PhD Alumni Network

The Graduate School of Socio-Ecological Research for Development offered multidisciplinary research and an education environment for more than 80 PhD and postdoc researchers. In this section of the website, you get to know ICDD PhD Alumni, and take a look at their experience and achievements. This is the PhD Alumni Network.

Profile Summary
Andrew is currently the Research Coordinator at the African Center for Biodiversity (ACB), based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has an MA in Development and Environmental Sociology, and is completing his PhD on the agrarian question, the politics of food, and grassroots organizing in South Africa, at Wits University, Johannesburg. His research work has focused mainly on land, extractivism, environment and the politics of food systems. He also has an activist history in cooperative and solidarity economy support, community organizing, popular education and coordinating national campaigning on food and climate justice issues.
Work experience
Sessional lecturer
Department of Sociology, Wits University
Cooperative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC)
African Center for Biodiversity (ACB)
DO Obura, Y. Katerere, M. Mayet, D. Kaelo, S. Msweli, K. Mather, J. Harris, M. Louis, R. Kramer, T. Teferi, M. Samoilys, L. Lewis, A. Bennie , F. Kumah, M. Isaacs and P. Nantongo. 2021. Integrate biodiversity targets from local to global levels. Science 373: 746-748 (6556).
Bennie, A. 2021. Land Struggles, Democracy and Race in Brazil: Contesting the nation. In K. Mabasa and B. Mabasa (eds.) Land in South Africa: Contested Meanings and Nation Formation. Johannesburg: MISTRA.
Bennie, A. 2019. Locking in commercial farming: Challenges for food sovereignty and the solidarity economy. In V. Satgar (ed.) Cooperatives in South Africa: Advancing Solidarity Economy Pathways from Below. Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press.
Bennie, A. and A. Satgoor. 2018. Deepening the just transition through food sovereignty and the solidarity economy. In V. Satgar (ed.) The Climate Crisis: South African and Global Democratic Eco-Socialist Alternatives. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Bennie, A. 2014. Linking food sovereignty and the solidarity economy in South African townships. In (V. Satgar (ed.) The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and Practice. Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press.
Bennie, A. 2014. The solidarity economy alternative in South Africa: Theory and practice. In E. Ehmke and K. Fakier (eds.) Work, Livelihoods and Social Security in the 21st Century: India, South Africa and Brazil. India: Routledge.
Bennie, A. 2012. Questions for trade unions on land, livelihoods and jobs. In N. Räthzel and D. Uzzel (eds.) Trade Unions in the Green Economy: Working for the Environment. Oxon: Routledge.
Bennie, A. 2011. Questions for labor on land, livelihoods and jobs: a case study of the proposed mining at Xolobeni, Wild Coast. South African Review of Sociology, 42 (3), 41-59.

