due, among other things, to a lack of knowledge about the relationship between external and internal quality assurance and the management and quality of teaching and learning. Although study programs have been accredited since 2001 and higher education institutions since 2009, and both have been evaluated for much longer, there is little to no scientifically validated knowledge about the innovations that quality assurance of study and teaching produces: neither with regard to quality nor with regard to the internal and external management of study and teaching at higher education institutions.
The INCHER project "Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning through Accreditation and Evaluation" covers the most common procedures of external quality assurance of teaching and learning with accreditation (program and system accreditation) and evaluation (program evaluation and institutional audits/university evaluations). In addition, program- and organization-related procedures of internal quality assurance as well as their control mechanisms are examined.
Project Publications
Steinhardt, Isabel, Schneijderberg, Christian, Götze, Nicolai, Baumann, Janosch, Krücken, Georg (2016): Mapping the quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education: the emergence of a specialty? In: Higher Education, (First Online: 09 August 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10734-016-0045-5).
Steinhardt, Isabel; Schneijderberg, Christian; Krücken, Georg; Baumann, Janosch (2018): External and internal quality assurance of study and teaching through accreditation and evaluation procedures - Report on results. Ed. by INCHER-KASSEL. University of Kassel.