Publications within CRC ELCH
Funding organization and project number
In german media:
"Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – Projektnummer 328961117 – SFB 1319 ELCH"
In english media:
"Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Projektnummer 328961117 – SFB 1319 ELCH"
V. Music, F. Allum, L. Inhester, P. Schmidt, R. Boll, T.M. Baumann, G. Brenner, M. Brouard, M. Burt,. P.V. Demekhin, S. Dörner, A. Ehresmann, A. Galler, P. Grychtol, D. Heathcote, D. Kargin, M. Larsson, J.W. L. Lee, Z. Li, B. Manschwetus, L. Marder, R. Mason, M. Meyer, H. Otto, C. Passow, R. Pietschnig, D. Ramm, D. Rolles, K. Schubert, L. Schwob, R.D. Thomas, C. Vallance, I. Vidanovic, C. von Korff Schmising, R. Wagner, V. Zhaunerchyk, P. Walter, S. Bari, B. Erk & M. Ilchen
"Wavelength-Dependent Photodissociation of Iodomethylbutane"
arXiv preprint (2025) (February 23rd)
arXiv: Tomasch, F. Spallek, G.W. Fuchs, T.F. Giesen, S.Y. Buhmann
"Strong coupling of a chiral molecule with circularly polarised modes inside a cavity "
arXiv preprint (2024) (Decembre 24th)
arXiv: Franca, F. Spallek, S. Giesen, R. Berger, K. Singer, S. Aull, S.Y. Buhmann
"Spectroscopic footprints of quantum friction in nonreciprocal and chiral media"
arXiv preprint (2024) (Decembre 23th)
arXiv: Sun, D. S. Tikhonov, and M. Schnell
"Direct observation of time-dependent coherent chiral tunneling dynamics"
arXiv preprint (2024) (December 10th)
arXiv: Y. Buhmann, A. Hans, J. C. Franz, and Ph. V. Demekhin
"Photoelectron circular dichroism of a chiral molecule induced by resonant interatomic Coulombic decay from an antenna atom"
arXiv preprint (2024) (December 3rd)
doi: Cameron, D. McArthur, A.M. Yao, N. Vogeley, and D. Wang
"Robust chiral optical force via electric dipole interactions, inspired by a sea creature"
arXiv preprint (2024) (December 3rd)
arXiv: Blech, R.M.M. Ebeling, M. Heger, C.P. Koch, D.M. Reich
"Numerical evaluation of orientation averages and its application to molecular physics"
arXiv preprint (2024) (Octobre 21st)
arXiv: G. Wilkins, H. A. Perrett, S. M. Udrescu, A. A. Kyuberis, L. F. Pasteka, M. Au, I. Belosevíc, R. Berger, C. L. Binnersley, M. L. Bissell, A. Borschevsky, A. A. Breier, A. J. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, B. S. Cooper, R. P. de Groote, A. Dorne, E. Eliav, R. W. Field, K. T. Flanagan, S. Franchoo, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, K. Gaul, S. Geldhof, T. F. Giesen, F. P. Gustafsson, D. Hanstorp, R. Heinke, A. Koszorús, S. Kujanpää, L. Lalanne, G. Neyens, M. Nichols, J. R. Reilly, C. M. Ricketts, S. Rothe, A. Sunaga, B. van den Borne, A. R. Vernon, Q. Wang, J. Wessolek, F. Wienholtz, X. F. Yang, Y. Zhou, and C. Zülch
"Ionization potential of radium monofluoride"
arXiv preprint (2024) (Octobre 21st)
arXiv: Bloß, N.V. Kryzhevoi, J. Maurmann, P. Schmidt, A. Knie, J.H. Viehmann, S. Deinert, G. Hartmann, C. Küstner-Wetekam, F. Trinter, L.S. Cederbaum, A. Ehresmann, A.I. Kuleff, and A. Hans
"Interplay of protection and damage through intermolecular processes in the decay of electronic core holes in microsolvated organic molecules"
arXiv preprint (2024) (August 26th)
arXiv: Dana Bloß, Rémi Dupuy, Florian Trinter, Isaak Unger, Noelle Walsh, Gunnar Öhrwall, Niklas Golchert, Gabriel Klassen, Adrian Krone, Yusaku Terao, Johannes H. Viehmann, Lasse Wülfing, Clemens Richter, Tillmann Buttersack, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Uwe Hergenhahn, Olle Björneholm, Arno Ehresmann, Andreas Hans
"Site- and Energy-Selective Low-Energy Electron Emission by X-Rays in Aqueous Phase"
arXiv preprint (2024) (August 22nd)
arXiv:, pdf - Lars Funke, Markus Ilchen, Kristina Dingel, Tommaso Mazza, Terence Mullins, Thorsten Otto, Daniel Rivas, Sara Savio, Svitozar Serkez, Peter Walter, Niclas Wieland, Lasse Wülfing, Sadia Bari, Rebecca Boll, Markus Braune, Francesca Calegari, Alberto De Fanis, Winfried Decking, Andreas Duensing, Stefan Düsterer, Arno Ehresmann, Benjamin Erk, Danilo Enoque Ferreira de Lima, Andreas Galler, Gianluca Geloni, Jan Grünert, Marc Guetg, Patrik Grychtol, Andreas Hans, Arne Held, Ruda Hindriksson, Ludger Inhester, Till Jahnke, Joakim Laksman, Mats Larsson, Jia Liu, Jon P. Marangos, Lutz Marder, David Meier, Michael Meyer, Najmeh Mirian, Christian Ott, Christopher Passow, Thomas Pfeifer, Patrick Rupprecht, Albert Schletter, Philipp Schmidt, Frank Scholz, Simon Schott, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Bernhard Sick, Sang-Kil Son, Kai Tiedtke, Sergey Usenko, Vincent Wanie, Markus Wurzer, Mikhail Yurkov, Vitali Zhaunerchyk, Wolfram Helml
"Capturing Nonlinear Electron Dynamics with Fully Characterised Attosecond X-ray Pulses"
arXiv preprint (2024) (August 7th)
arXiv:, pdf - R. Wagner, M. Ilchen, N. Douguet, Ph. Schmidt, N. Wieland, C. Callegari, Z. Delk, M. Di Fraia, J. Hofbrucker, V. Music, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, D. E. Rivas, A. N. Grum-Grzhimailo, K. Bartschat, and M. Meyer
"Circular Dichroism in Multiphoton Ionization of Resonantly Excited Helium Ions near Channel Closing"
arXiv preprint (2024) (July 19th) - C.S. Rapp, J.C. Franz, S.Y. Buhmann, and O.J. Franca
"Purcell effect in chiral environments"
arXiv preprint (2024) (June 14th)
arXiv: - M. W. Heger and D. M. Reich
"Tracking Chirality in Photoelectron Circular Dichroism"
arXiv preprint (2024) (May 22nd)
arXiv: - Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, and Anastasia Borschevsky
"CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions"
arXiv preprint (2023) (Decembre 21st)
arXiv: M. Leibscher, E. Pozzoli, A. Blech, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain and C.P. Koch
"Quantum control of ro-vibrational dynamics and application to light-induced molecular chirality"
arXiv preprint (2023) (Octobre 19th)
arXiv:, pdfM. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, S. G. Wilkins, L. V. Skripnikov, A. Koszorus, A. A. Breier, M. Au, I. Belosevic, R. Berger, M. L. Bissell, A. Borschevsky , A. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, R. P. de Groote, A. Dorne, C. M. Fajardo-Zambrano, R. W. Field, K. T. Flanagan, S. Franchoo, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, K.Gaul, S. Geldhof, T. F. Giesen, D. Hanstorp, R. Heinke, T. A. Isaev , A. A. Kyuberis , S. Kujanpää, L. Lalanne, G. Neyens, M. Nichols, L. F. Pasteka, H. A. Perrett, J. R. Reilly, S. Rothe, S.-M. Udrescu, B. van den Borne , Q. Wang, J. Wessolek, X. F. Yang, C. Zülch and the ISOLDE Collaboration
"Pinning down electron correlations in RaF via spectroscopy of excited states"
arXiv preprint (2023) (August 28th)
arXiv:, pdfD. Trabert, A. Geyer, N. Anders, M. Hofmann, M. S. Schöffler, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, M. Kunitski, R. Dörner and S. Eckart
arXiv preprint
"Ideal Two-Color Field Ratio for Holographic Angular Streaking of Electrons"
arXiv:, pdf
doi: Sahu, Konstantin Gaul,Anke Wilm, Melanie Schnell and Robert Berger
"Towards detection of molecular parity violation by microwave spectroscopy of CpRe(CH3)(CO)(NO)"
arxiv preprint [physics.chem-ph] (2023) (March 14th)