Profile Summary
Asanda Benya is a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town. Her work focuses on the intersection of gender, class and race. She has published in labor and feminist journals in areas of women in mining, gender and the extractive industries, labor and social movements, social and economic justice. She is currently working on a book project based on her ethnographic study on women underground miners.
Work Experience
Senior Lecturer
2019 - Present
Sociology Department University of Cape Town (UCT)
2015 - 2018
Sociology Department University of Cape Town (UCT)
Research Associate
African Gender Institute (AGI), UCT Affiliate, 2019
Research Associate
2016 - Present
Society, Work and Development Institute (SWOP) Wits
Research Affiliate
2015 - Present
Labor and Enterprise Policy Research Group (LEP), UCT
Research Data Manager
South Africa-India-Norway Research, Wits
Senior tutor
Sociology Department, University of the Witwatersrand, JHB
Research Associate
Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI), Johannesburg
Writing Consultant
Wits Writing Center, JHB
Assistant manager
Research, Department of Labor
Research Intern
2007 - 2008
Society, Work and Development Institute (SWOP), Wits
Journal articles
Maree, J., Klerck, G., and Benya, A., 2021, “Employment Relations in South Africa”, in Bamber, G., Cooke, FL, Doellgast, V., & C., Wright (Eds), International and Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises and Institutional Responses, (7th Edition), SAGE.
2020, Migrant Women in South Africa's Platinum Belt: Negotiating Different Conceptions of Femininities, eds, Leslie J. Bank, Dorrit Posel and Francis Wilson, Migrant Labor After Apartheid: The Inside Story, HSRC Press, Cape Town.
Benya, Asanda-Jonas, 2020, “The construction of exploitable gendered mining bodies”, Global Labor Column, No. 330
Benya, Asanda-Jonas, 2020, “Failing to flatten the Inequality Curve”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Blog, Africa Department the-inequality-curve
Benya, Asanda. 2019, “Space Invaders: Underground Women Miners”, Global Dialogue: International Sociological Association, Vol. 9 Issue 2
2018, “There is no change in Marikana: The perspective of women”, (eds), Maren Grimm, Jakob Krameritsch & Britta Becker. Business as Usual After Marikana: Corporate Power and Human Rights, Jacana, Johannesburg, (with Judy Seidman), pp 104-129, English translations. ISBN 978-1-928232-57-5
2018, “Nothing has changed in Marikana: The situation from the perspective of women”, (Ed.) Britta Becker, Maren Grimm & Jakob Krameritsch. For example BASF: On Knozernmacht und Menschenrechte, (and Judy Seidman), pp 108-133. German translation, ISBN 978385476-565-3, .
2017, Women of the mines: apartheid and post-apartheid lived realities of South African women, Storia delle Donne, Vol 13, pp 79-101, ISSN 1826-7505, DOI: SDD-23957 and
2017. Going underground in South African platinum mines to explore women miners' experiences, Gender & Development, 25: 3, 509-522, DOI: 10.1080 / 13552074.2017.1379775 /13552074.2017.1379775
2017. “Excluded while included: Women Mineworkers in South Africa's Platinum Mines”, (eds), Glenda Bonifacio, Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives. Emerald Press, pp.169-180, ISBN: 9781787144842
2015. “Marikana: The Absence of Justice, Dignity and Freedom?”. Rodriguez-Garavito, C. Human Rights in Minefields: Extractive Economies, Environmental Conflicts and Social Justice in the Global South. Dejusticia Series. Ediciones Antropos, Bogota, Colombia Chapter 9, pp 260-297
2015, “COSATU's Demographic Profile”, The COSATU Worker's Surveys of 2006 and 2012: What do they tell us? (With Ncube, Phumzile), pp. 13-26.
2015. “The Invisible Hands: women in Marikana”, Review of African Political Economy, Vol 42 No.146, pp.545-560, DOI: 10.1080 / 03056244.2015.1087394 /10.1080/03056244.2015.1087394?needAccess=true
2015. Women, Mining and Precariousness, Labor Capital and Society, TRAVAIL, capital et société, 48 1 & 2, pp.68-91, 20Benya.pdf
2013, “Gendered Labor: A Challenge to Labor as a Democratizing Force,” Rethinking Development and Inequality, Vol. 2, Special Issue, pp. 47-62 / rdi / article / view / 11
Benya, Asanda. & Webster, Edward, 2013, “Dimensions of Informality: Changing Workplace Relations in the South African Platinum Belt,” Working in a Global Perspective. Facets of Informal Employment (Labor Policy in Global Perspective: Facets of Informal Employment), pp. 191-216.
Benya, Asanda. 2018, “24 Demands for every year the government has neglected women: reflections on the #TotalShutDown Movement in Cape Town”, Amandla! Issue No. 60, October 2018, pp 12-13
Benya, Asanda. 2018, “South Africa's Underground Women Miners,” Africa's Mineral Fortune, University of Chicago Press
Benya, Asanda. 2017, “New labor federation and the gender question”, Amandla! Issue No 53, July 2017. pp 32- 33
Benya, Asanda. 2016, “Gendered Navigations: Women in Mining”, Review of African Political Economy Blog,
• Benya, Asanda. 2015, “South Africa's 21 Years of Democracy: Reflections on Living Conditions in Marikana”.!/publicacion/22
Benya, Asanda. 2014, “South African Miners and the Underground Self,” Global Dialogue: International Sociological Association, Vol. 4 Issue1 (pp30-32) africa-women-miners-and-the-underground-self /
Benya, Asanda. 2013, "Absent from the frontline but not absent from the struggle: Women in the Marikana Massacre," Femina Politica Vol. 22, Issue 1 (144-147)
Benya, Asanda. 2012, “Unions Short-Changing Women,” South African Labor Bulletin. Vol. 36, Number 3 (17-18)
Benya, Asanda. “Going Down to the Belly of the Beast,” Sunday Times: 23 May 2010, beast
Benya, Asanda. 2009. "Women Face the Rock Face: What Challenges," South African Labor Bulletin, Vol. 5 (5-7).
Benya, Asanda. 2009. “If you Don't Hear the Bell, You're Mince: Woman's Story of Mining Underground,” South African Labor Bulletin, Vol. 5 (7-9).
Benya, Asanda. & Mavuso, Ntombi. (2007), “Are Learnerships Effective in Combating Youth Unemployment?” South African Labor Bulletin, Vol. 32. No.2 (33-34)
Book reviews
Benya, Asanda, (2021) Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons, The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI: 10.1080 / 03066150.2020.1864573.
Benya, Asanda, (2019) Organize of Die: Leadership of a Special Type in South Africa's National Union of Mineworkers, Global Labor Journal, Vol. 10 No. 3, (253-255)
Benya, Asanda, (2017) The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Trade Unionism in South Africa ”Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 3 (533-535).
Benya, Asanda, 2013, Marikana: A View from the Mountain and a Case to Answer, South African Labor Bulletin Vol. 37, No. 2 (22-23.)
Recent Newspaper Articles
Benya, 2020, Migrant Labour After Apartheid, New Frame, , 4 November 2020.
Black Academic Caucus, 2020, There are alternatives to pushing emergency remote learning at universities, Mail & Guardian, 1 May 2020. (Asanda Benya as co-author)
Benya, Asanda, Faisal Garba & Simon Rakei, 2019, “Behind SA’s Brutality”, Mail & Guardian, 4 October 2019.
Ruchi Chaturvedi, Benya, Asanda. Azeem Badroodien, Nomusa Makhubu. 2019 “Newspapers distort dean selection process”, Mail & Guardian, 5 November 2019.
Benya, Asanda. 2017, “New Union Federation Risks Failure if it Ignored a Gendered Reality”, Business Day 19 May 2017. risks-failure-if-it-ignored-a-gendered-reality /

