Studium und Beruf in Nordrhein-Westfalen (StubNRW) (abgeschlossen 2014)

in brief

As part of INCHER’s graduate studies cooperation project (KOAB) all graduates of about 70 universities in Germany are surveyed about 1.5 years after the completion of their studies. In winter semester 2012/13, almost all Fachhochschulen and universities in North Rhine-Westphalia (without art and music institutions) are surveyed. The almost complete participation of the public Fachhochschulen and universities of a federal state offers for the first time in the KOAB studies the chnace to generate a representative analysis for an entire state.

The project aims to answer questions on the following topics:

  • heterogeneity of graduates and differences over the study period,
  • factors of the study period (eg, educational background of parents who finance their studies, international mobility),
  • transition from Bachelor to Master program,
  • change of subject,
  • internationalization of studies,
  • retrospective assessment of study programs and conditions,
  • fit between study and subsequent career,
  • entryinto the labor market and whereabouts of graduates.


  • March 2013 - August 2014


heads of project