arxiv:,pdfG. Arrowsmith-Kron, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, J. Ballof, R. Berger, A. Borschevsky, A.A. Breier, F. Buchinger, D. Budker, L. Caldwell, C. Charles, N. Dattani, R.P. de Groote, D. DeMille, T. Dickel, J. Dobaczewski, C.E. Düllmann, E. Eliav, J. Engel, M. Fan, V. Flambaum, K.T. Flanagan, A. Gaiser, R. Garcia Ruiz, K. Gaul, T.F. Giesen, J. Ginges, A. Gottberg, G. Gwinner, R. Heinke, S. Hoekstra, J.D. Holt, N.R. Hutzler, A. Jayich, J. Karthein, K.G. Leach, K. Madison, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, T. Miyagi, I.D. Moore, S. Moroch, P. Navrátil, W. Nazarewicz, G. Neyens, E. Norrgard, N. Nusgart, L.F. Pašteka, A.N. Petrov, W. Plass, R.A. Ready, M.P. Reiter, M. Reponen, S. Rothe, M. Safronova, C. Scheidenberger, A. Shindler, J.T. Singh, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, S.-M. Udrescu, S.G. Wilkins, X. Yang
"Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules"
arXiv preprint (2023) (February 4th)
arXiv: Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, Shane G. Wilkins, Alexander A. Breier, Gerda Neyens
arxiv preprint (2023) (January 27th)
"King-plot analysis of isotope shifts in simple diatomic molecules"
arxiv:, pdfLinda Zwick, Yvonne Webersen, Rita Wodzinski
researchgate preprint (2022) (December)
"Entwicklung von Schülervorstellungen zu NOS & NOSI im Physikunterricht"
researchgate:, pdfS. Eckart, D. Trabert, J. Rist, A. Geyer, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, K. Fehre, M. Kunitski
arxiv preprint (2021) (August 23rd)
"Ultrafast preparation and strong-field ionization of an atomic Bell-like state"
arxiv:, pdf- M. Leibscher, E. Pozzoli, C. P´erez, M. Schnell, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain and C. P. Koch
arXiv submission (2020)
"Complete Controllability Despite Degeneracy: Quantum Control of Enantiomer-Specific State Transfer in Chiral Molecules"
arXiv:, pdf
Publications 2025
- M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, S. G. Wilkins, L. V. Skripnikov, Á. Koszorús, A. A. Breier, O. Ahmad, M. Au, S. W. Bai, I. Belošević, J. Berbalk, R. Berger, C. Bernerd, M. L. Bissell, A. Borschevsky, A. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, R. P. de Groote, A. Dorne, C. M. Fajardo-Zambrano, R. W. Field, K. T. Flanagan, S. Franchoo, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, K. Gaul, S. Geldhof, T. F. Giesen, D. Hanstorp, R. Heinke, P. Imgram, T. A. Isaev, A. A. Kyuberis, S. Kujanpää, L. Lalanne, P. Lassègues, J. Lim, Y. C. Liu, K. M. Lynch, A. McGlone, W. C. Mei, G. Neyens, M. Nichols, L. Nies, L. F. Pašteka, H. A. Perrett, A. Raggio, J. R. Reilly, S. Rothe, E. Smets, S.-M. Udrescu, B. van den Borne, Q. Wang, J. Warbinek, J. Wessolek, X. F. Yang, and C. Zülch
"Electron correlation and relativistic effects in the excited states of radium monofluoride"
Nature Communications 16, 2139 (2025) (March 3rd)
doi: - S. Das, J. Ghosh, V. Sudheendran, S. Ranecky, T. Rosen, N. Ladda, H. Lee, T. Stehling, F. Westmeier, J. Mikosch, A. Senftleben, T. Baumert, and H. Braun
"Control of circular dichroism in ion yield of 3-methyl cyclopentanone with femtosecond laser pulses"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2025) (February 21st)
doi:, pdf - E. Van Dyke, J. Eills, K. Sheberstov, J. Blanchard, M. Wagner, R. Graf, A.E. Wedenig, K. Gaul, R. Berger, R. Pietschnig, D. Kargin, D.A. Barskiy, and D. Budker
"Towards detection of molecular parity violation via chiral co-sensing: the 1H/31P model system"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025) (February 20th)
doi: - Ilchen M., Allaria E., Ribic P.R., Nuhn H.-D., Lutman A., Schneidmiller E., Tischer M., Yurkov M., Calvi M., Prat E., Reiche S., Schmidt T., Geloni G.A., Karabekyan S., Yan J., Serkez S., Gao Z., Deng B., Feng C., Deng H., Helml W., Funke L., Larsson M., Zhaunerchyk V., Meyer M., Mazza T., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Calegari F., Smirnova O., Vozzi C., De Ninno G., Wätzel J., Berakdar J., Bari S., Schwob L., Rouxel J.R., Mukamel S., Bartschat K., Hamilton K., Argenti L., Douguet N., Novikovskiy N.M., Demekhin Ph.V., and Walter P.
"Opportunities for Gas-Phase Science at Short-Wavelength Free-Electron Lasers with Undulator-Based Polarization Control"
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 011001(2025) (January 27th)
DOI: - L.A. Kerber, O. Kreuz, T. Ring, H. Braun, R. Berger, and D.M. Reich
"Anisotropy Factor Spectra for Weakly Allowed ElectronicTransitions in Chiral Ketones"
ChemPhysChem 2025, e202400898 (December 23rd, 2024)
DOI: - S. Dey, L. Dettling, D. Gál, C. Bruhn, Z. Kelemen, C. Müller, R. Pietschnig
"Tuning the sterics: Rh-catalyzed hydroformylation reactions with ferrocene based diphosphorus ligands"
J. Catal. 442, 115871 (2025) (December 2nd, 2024)
doi: - R. Franz, M. Bartek, C. Bruhns, Z. Kelemen und R. Pietschnig
"P+ addition and transfer involving a tetraphosphenium ion"
Chem. Sci. 16, 139 (2025) (November 25th, 2024)
Publications 2024
L. Zwick, and R. Wodzinski
Grötzebauch, H. & Heinicke S. (Ed.). PhyDid B, Didaktik der Physik, Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung Greifswald 2024. S.119-123 (2024) ISSN 2191 -37
"NOS im Fokus: Forschung zu Vorstellungen von Physiklehrkräften"
URL: Das, J. Ghosh, S. Vaseudevan, S. Ranecky, T. Rosen, N. Ladda, H.-g. Lee, T.-J. Stehling, F. Westmeier, J. Mikosch, A. Senftleben, T. Baumert, and H. Braun
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2024) (February 21st, 2025)
"Control of circular dichroism in ion yield of 3-methyl cyclopentanone with femtosecond laser pulses"
doi: Hofmann, D. Trabert, A. Geyer, N. Anders, J. Kruse, J. Rist, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, M. Kunitski, M. S. Schöffler, S. Eckart, and R. Dörner
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043176 (2024) (November 20th)
"Subcycle resolved strong field ionization of chiral molecules and the origin of chiral photoelectron asymmetries"
doi: Sun, D. Kargin, Z. Kelemen, R. Pietschnig und M. Schnell
"Unraveling the Stereoisomer Configurations of 1,1’-bis(tert-butylphosphino)Ferrocene in the Gas Phase"
ChemPhysChem26 (5), e202400881 (2024)(20. November)
doi: Melzer, M. Kircher, A. Pier, L. Kaiser, J. Kruse, N. Anders, J. Stindl, L. Sommerlad, D. McGinnis, M. Schmidt, L. Nowak, A. Kügler, I. Dwojak, J. Dnrec, F. Trinter, M. S. Schöffler, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, N. M. Novikovskiy, Ph. V. Demekhin, T. Jahnke, and R. Dörner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 183002 (2024) (November 1st)
"Role of the Coulomb Potential in Compton Scattering"
doi: C. Franz, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, and A. Salam
Phys. Rev. A 110, 033109 (2024) (September 16th)
"Local-field corrections of the Green's tensor in chiral media"
doi:, pdfD. Tsitsonis, F. Trinter, J.B.Williams, K. Fehre, Ph. V. Demekhin, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner, and M. S. Schöffler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 093002 (2024) (August 29th)
"Enantioselective One-Ohoton Excitation of Fomic Acid"
doi: Vávra, E. Döring, J. Jakob, F. Peterß, M. Kaufmann, P. Stahl, T. F. Giesen und G. W. Fuchs
