Research Center for Enforcement and Judicial Law
What exactly is a bailiff? What is he or she allowed to do and what should the professional training of this most important enforcement officer look like today? What developments are there in the modernization of civil procedural enforcement law, which serves in particular to enforce court decisions? And how is "judicial law", i.e. the law governing the court system, the legal professions and their studies and training, including electronic litigation and civil justice as a cross-sectional discipline of the digitalization of judicial processes, developing? The new research center at the University of Kassel, i.e. a scientific competence center for contemporary and contentious issues of enforcement and judicial law, deals with questions like these scientifically.

Project description
Project duration: 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2027
Funding from the German Association of Bailiffs (Deutscher Gerichtsvollzieherbund e.V.)

Work program and individual projects