"High-resolution infrared spectra and rovibrational analysis of the v12 band of propylene oxide"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 23886 (2024) (27. August)
doi: https.// Yoshikawa, Manabu Kanno, Hao Xue, Naoki Kishimoto, Soki Goto, Fukiko Ota, Yoshiaki Tamura, Florian Trinter, Kilian Fehre, Leon Kaiser, Jonathan Stindl, Tsitsonis Dimitrios, Markus Schoeffler, Reinhard Dörner, Rebecca Boll, Benjamin Erk, Tommaso Mazza, Terence Mullins, Daniel Rivas, Philipp Schmidt, Sergey Usenko, Michael Meyer, Enliang Wang, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Edwin Kukk, Till Jahnke, Sergio Díaz-Tendero, Fernando Martín, Keisuke Hatada and Kiyoshi Ueda
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2024) (August 23rd)
"Time-resolved photoelectron-diffraction imaging of methanol photodissociation involving molecular-hydrogen ejection"
doi:, pdfS. R. Domingos, D. S. Tikhonov, A. L. Steber, P. Eschenbach, S. Gruet, H. R. Hrodmarsson, K. Martin, G. A. Garcia, L. Nahon, J. Neugebauer, N. Avarvari and M. Schnell
Nat. Commun. 15, 4928 (2024) (June 10th)
"Evolution of the ionisation energy with the stepwise growth of chiral clusters of [4] helicene"
doi: Horky, C. Bruhns, D. Kargin and R. Pietschnig
Adv. Synth. Catal. 10.1002/adsc.202400496 (2024) (June 6th)
"Application of Primary Phosphine Oxides in Domino-Phospha-Aldol Reactions of Diketones"
doi: F. von Rudorff, A. N. Artemyev, B. M. Lagutin and P. V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 2114301 (2024) (June 3rd)
"Optimal photoelectron circular dichroism of a model chiral system"
doi: Bloß, F. Trinter, I. Unger, C. Zindel, C. Honisch, J. Viehmann, N. Kiefer, L. Marder, C. Küstner-Wetekam, E. Heikura, L. S. Cederbaum, O. Björneholm, U. Hergenhahn, A. Ehresmann and A. Hans
Nat. Commun. 15, 4594 (2024) (May 30th)
"X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions"
doi: Hans, N. Kiefer, L. Marder, C. Küstner-Wetekam, E. Heikura, N. Golchert, J. H. Viehmann, D. Cubaynes, I. Ismail, F. Trinter, P. Lablancquie, Jérôme Paladoux, A. Ehresmann, and Francis Penent
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 203002 (2024) (May 16th)
"Experimental Realization of Auger Decay in the Field of a Positive Elementary Charge"
doi: Franz, S.Y. Buhmann, and A. Salam
"Discriminatory resonance energy transfer mediated by a chiral environment"
New J. Phys. 26, 053002 (2024) (May 7th)
doi: Mammadova, D. Kargin, C. Bruhn, R. Pietschnig
J. Organomet. Chem. 1011, 123113 (2024) (May 1st)
"Synthesis, structure, and stability of a set of C-stereogenic heteroditopic P, S ligands"
doi: Rev. Lett. 132, 123202 (2024) (March 20th)
"Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in the Spin-Polarized Spectra of Chiral Molecules"
doi:, pdfT. Berger, J. Alenfelder, S. Steinmüller, D. Heimann, N. Gohain, D. Petras, M. Wang, R. Berger, E. Kostenis, and R. Reher
"A MassQL-Integrated Molecular Networking Approach for the Discovery and Substructure Annotation of Bioactive Cyclic Peptides"
J. Nat. Prod. 87, 692-704 (2024) (February 22nd)
doi: M. Udrescu, S. G. Wilkins, A. A. Breier, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, I. Belosevic, R. Berger, M. L. Bissell, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, R. P. de Groote, A. Dorne, K. T. Flanagan, S. Franchoo, K. Gaul, S. Geldhof, T. F. Giesen, D. Hanstorp, R. Heinke, A. Koszorus, S. Kujanpää, L. Lalanne, G. Neyens, M. Nichols, H. A. Perrett, J. R. Reilly, S. Rothe, B. van den Borne, Q. Wang, J. Wessolek, X. F. Yang, and C. Zülch
Nat. Phys. (2024) (January 9th)
"Precision spectroscopy and laser cooling scheme of a radium-containing molecule"
Publications 2023
- Hrsg. Joel Baumann, Anna Becker, Jan Mensen, Tillmann Kalas, and Elko Braas
"Chirales Labor für Händische Zwischenstände"
doi:, pdf - Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Benjamin A. Stickler, Max Masuhr, Kilian Singer, and Daqing Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 153601 (2023), (October 10)
"Amplifying a Zeptonewton Force with a Single-Ion Nonlinear Oscillator"
doi: - Sebastian Eckart, Daniel Trabert, Jonas Rist, Angelina Geyer, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Kilian Fehre und Maksim Kunitski
Science Advances Vol. 9, Nr. 36, (2023), (September 8)
"Ultrafast preparation and detection of entangled atoms"
doi:, pdf - Wenhao Sun and Melanie Schnell
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 33, 7389–7394, (2023) (August 13)
"Microwave Three-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy of Chiral Molecules in Weakly Bound Complexes"
doi:, pdf - Lutz Marder, Alexander Breier, Nelson de Oliveira, Philipp Reiss, Philipp Schmidt, Christian Ozga, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Thomas Giesen, Laurent Nahon, Andreas Hans, André Knie and Arno Ehresmann
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 267:23 (13pp) (2023) (July 20)
"Vibrationally Resolved Absorption and Fluorescence Cross Sections of Adamantane in
the Far-ultraviolet Spectral Range on an Absolute Scale"
doi:, pdf - Dr. Fan Xie, Dr. Wenhao Sun, Dr. Beppo Hartwig, Prof. Dr. Daniel A. Obenchain, Prof. Dr. Melanie Schnell
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Volume 62, Issue 37 (2023) (July 19)
"Hydrogen-Atom Tunneling in a Homochiral Environment" K. Getfert, F. Roesler, C. Bruhn, R. Pietschnig
ChemPlusChem 88 (6), e202300143 (2023) (June 13th)
"Reduction Behavior of Anisyl-substituted P-Ferrocenyl Phospholes"
doi: Trabert, N. Anders, A. Geyer, M. Hofmann, M. S. Schöffler, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, M. Kunitski, R. Dörner, and S. Eckart
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023118 (2023) (May 25)
"Angular dependence of the Wigner time delay upon strong-field ionization from an aligned p orbital"
doi:, pdf- Sascha. A. Brück, Nityananda Sahu, Konstantin Gaul, Robert Berger
J. Chem. Phys., 158, 194109 (2023) (May 15th)
"Quasi-relativistic approach to analytical gradients of parity violating potentials"
doi: - Daniel Witsch, Eileen Döring, Alexander A. Breier, Jürgen Gauss, Thomas F. Giesen and Guido W. Fuchs
J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127, 3824−3831 (2023) (April 25th)
"Ro-vibrational Spectrum of Linear Dialuminum Monoxide (Al2O) at 10 μm"
doi: - A.N. Artemyev, E. Kutscher, B.M. Lagutin, P.V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 154115 (2023) (April 21st)
"Theoretical study of spin polarization in multiphoton ionization of Xe"
doi: - F. Roesler, M. Kovács, C. Bruhn, Z. Kelemen, R. Pietschnig
Organometallics 42 (9), 793–802 (2023) (April 18th)
"Moving on from Silicon to the Heavier Tetrels: Germyl- and Stannyl-Substituted Phosphole Derivatives"
doi: - Isabel Vela-Peréz, Fukiko Ota, Abir Mhamdi, Yoshiaki Tamura, Jonas Rist, Niklas Melzer, Safak Uerken, Giammarco Nalin, Nils Anders, Daehyun You, Max Kircher, Christian Janke, Markus Waitz, Florian Trinter, Renaud Guillemin, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Marc Simon, Vernon T. Davis, Joshua B. Williams, Reinhard Dörner, Keisuke Hatada, Kaoru Yamazaki, Kilian Fehre, Philipp V. Demekhin, Kiyoshi Ueda, Markus S. Schöffler, Till Jahnke
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 13784 (2023) (April 17th)
"High-Energy Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions: A Molecular Bond-Length Ruler"
arxiv:, pdf - Anton N. Artemyev, Eric Kutscher, Boris M. Lagutin and Philipp V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 154115 (2023) (March 27th)
"Theoretical study of spin polarization in multiphoton ionization of Xe"
doi:, pdf - Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam , Lutz Marder, Dana Bloß, Carolin Honisch, Nils Kiefer, Clemens Richter, Simon Rubik, Rebecca Schaf, Christina Zindel, Marko Förstel, Kirill Gokhberg, André Knie, Uwe Hergenhahn, Arno Ehresmann, Přemysl Kolorenč & Andreas Hans
Commun Phys6, 50 (2023) (March 17)
"Experimental quantification of site-specific efficiency of Interatomic Coulombic Decay after inner shell ionization"
doi:, pdf - Janine Christine Franz, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, and A. Salam
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032809 (2023) (March 10th)
"Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics theory of resonance energy transfer involving chiral molecules"
doi:, pdf - Himanshi Singh, Freya E. L. Berggötz, Dr. Wenhao Sun, Prof. Dr. Melanie Schnell
Angew. Chem.Int. Ed.2023, e202219045(2023) (March 3rd)
"Chiral Control of Gas-Phase Molecules using Microwave Pulses"
doi:, pdf - R. Franz, B. Szathamári, C. Bruhn, Z. Kelemen, R. Pietschnig
Inorg. Chem. 62 (10), 4341–4350 (2023) (Februrary 24th)
"Gradual Donor Stabilization of a Transient Ferrocene Bridged Bisphosphanyl Phosphenium Cation"
doi: - Wenhao Sun, Denis S. Tikhonov, Himanshi Singh, Amanda L. Steber, Cristóbal Pérez & Melanie Schnell
Nature Communicationsvolume 14, Article number: 934 (2023)(February 20)
"Inducing transient enantiomeric excess in a molecular quantum racemic mixture with microwave fields"
doi:, pdf - G. Nalin, N. M. Novikovskiy , K. Fehre, N. Anders, D. Trabert, S. Grundmann, M. Kircher , A. Khan, R. Tomar, M. Hofmann, M. Waitz, I. Vela-Perez, G. Kastirke, J. Siebert, D. Tsitsonis, C. Küstner-Wetekam, L. Marder, J. Viehmann, F. Trinter, H. Fukuzawa , K. Ueda, J. B. Williams, A. Knie , R. Dörner, M. S. Schöffler, T. Jahnke and Ph. V. Demekhin
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013021 (2023) (January 17)
"Molecular-frame differential photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of trifluoromethyloxirane"
doi:, pdf - Eric Kutscher, Anton N. Artemyev and Philipp V. Demekhin
Phys. Rev. A 107, 013107 (2023) (January 17)
"Photoelectron circular dichroism in fenchone by short coherent broadband laser pulses"
doi:, pdf
Publications 2022
Denis S. Tikhonov, Alexander Blech, Monika Leibscher, Loren Greenman, Melanie Schnell, Christiane P. Koch
Sci. Adv. 8, eade0311 (2022) (December 7)
"Pump-probe spectroscopy of chiral vibrational dynamics"
doi:, pdfMark D. Marshall, Helen O. Leung, Sergio R. Domingos, Anna Krin, Melanie Schnell, Nathan A. Seifert, Yunjie Xu and Wolfgang Jäger
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 28495 (2022) (November 14)
"Examining the gas-phase homodimers of 3,3,3-trifluoro-1,2-epoxypropane using quantum chemistry and microwave spectroscopy"
doi: M. Lagutin, Ivan D. Petrov, Victor L. Sukhorukov, Victor A. Kilin, Nikolay M. Novikovskiy,
Philipp V. Demekhin and Arno Ehresmann
Sequential Two-Photon DoubleIonization of an Ar Atom. Atoms 2022, 10, 139 (2022) (November 13)
"Electron Correlations in Sequential Two-Photon Double Ionization of an Ar Atom"
doi:,pdfHan-gyeol Lee, Simon T. Ranecky, Sudheendran Vasudevan, Nicolas Ladda, Tonio Rosen, Sagnik Das, Jayanta Ghosh, Hendrike Braun, Daniel M. Reich, Arne Senftleben and Thomas Baumert
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 27483 (2022) (November 7)
"Pulse length dependence of photoelectron circular dichroism"
doi:, pdfG. Kastirke, F. Ota, D. V. Rezvan, M. S. Schöffler, M. Weller, J. Rist, R. Boll, N. Anders, T. M. Baumann, S. Eckart, B. Erk, A. De Fanis, K. Fehre, A. Gatton, S. Grundmann, P. Grychtol, A. Hartung, M. Hofmann, M. Ilchen, C. Janke, M. Kircher, M. Kunitski, X. Li, T. Mazza, N. Melzer, J. Montano, V. Music, G. Nalin, Y. Ovcharenko, A. Pier, N. Rennhack, D. E. Rivas, R. Dörner, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, Ph. Schmidt, J. Siebert, N. Strenger, D. Trabert, I. Vela-Perez, R. Wagner, Th. Weber, J. B. Williams, P. Ziolkowski, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, Y. Tamura, N. Hara, K. Yamazaki, K. Hatada, F. Trinter, M. Meyer, K. Ueda, Ph. V. Demekhin and T. Jahnke
"Investigating charge-up and fragmentation dynamics of oxygen molecules after interaction with strong X-ray free-electron laser pulses"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 27121(2022) (November 7)
doi:, pdfKilian Fehre, Nikolay M. Novikovskiy, Sven Grundmann, Gregor Kastirke, Sebastian Eckart, Florian Trinter, Jonas Rist, Alexander Hartung, Daniel Trabert, Christian Janke, Martin Pitzer, Stefan Zeller, Florian Wiegandt, Miriam Weller, Max Kircher, Giammarco Nalin, Max Hofmann, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, André Knie, Andreas Hans, Ltaief Ben Ltaief, Arno Ehresmann, Robert Berger, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Kiyoshi Ueda, Horst Schmidt-Böcking, Joshua B. Williams, Till Jahnke, Reinhard Dörner, Philipp V. Demekhin and Markus S. Schöffler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 26458-26465 (2022) (October 28)
"A new route for enantio-sensitive structure determination by photoelectron scattering on molecules in the gas phase"
doi:, pdfD. Herberth, KMT Yamda, TF Giesen
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 389, September–October 2022, 111700
"The torsion–rotation spectrum of deuterated hydrogen peroxide HOOD — The first torsional state"
doi: D. J. Waters, Nicolas Ladda, Arne Senftleben, Vít Svoboda, Mikhail Belozertsev, Thomas Baumert and Hans Jakob Wörner
ChemPhysChem2022, e202200575 (15. August)
"Ground‐state Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Methyl p‐Tolyl Sulfoxide by Single‐photon Ionisation from a Table‐top Source"
doi:, pdfAnna Krin, María Mar Quesada Moreno, Cristóbal Pérez and Melanie Schnell
Symmetry2022, 14, 1262 (June 18)
"A Scent of Peppermint—A Microwave Spectroscopy Analysis
on the Composition of Peppermint Oil"
doi:, pdfKilian Fehre, Florian Trinter, Nikolay M. Novikovskiy, Sven Grundmann, Dimitrios Tsitsonis, Sebastian Eckart, Leonie Bauer, Maria Hilzinger, Till Jahnke, Reinhard Dörner, Philipp V. Demekhin, Markus S. Schöffler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.24 (2022), (May 27)
"Influence of the emission site on the Photoelectron circular dichroism in trifluoromethyloxirane"
doi:, pdfEugenio Pozzoli, Monika Leibscher, Mario Sigalotti, Ugo Boscain, Christiane P. Koch
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.55, 21 (2022) (May 11)
"Lie algebra for rotational subsystems of a driven asymmetric top"
doi:, pdfMonika Leibscher, Eugenio Pozzoli, Cristobal Pérez, Melanie Schnell, Mario Sigalotti, Ugo Boscain, Christiane P. Koch
Communications Physics5 (2022) (May 6)
"Full quantum control of enantiomer-selective state transfer in chiral molecules despite degeneracy"
doi:, pdfX. Li, A. Rudenko, T. Mazza, A. Rörig, N. Anders, Th. M. Baumann, S. Eckart, B. Erk, A. De Fanis, K. Fehre,
R. Dörner, L. Foucar, S. Grundmann, P. Grychtol, A. Hartung, M. Hofmann, M. Ilchen, Ch. Janke, G. Kastirke,
M. Kircher, K. Kubicek, M. Kunitski, S. Meister, N. Melzer, J. Montano, V. Music, G. Nalin, Y. Ovcharenko, Ch. Passow, A. Pier, N. Rennhack, J. Rist, D. E. Rivas, I. Schlichting, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, Ph. Schmidt, M. S. Schöffler, J. Siebert, N. Strenger, D. Trabert, F. Trinter, I. Vela-Perez, R. Wagner, P. Walter, M. Weller,
P. Ziolkowski, A. Czasch, M. Meyer, T. Jahnke, D. Rolles and R. Boll
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 105, 053102 (2022) (02. Mai)
"Resonance-enhanced x-ray multiple ionization of a polyatomic molecule", pdfMonika Leibscher, Jonas Kalveram, Christiane P. Koch
Symmetry 14, 5 (2022) (April 24)
"Rational Pulse Design for Enantiomer-Selective Microwave Three-Wave Mixing"
doi: Sun, Isabelle Kleiner, Arne Senftleben, Melanie Schnell
J. Chem. Phys.156 (2022) (April 19)
"Internal dynamics of methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide in the gas phase: Rotational spectroscopy and theoretical studies"
doi:, pdfManel Mondelo-Martell, Daniel Basilewitsch, Hendrike Braun, Christiane P. Koch, Daniel M. Reich
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) (April 12)
"Increasing ion yield circular dichroism in femtosecond photoionisation using optimal control theory"
doi:, pdfFelix Allum, Valerija Music, Ludger Inhester, Rebecca Boll, Benjamin Erk, Philipp Schmidt, Thomas M. Baumann, Günter Brenner, Michael Burt, Philipp V. Demekhin, Simon Dörner, Arno Ehresmann, Andreas Galler, Patrik Grychtol, David Heathcote, Denis Kargin, Mats Larsson, Jason W. L. Lee, Zheng Li, Bastian Manschwetus, Lutz Marder, Robert Mason, Michael Meyer, Huda Otto, Christopher Passow, Rudolf Pietschnig, Daniel Ramm, Kaja Schubert, Lucas Schwob, Richard D. Thomas, Claire Vallance, Igor Vidanović, Clemens von Korff Schmising, René Wagner, Peter Walter, Vitali Zhaunerchyk, Daniel Rolles, Sadia Bari, Mark Brouard & Markus Ilchen
Commun Chem 5, 42 (2022) (March 28)
"A localized view on molecular dissociation via electron-ion partial covariance"
doi:, pdfAnna Krin, Pablo Pinacho, Cristóbal Pérez, Melanie Schnell
Journal of Molecular Structure Volume 1252, 15 March 2022, 132075 (2022) (March 15)
"Menthyl acetate. A new link in the chain of acetates studied with
rotational spectroscopy"
doi:, pdfRebecca Boll, Julia M. Schäfer, Benoît Richard, Kilian Fehre, Gregor Kastirke, Zoltan Jurek, Markus S. Schöffler, Malik M. Abdullah, Nils Anders, Thomas M. Baumann, Sebastian Eckart, Benjamin Erk, Alberto De Fanis, Reinhard Dörner, Sven Grundmann, Patrik Grychtol, Alexander Hartung, Max Hofmann, Markus Ilchen, Ludger Inhester, Christian Janke, Rui Jin, Max Kircher, Katharina Kubicek, Maksim Kunitski, Xiang Li, Tommaso Mazza, Severin Meister, Niklas Melzer, Jacobo Montano, Valerija Music, Giammarco Nalin, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Christopher Passow, Andreas Pier, Nils Rennhack, Jonas Rist, Daniel E. Rivas, Daniel Rolles, Ilme Schlichting, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Philipp Schmidt, Juliane Siebert, Nico Strenger, Daniel Trabert, Florian Trinter, Isabel Vela-Perez, Rene Wagner, Peter Walter, Miriam Weller, Pawel Ziolkowski, Sang-Kil Son, Artem Rudenko, Michael Meyer, Robin Santra and Till Jahnke
Nature Physics volume 18, pages 423–428 (2022) (21. Februar)
"X-ray multiphoton-induced Coulomb explosion images complex single molecules"
doi:, pdfEric Kutscher, Anton N. Artemyev and Philipp V. Demekhin
Front. Chem., Sec. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Vol. 10, 809137 (January 31)
"Electron Dynamics and Correlations During High-Order Harmonic Generation in Be"
doi:, pdfSubhayan Dey, Denis Kargin, Mark V. Höfler, Balázs Szathmári, Clemens Bruhn,
Torsten Gutmann, Zsolt Kelemen, Rudolf Pietschnig
Polymer 242, 124589 (2022) (January 29)
"Oligo- and polymerization of phopha[2]ferrocenophanes to one dimensional phosphorus chains
with ferrocenylene handles"
doi:, pdfCornelia Meinert, Adrien D. Garcia, Jérémie Topin, Nykola C. Jones, Mira Diekmann,
Robert Berger, Laurent Nahon, Søren V. Hoffmann & Uwe J. Meierhenrich
Nature Communicationsvolume 13, Article number: 502 (2022)(January 26)
"Amino acid gas phase circular dichroism and implications for the origin of biomolecular asymmetry"
doi:,pdf- Anton N. Artemyev, Eric Kutscher, Philipp V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 031101 (2022) (January 18)
"Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of a Model Anionic System"
doi:, pdf
arxiv: ,pdf - Simon T. Ranecky, G. Barratt Park, Peter C. Samartzis,
Ioannis C. Giannakidis, Dirk Schwarzer, Arne Senftleben, Thomas Baumert and Tim Schäfer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, Advance Article (January 12)
"Detecting chirality in mixtures using nanosecond
photoelectron circular dichroism"
doi:, pdf
Publications 2021
C.P. Koch
"Quantum Effects in Cold and Controlled Molecular Dynamics"
B. Friedrich, H. Schmidt-Böcking (Ed.) Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry. S.477-490 (2021) ISBN 978-3-030-63962-4
doi:örn Waßmuth, Guido W. Fuchs, Henrik Zimmermann, and Thomas F. Giesen
Appl. Opt. 60, 10273-10281 (2021)
"Concept and application of a linearized ring multipass optics configuration"
doi: Fang, F. Elsen, N. Vogeley, D. Wang
ACS Photonics 8, 3448 - 3454 (2021) (December 15th)
"Optical Imaging and Tracking of Single Molecules in Ultrahigh Vacuum"
doi: Jahnke , R. Guillemin , L. Inhester , S.-K. Son , G. Kastirke, M. Ilchen , J. Rist , D. Trabert , N. Melzer , N. Anders, T. Mazza, R. Boll , A. De Fanis, V. Music, Th. Weber, M. Weller, S. Eckart, K. Fehre, S. Grundmann, A. Hartung, M. Hofmann, C. Janke, M. Kircher, G. Nalin, A. Pier, J. Siebert, N. Strenger, I. Vela-Perez, T. M. Baumann, P. Grychtol, J. Montano, Y. Ovcharenko, N. Rennhack, D.E. Rivas, R. Wagner, P. Ziolkowski, P. Schmidt, T. Marchenko, O. Travnikova, L. Journel, I. Ismail, E. Kukk, J. Niskanen, F. Trinter, C. Vozzi, M. Devetta, S. Stagira, M. Gisselbrecht, A. L. Jäger, X. Li, Y. Malakar, M. Martins, R. Feifel, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, G. Sansone, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, R. Moshammer, R. Dörner, M. Meyer, T. Pfeifer, M.S. Schöffler, R. Santra, M. Simon, and M. N. Piancastelli
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041044 (2021) (Decembre 3rd)
"Inner-Shell-Ionization-Induced Femtosecond Structural Dynamics of Water Molecules Imaged at an X-Ray Free-Electron Laser"
doi:üstner-Wetekam, C., Hu, X. Q., Marder, L., Schmidt, Ph.,Ozga, C., Zindel, Ch., Otto, H., Peng, Y. G., Wang, J. G., Richter, C., Sisourat, N., Hergenhahn, U., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Wu, Y., and Hans, A.
"Nature and impact of charge transfer to ground-state dications in atomic and molecular environments"
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042802 (2021) (Octobre 6th)
doi: A. Stickler, Mira Diekmann, Robert Berger, Daqing Wang
Phys. Rev. X 11, 031056 (2021) (September 14)
"Enantiomer superpositions from matter-wave interference of chiral molecules"
doi:, pdf
arXiv:, pdfK. Fehre, N. M. Novikovskiy, S. Grundmann, G. Kastirke, S. Eckart, F. Trinter, J. Rist, A. Hartung, D. Trabert, C. Janke, G. Nalin, M. Pitzer, S. Zeller, F. Wiegandt, M. Weller, M. Kircher, M. Hofmann, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. Knie, A. Hans, L. Ben Ltaief, A. Ehresmann, R. Berger, H. Fukuzawa, K. Ueda, H. Schmidt-Böcking, J. B. Williams, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner, M. S. Schöffler, and Ph. V. Demekhin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 103201 (2021) (September 2)
"Fourfold Differential Photoelectron Circular Dichroism"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdfStefan Yoshi Buhmann, Steffen Giesen, Mira Diekmann, Robert Berger, Stefan Aull, Markus Debatin, Peter Zahariev and Kilian Singer
New J. Phys. 23 083040 (2021) (August 27)
"Quantum sensing protocol for motionally chiral Rydberg atoms"
doi:, pdf
arXiv:, pdfMarkus Ilchen, Philipp Schmidt, Nikolay M. Novikovskiy, Gregor Hartmann, Patrick Rupprecht, Ryan N. Coffee, Arno Ehresmann, Andreas Galler, Nick Hartmann, Wolfram Helml, Zhirong Huang, Ludger Inhester, Alberto A. Lutman, James P. MacArthur, Timothy Maxwell, Michael Meyer, Valerija Music, Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, Timur Osipov, Dipanwita Ray, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Sadia Bari, Peter Walter, Zheng Li, Stefan Moeller, André Knie, Philipp V. Demekhin
Nature Communications Chemistry, volume 4, Article number: 119 (2021) (August 12)
"Site-specific Interrogation of an Ionic Chiral Fragment During Photolysis Using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser"
doi: pdf
arXiv:, pdfAndreas Hans, Philipp Schmidt, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Florian Trinter, Sascha Deinert, Dana Bloß, Johannes H. Viehmann, Rebecca Schaf, Miriam Gerstel, Clara M. Saak, Jens Buck, Stephan Klumpp, Gregor Hartmann, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Nikolai V. Kryzhevoi and André Knie
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 30, 7146–7150 (July 23)
"Suppression of X-Ray-Induced Radiation Damage to Biomolecules in Aqueous Environments by Immediate Intermolecular Decayof Inner-Shell Vacancies"
arxiv:, pdfG. Nalin, K. Fehre, F. Trinter, N. M. Novikovskiy, N. Anders, D. Trabert, S. Grundmann, M. Kircher, A. Khan, R. Tomar, M. Hofmann, M. Waitz, I.Vela-Perez, H. Fukuzawa, K. Ueda, J. Williams, D. Kargin, M. Maurer, C. Küstner-Wetekam, L. Marder, J. Viehmann, A. Knie, T. Jahnke, M.Ilchen, R. Dörner, R. Pietschnig, Ph. V. Demekhin, and M. S. Schöffler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 17248-17258 (July 15)
„Photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented trifluoromethyloxirane: Energy dependenceand sensitivity to molecular configuration"
arxiv:, pdfS.M. Udrescu, A.J. Brinson, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, K. Gaul, R. Berger, J. Billowes, C.L. Binnersley, M.L. Bissell, A.A. Breier, K. Chrysalidis, T.E. Cocolios, B.S. Cooper, K.T. Flanagan, T.F. Giesen, R.P. de Groote, S. Franchoo, F.P. Gustafsson, T.A. Isaev, A. Koszorus, G. Neyens, H.A. Perrett, C.M. Ricketts, S. Rothe, A.R. Vernon, K.D.A. Wendt, F. Wienholtz, S.G. Wilkins, X.F. Yang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 033001 (2021) (July 14)
"Isotope Shifts of Radium Monofluoride Molecules"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdfP. Stahl, D. Kargin, R. Pietschnig, T. F. Giesen, G. W. Fuchs
J. Mol. Spec. 2021, accepted (2021) (June)
„The Millimeter-Wave Spectrum of Doubly Deuterated Propylene Oxide CH3CHCD2O”
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdfEetu Pelimanni, Lauri Hautala, Andreas Hans, Antti Kivimäki, Mati Kook, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Lutz Marder, Minna Patanen, and Marko Huttula
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Article ASAP (2021) (May 25)
"Core and Valence Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Nanosolvated KCl"
doi:, pdfC. Ozga, C. Honisch, Ph. Schmidt, X. Holzapfel, C. Zindel, C. Küstner-Wetekam, C. Richter, U. Hergenhahn, A. Ehresmann, A. Knie, and A. Hans
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 045110 (2021) (April 22)
"Photon–electron coincidence experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities with arbitrary bunch modes"
doi:, pdfPascal Stahl, Benjamin E. Arenas, Oliver Zingsheim, Melanie Schnell, Laurent Margulès, Roman A. Motiyenko, Guido W. Fuchs, Thomas F. Giesen
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 378, 2021, 111445 (2021) (April)
"Deciphering the rotational spectrum of the first excited torsional state of propylene oxide"
doi:, pdfR. Franz, C. Bruhn, R. Pietschnig
"C2-Symmetric P-Stereogenic Ferrocene Ligands with Heavier Chalcogenophosphinous Acid Ester Donor Sites"
Molecules 26 (7), 1899 (2021) (March 27th)
doi: Isaev, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A. Oleynichenko, E. Eliav, A.A. Breier, T.F. Giesen, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, and R. Berger
"Ab initio study and assignment of electronic states in molecular RaCl"
JQSRT 269, 107649 (2021) (March 15th)
doi: Ring, C. Witte, S. Vasudevan, S. Das, S. T. Ranecky, H. Lee, N. Ladda, A. Senftleben, H. Braun and T. Baumert
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 033001 (2021) (March 10)
"Self-referencing circular dichroism ion yield measurements for improved statistics using femtosecond laser pulses"
doi:, pdfSérgio R. Domingos, Cristóbal Pérez, Nora M. Kreienborg, Christian Merten & Melanie Schnell
Commun Chem4, 32 (2021) (March 5)
"Dynamic chiral self-recognition in aromatic dimersof styrene oxide revealed by rotationalspectroscopy"
doi:, pdfWitsch, Daniel; Breier, Alexander A.; Döring, Eileen; Yamada, Koichi M.T.; Giesen, Thomas F.; Fuchs, Guido W.
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, online (2021) (February 26)
"The Rotationally Resolved Infrared Spectrum of TiO and Its Isotopologues"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdfK. Fehre, S. Eckart, M. Kunitski, C. Janke, D. Trabert, M. Hofmann, J. Rist, M. Weller, A. Hartung, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, H. Braun, T. Baumert, J. Stohner, Ph. V. Demekhin, M. S. Schöffler, and R. Dörner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 083201 (2021) (February 25)
"Strong Differential Photoion Circular Dichroism in Strong-Field Ionization of Chiral Molecules"
arXiv:, pdf- K. Fehre, M. Pitzer, F. Trinter, R. Berger, A. Schießer, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, and M. S. Schöffler
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 023205 (2021) (February 18)
"Closed-loop recycling of rare liquid samples for gas-phase experiments"'
doi:, pdf
arXiv:, pdf - Nityananda Sahu, Jeremy O. Richardson and Robert Berger
J. Comput. Chem. 42, 210-221 (2021) (December 1, 2020)
"Instanton calculations of tunneling splittings in chiral molecules"
doi:, pdf
Publications 2020
Gregor Kastirke, Markus S. Schöffler, Miriam Weller, Jonas Rist, Rebecca Boll, Nils Anders, Thomas M. Baumann, Sebastian Eckart, Benjamin Erk, Alberto De Fanis, Kilian Fehre, Averell Gatton, Sven Grundmann, Patrik Grychtol, Alexander Hartung, Max Hofmann, Markus Ilchen, Christian Janke, Max Kircher, Maksim Kunitski, Xiang Li, Tommaso Mazza, Niklas Melzer, Jacobo Montano, Valerija Music, Giammarco Nalin, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Andreas Pier, Nils Rennhack, Daniel E. Rivas, Reinhard Dörner, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Philipp Schmidt, Juliane Siebert, Nico Strenger, Daniel Trabert, Isabel Vela-Perez, Rene Wagner, Thorsten Weber, Joshua B.Williams, Pawel Ziolkowski, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Achim Czasch, Kiyoshi Ueda, Florian Trinter, Michael Meyer, Philipp V. Demekhin and Till Jahnke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 163201(2020) (October 14)
"Double Core-Hole Generation in O2 Molecules Using an X-Ray Free-Electron Laser: Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions"
doi:, pdfSascha Deinert, Alexander Schrodt, Gregor Hartmann, Alexander Achner, Anton N. Artemyev, Arno Ehresmann, Andreas Hans, Markus Ilchen, Leif Glaser, Frank Scholz, Jörn Seltmann, Jens Viefhaus, Philipp V. Demekhin and Andre Knie
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 224003 (2020) (September 30)
"Interatomic resonant Auger effect in N2O"
doi:érgio R. Domingos, Cristóbal Pérez, Mark D. Marshall, Helen O. Leung and Melanie Schnell
Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 10863-10870 (2020) (September 28)
"Assessing the performance of rotational spectroscopy in chiral analysis"
doi:, pdf- Pascal Stahl, Benjamin E. Arenas, Sérgio R. Domingos, Guido W. Fuchs, Melanie Schnell and Thomas F. Giesen
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance (2020) (September 14)
"Laboratory blueprints for interstellar searches of aromatic chiral molecules: rotational signatures of styrene oxide"
arxiv:, pdf - Andreas Pier, Kilian Fehre, Sven Grundmann, Isabel Vela-Perez, Nico Strenger, Max Kircher, Dimitrios Tsitsonis, Joshua B. Williams, Arne Senftleben, Thomas Baumert, Markus S. Schöffler, Philipp V. Demekhin, Florian Trinter, Till Jahnken and Reinhard Dörner
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033209 (2020) (August 6)
"Chiral photoelectron angular distributions from ionization of achiral atomic and molecular species"
doi:, pdf
arXiv:, pdf - Konstantin Gaul, Robert Berger
MolecularPhysics, Special Issue of Molecular Physics in Honour of Jürgen Gauss (2020) (August 3)
"Quasi-relativistic study of nuclearelectric quadrupole coupling constants in chiral molecules containing heavy elements"
doi: - Franz, R., Nasemann, S., Bruhn, C., Kelemen, Z. & Pietschnig, R.
Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 641 – 648 (2020) (July 17)
"Chalcogen-Transfer Rearrangement:Exploring Inter- versus Intramolecular P-P Bond Activation"
doi:, pdf - L. Kaiser, K. Fehre , N. M. Novikovskiy, J. Stindl , D. Tsitsonis, G. Gopakumar, I. Unger, J. Söderström,O. Björneholm, M. Schöffler, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner, F. Trinter, and Ph. V. Demekhin
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.53 194002 (2020) (July 8)
"Angular emission distribution of O 1s photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented methanol"
doi:,pdf - Sven Grundmann, Max Kircher, Isabel Vela-Perez, Giammarco Nalin, Daniel Trabert, Nils Anders, Niklas Melzer, Jonas Rist, Andreas Pier, Nico Strenger, Juliane Siebert, Philipp V. Demekhin, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Florian Trinter, Markus S. Schöffler, Till Jahnke, and Reinhard Dörner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 233201 (2020) (June 9)
"Observation of Photoion Backward Emission in Photoionization of He and N2"
arXiv:, pdf - Gregor Kastirke, Markus S. Schöffler, Miriam Weller, Jonas Rist, Rebecca Boll, Nils Anders, Thomas M. Baumann, Sebastian Eckart, Benjamin Erk, Alberto De Fanis, Kilian Fehre, Averell Gatton, Sven Grundmann, Patrik Grychtol, Alexander Hartung, Max Hofmann, Markus Ilchen, Christian Janke, Max Kircher, Maksim Kunitski, Xiang Li, Tommaso Mazza, Niklas Melzer, Jacobo Montano, Valerija Music, Giammarco Nalin, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Andreas Pier, Nils Rennhack, Daniel E. Rivas, Reinhard Dörner, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Philipp Schmidt, Juliane Siebert, Nico Strenger, Daniel Trabert, Isabel Vela-Perez, Rene Wagner, Thorsten Weber, Joshua B. Williams, Pawel Ziolkowski, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Achim Czasch, Florian Trinter, Michael Meyer, Kiyoshi Ueda, Philipp V. Demekhin, and Till Jahnke
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021052 – (2020) (June 8)
"Photoelectron Diffraction Imaging of a Molecular Breakup Usingan X-Ray Free-Electron Laser"
doi:, pdf - Waßmuth, B., Breier, A. A., Melosso, M., Fuchs, G. W., and Giesen, T. F.
"Rotational spectroscopy of rare iron monoxide isotopologues: A mass-independent analysis"
Molecular Physics, 118(19–20) (2020) (June 5th)
doi: - R. F. Garcia Ruiz, R. Berger, J. Billowes, C. L. Binnersley, M. L. Bissell, A. A. Breier, A. J. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, B. S. Cooper, K. T. Flanagan, T. F. Giesen, R. P. de Groote, S. Franchoo, F. P. Gustafsson, T. A. Isaev, Á. Koszorús, G. Neyens, H. A. Perrett, C. M. Ricketts, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, A. R. Vernon, K. D. A. Wendt, F. Wienholtz, S. G. Wilkins & X. F. Yang
Nature 581, 396–400 (2020) (May 27)
"Spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:,pdf - A. Kastner, G. Koumarianou, P. Glodic, P.C. Samartzis, N. Ladda, S.T. Ranecky, T. Ring, S. Vasudevan, C. Witte, H. Braun, H. Lee, A. Senftleben, R. Berger, G. B. Park, T. Schäfer and T. Baumert
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 7404-7411 (2020) (March 16)
"High-resolution resonance-enhanced multiphoton photoelectron circular dichroism"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdf - Arnab Khan, Till Jahnke, Stefan Zeller, Florian Trinter, Markus Schöffler, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Reinhard Dörner, and Maksim Kunitski
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 7, 2457–2463 (2020) (March 9)
"Visualizing the Geometry of Hydrogen Dimers"
doi: Arnab Khan, Daniel Trabert, Sebastian Eckart, Maksim Kunitski, Till Jahnke, and Reinhard Dörner
Phys. Rev. A 101, 023409 (2020) (February 18)
"Orientation-dependent dissociative ionization of H2 in strong elliptic laser fields: Modification of the release time through molecular orientation"
arXiv:, pdf- Anne D. Müller, Eric Kutscher, Anton N. Artemyev, and Philipp V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 152, 044302 (2020) (January 22)
"Photoelectron circular dichroism in the multiphoton ionization by short laser pulses. III. Photoionization of fenchone in different regimes"
arxiv:, pdf - Konstantin Gaul and Robert Berger
J. Chem. Phys. 152, 044101 (2020) (January 22)
"Toolbox approach for quasi-relativistic calculation of molecular properties for precision tests of fundamental physics"
arXiv:, pdf
- Andreas Hans, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Philipp Schmidt, Christian Ozga, Xaver Holzapfel, Huda Otto, Christina Zindel, Clemens Richter, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Arno Ehresmann, Uwe Hergenhahn, Nikolai V. Kryzhevoi, and André Knie
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012022(R) (2020) (January 21)
"Core-level interatomic Coulombic decay in van der Waals clusters"
doi:, pdf
Publications 2019
T. Driver, S. Li, E. G. Champenois, J. Duris, D. Ratner, T. J. Lane, P. Rosenberger, A. Al-Haddad, V. Averbukh, T. Barnard, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, P. H. Bucksbaum, R. Coffee, L. F. DiMauro, L. Fang, D. Garratt, A. Gatton, Z. Guo, G. Hartmann, D. Haxton, W. Helml, Z. Huang, A. LaForge, A. Kamalov, M. F. Kling, J. Knurr, Ming-Fu Lin, A. A. Lutman,J. P. MacArthur, J. P. Marangos, M. Nantel, A. Natan, R. Obaid, J. T. O'Neal, N. H. Shivaram, A. Schori,P. Walter, A. Li Wang, T. J. A. Wolf,A. Marinelliand J. P. Cryan
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 2704-2712 (2019) (November 26)
"Attosecond transient absorption spooktroscopy: a ghost imaging approach to ultrafast absorption spectroscopy"
doi:, pdf
arxiv:, pdfRoesler, F., Kaban, B., Klintuch, D., Ha, U.-M., Hillmer, H. & Pietschnig, R.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem 2019, 4820–4825 (2019) (November 6)
"Tailoring Phospholes for Imprint of Fluorescent 3D Structures"
doi:, pdfM. Kircher, J. Rist, F. Trinter, S. Grundmann, M. Waitz, N. Melzer, I. Vela-Perez, T. Mletzko, A. Pier, N. Strenger, J. Siebert, R. Janssen, V. Honkimäki, J. Drnec, Ph. V. Demekhin, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, M. S. Schöffler, T. Jahnke, and R. Dörner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 193001 (2019) (November 5)
"Photon-Momentum-Induced Molecular Dynamics in Photoionization of N2 at hν = 40 keV"
arXiv:, pdfK. Fehre, S. Eckart, M. Kunitski, C. Janke, D. Trabert, J. Rist, M. Weller, A. Hartung, M. Pitzer, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner, and M. S. Schöffler
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033045 (2019) (October 23)
"Angular streaking in strong field ionization of chiral molecules"
doi:, pdfA. Hartung, S. Eckart, S. Brennecke, J. Rist, D. Trabert, K. Fehre, M. Richter, H. Sann, S. Zeller, K. Henrichs, G. Kastirke, J. Hoehl, A. Kalinin, M. S. Schöffler, T. Jahnke, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, M. Lein, M. Kunitski, R. Dörner
Nat. Phys. ... (2019) (September 30)
"Magnetic fields alter strong-field ionization"
arxiv:, pdfA. Hans, C. Ozga, Ph. Schmidt, G. Hartmann, A. Nehls, Ph. Wenzel, C. Richter, C. Lant, X. Holzapfel, J. H. Viehmann, U. Hergenhahn, A. Ehresmann and A. Knie
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 093104 (2019) (September 9)
"Setup for multicoincidence experiments of photons in the extreme ultraviolet to visible spectral range and charged particles—The solid angle maximization approach"
arXiv:,pdfR. Esteban Goetz, Christiane P. Koch and Loren Greenman
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 074106 (2019) (August 15)
"Perfect control of photoelectron anisotropy for randomly oriented ensembles of molecules by XUV REMPI and polarization shaping"
arXiv:, pdfG. Hartmann, M. Ilchen, Ph. Schmidt, C. Küstner-Wetekam, C. Ozga, F. Scholz, J. Buck, F. Trinter,
J. Viefhaus, A. Ehresmann, M. S. Schöffler, A. Knie, and Ph. V. Demekhin
Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 043202 (2019) (July 23)
"Recovery of High-Energy Photoelectron Circular Dichroism through Fano Interference"
arXiv:, pdfKilian Fehre, Sebastian Eckart, Maksim Kunitski, Christian Janke, Daniel Trabert, Jonas Rist, Miriam Weller, Alexander Hartung, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Till Jahnke, Reinhard Dörner, and Markus Schöffler
J. Phys. Chem. A 123 (30), 6491-6495 (2019) (July 22)
"Link between Photoelectron Circular Dichroism and Fragmentation Channel in Strong Field Ionization"
doi: Leibscher, Thomas F. Giesen, and Christiane P. Koch
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 014302 (2019), (July 2)
"Principles of enantio-selective excitation in three-wave mixing spectroscopy of chiral molecules"
arxiv:, pdfJoseph Duris, Siqi Li, Taran Driver, Elio G. Champenois, James P. MacArthur, Alberto A. Lutman, Zhen Zhang, Philipp Rosenberger, Jeff W. Aldrich, Ryan Coffee, Giacomo Coslovich, Franz-Josef Decker, James M. Glownia, Gregor Hartmann, Wolfram Helml, Andrei Kamalov, Jonas Knurr, Jacek Krzywinski, Ming-Fu Lin, Megan Nantel, Adi Natan, Jordan O'Neal, Niranjan Shivaram, Peter Walter, Anna Wang, James J. Welch, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Joseph Z. Xu, Matthias F. Kling, PhilipH.Bucksbaum, Alexander Zholents, Zhirong Huang, James P. Cryan, Agostino Marinelli
Nat. Photonics 14, 30-36 (2020)
"Tunable Isolated Attosecond X-ray Pulses with Gigawatt Peak Power from a Free-Electron Laser"
arXiv:, pdfPh. V. Demekhin
Phys. Rev. A, 99, 063406 (2019) (June 10)
"Photoelectron circular dichroism with Lissajous-type bichromatic fields: One-photon versus two-photon ionization of chiral molecules"
arXiv:, pdfD. Herberth, T. F. Giesen, and K. M. T. Yamada
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 362, 37–44 (2019) (May 30)
"Accidental Interactions in the Torsional Spectrum of Singly Deuterated Hydrogen Peroxide HOOD"
arxiv:, pdfBoris M. Lagutin, Ivan D. Petrov, Nicolay M. Novikovskiy, Victor L. Sukhorukov, Philipp V. Demekhin, André Knie, and Arno Ehresmann
Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 103 (2019) (May 14)
"Auger-like correlations in the two-photon above threshold ionization of Ar"
doi: R. Domingos, K. Martin, N. Avarvari, Melanie Schnell
Angew. Chem., 58, 33, 11257 (2019) (Mai 13)
"Water Docking Bias in [4] Helicene"
doi: Kastner, T. Ring, H. Braun, A. Senftleben und T. Baumert
ChemPhysChem. , 20, 1416 – 1419 (2019) (April 11)
"Observation of Photoelectron Circular Dichroism Using a Nanosecond Laser"
arxiv:, pdfMartin Pitzer, Christian Ozga, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Philipp Reiß, André Knie, Arno Ehresmann, Till Jahnke, Alexandre Giuliani, and Laurent Nahon
J. Phys. Chem. A 123 (16), 3551-3557 (2019), (April 3)
" State-Dependent Fragmentation of Protonated Uracil and Uridine "
arXiv:, pdfK. Fehre, S. Eckart, M. Kunitski, M. Pitzer, S. Zeller, C. Janke, D. Trabert, J. Rist, M. Weller, A. Hartung, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, R. Berger, R. Dörner und M. S. Schöffler
Sci. Adv. 5, 3, (2019) (March 8)
"Enantioselective Magnetic fields alter strong-field ionization of an achiral molecule in a strong laser field"
doi:, pdf
Presse: Chemistry World, idwNikolay M. Novikovskiy, Dmitriy V. Rezvan, Nikita M. Ivanov, Ivan D. Petrov, Boris M. Lagutin, Andre Knie, Arno Ehresmann, Philipp V. Demekhin, and Victor L. Sukhorukov
Eur. Phys. J. D 73: 22 (2019) (February 5)
"Rearrangement of electron shells and interchannel interaction in the K photoabsorption of Ne"
arxiv:, pdfAndreas Hans, Philipp Schmidt, Christian Ozga, Clemens Richter, Huda Otto, Xaver Holzapfel, Gregor Hartmann, Arno Ehresmann, Uwe Hergenhahn, and André Knie
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10 (5), 1078-1082 (2019) (Februray 19)
"Efficient Fluorescence Quenching by Distant Production of a Free Electron"
arxiv:,pdfD. Kargin, K. Krekić, R. Pietschnig
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., accepted (2019) (January 28)
"Preparation and Molecular Structure of a Cationic Bisplumbylene"
doi: Sukhorukov, D.Petrov,B.M. Lagutin,A. Ehresmann,K.-H. Schartner,H. Schmoranzer
Phys. Rep. 786, 1–60 (2019) (January 18)
"Many-electron dynamics of atomic processes studied by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy"
arXiv:, pdfR. Esteban Goetz, Christiane P. Koch, and Loren Greenman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 013204 (2019) (January 10)
"Quantum Control of Photoelectron Circular Dichroism"
arXiv:, pdfI. D. Petrov, B. M. Lagutin, V. L. Sukhorukov, N. M. Novikovskiy, Ph. V. Demekhin, A. Knie, and A. Ehresmann
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013408 (2019) (January 9)
"Many-electron character of two-photon above-threshold ionization of Ar"
arxiv:, pdf
Publications 2018
Philipp V. Demekhin, Anton N. Artemyev, Alexander Kastner, and Thomas Baumert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 253201 (2018) (December 18)
"Photoelectron Circular Dichroism with Two Overlapping Laser Pulses of Carrier Frequencies ω and 2ω Linearly Polarized in Two Mutually Orthogonal Directions"
arXiv:, pdfIlchen, M., Hartmann, G. P. M., Gryzlova, E. V., Achner, A., Allaria, E., Beckmann, A., Braune, M., Buck, J., Callegari, C., Coffee, R. N., Cucini, R., Danailov, M. B., De Fanis, A., Demidovich, A., Ferrari, E., Finetti, P., Glaser, L., Knie, A., Lindahl, A. O., Plekan, O., Mahne, N., Mazza, T., Raimondi, L., Roussel, E., Scholz, F., Seltmann, J., Shevchuk, I., Svetina, C., Walter, P., Zangrando, M., Viefhaus, J., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., & Meyer, M.
Nat Commun9, 4659 (2018) (November 17)
"Symmetry breakdown of electron emission in extreme ultraviolet photoionization of argon"
doi:, pdfD. Kargin, Z. Kelemen, K. Krekić, L. Nyulaszi, R. Pietschnig
Chem. - Eur. J. 24, 16774-16778 (2018) (September 14)
"A stabilized bisphosphanylsilylene and its heavier congeners"
doi: Zinn, M. Schnell
Chem. Phys. Chem., 19, 21, 2915-2920 (2018) (July 28)
"Flexibility at the Fringes: Conformations of the Steroid Hormone β‐Estradiol"
doi:óbal Pérez, Amanda L. Steber, Anna Krin, and Melanie Schnell
J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 9, 16 (2018) (July 26)
"State-Specific Enrichment of Chiral Conformers with Microwave Spectroscopy"
arxiv:, pdfS. Isenberg, L.-M. Frenzel, C. Bruhn and R. Pietschnig
Inorganics , 6, 67 (2018) (July 11)
"Metallated [3]ferrocenophanes containing P3M bridges (M = Li, Na, K) "
doi:, pdfN. Hurkes, F. Belaj, J. R. Koe and R. Pietschnig
Appl. Organomet. Chem., 32, e4472 (2018) (June 14)
"Synthesis, structure and catalytic properties of bis[2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]silanediol"
doi: D. Müller, Anton N. Artemyev, and Philipp V. Demekhin
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 214307 (2018) (June 7)
"Photoelectron circular dichroism in the multiphoton ionization by short laser pulses. II. Three- and four-photon ionization of fenchone and camphor"
arXiv:, pdfMartin Pitzer, Robert Berger, Jürgen Stohner, Reinhard Dörner, Markus Schöffler
Chimia, 72, 384 (2018) (June 1)
"Investigating Absolute Stereochemical Configuration with Coulomb Explosion Imaging"
doi:, pdf
Timur A. Isaev, Robert Berger
Chimia, 72, 6, (2018) (June 1)
"Towards Ultracold Chiral Molecules"
doi:, pdfK. Fehre, D. Trojanowskaja, J. Gatzke, M. Kunitski, F. Trinter, S. Zeller, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, J. Stohner, R. Berger, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner, M. S. Schöffler
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 045112 (2018) (April 23)
"Absolute ion detection efficiencies of microchannel plates and funnel microchannel plates for multi-coincidence detection"
doi:, pdf
arXiv:, pdfDaniel Basilewitsch, Lutz Marder, Christiane P. Koch
C.P. Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 161 (2018) (April 6)
"Dissipative quantum dynamics and optimal control using iterative time ordering: an application to superconducting qubits"
arXiv:, pdf