Profile Summary
Cheng Li is currently the research coordinator and postdoc fellow of the Centre for Studies in Trade Unionism and Labour Economics (CESIT) at the University of Campinas, and the tutor of the Global Labour University online academy.
Work Experience
Postdoc Fellow
2020 - 2021
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Visiting Scholar and Co-teaching Lecturer
2017 - 2018
ICDD & Berlin School of Economics and Law
Research Writer
2012 - 2017
UNI Global Union Asia & Pacific Regional Office
Li, C. (2021). Public policy choice of local governance under the COVID-19 crisis in China: Is the e-voucher scheme prone to poor relief? [await publication], Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Li, C. (2020). Rural labor mobility in the process of industrialization under triple dimensions: Time, space, and people. Latin American Journal of Trade Policy. ISSN 079-9668. 3(6), pp. 6-31. doi: 10.5354/0719-9368.2020.57164
Li, C. (2020). Rural labour mobility in the process of industrialization in early industrializers: the UK, France, the U.S., and Germany = Mobilidade de mão-de-obra rural no processo de industrialização nos primeiros industrializados : Reino Unido, França, EUA e Alemanha. 2020. 1 recurso online (356 p.) Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas,, Instituto de Economia, Campinas, SP.
Li, C. (2019). Transformations of the China’s labour market after 2008. RBEST: Brazilian Journal of Social and Labour Economics. Vol. 1, e019010, 2019 –ISSN 2674-9564. Pp. 1-34. doi: 10.20396/rbest.v1i0.12541
Qiao, J., & Li, C. (2018). 中资企业投资“一带一路”国家劳动关系风险防范研究: 以巴西为例. [Industrial relations risk prevention in the Chinese-funded enterprises in the “Belt and Road” nations: taking Brazil as an example.] Human Resources Development of China, 35(7): 109-124. doi: 10.16471/j.cnki.11-2822/c.2018.07.000
Li, C. (2017). Changing relations of production of agriculture in China under globalization. In Antônio, M. Buainain Miguel, R. Sousa; and Zander, Navarro (Eds.), Globalization and agriculture: Redefining unequal development, globalization and its Costs (pp.107-125). Lexington Books, USA. ISBN 978-1-4985-4226-5
Li, C. (2017). A new approach to rural labour mobility in the labour surplus economy: A tripartite labour supply model. In Virginius, Xaxa; Debdulal, Saha; and Rajdeep, Singha (Eds.), Work, institutions and sustainable livelihood: Issues and challenges of transformation (pp.153-192). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-5756-4_7
Li, C. (2017). Industrial unrest and role of trade unions in China. In Oksana, Balashova; Ismail, Goga Karatepe; and Aishah Namukasa (Eds.), Where have all the classes gone? A critical perspectives on struggles and collective action (pp. 126-145). Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München. ISSN 2196-5382
Li, C. (2017). Emprego e bem-estar social na era da inteligência artificial. [Employment and social welfare in the age of artificial intelligence.] Carta Social e do Trabalho, UNICAMP. Vol. 34, pp. 13-23.
Li, C. (2017). Partnership industrial relations of the PT. Hero Supermarket, Indonesia. UNI Asia & Pacific Regional Office Commerce Framework Project. ASEAN Services Employees Trade Unions Council, Singapore.
Li, C. (2017). 人工智能下的社会福利安排. [Artificial intelligence in reframing the future of work and the discourse on universal basic income.] Phenix International Think Tank. Hong Kong. Available at:
Li, C. (2016). 巴西的集体劳动争议预防与处理机制. [Collective bargaining and judicial resolution mechanism in Brazil.] Research project of international comparison on collective labour disputes prevention and resolution mechanism: Country report. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Beijing.
Li, C. (2015). Flutuando entre o campo e a cidade - Dissertação analisa mudanças na estrutura social da China. [Floating migrants between the rural and the urban: Dissertation analyzes in changes of the China's social structure.]. Jornal of UNICAMP, No. 621.
Kong, M., & Li, C. (2014). Labour laws and practices in ASEAN volume II: A comparative study on gender equality, employment of persons with disabilities, youth employment and social dialogue”. Chapter IV “Opportunities for youth employment” (pp. 111-161). Project of the ASEAN Services Employees Trade Unions Council. ISBN 978-602-14814-0-0.
Li, C. (2013). Occupational safety and health guidelines in the retail industry. UNI Apro Commerce Framework Project. Project of the ASEAN Services Employees Trade Unions Council & LOFTF. In six languages: English, Japanese, Thai, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, and Vietnamese.

Profile Summary
Debdulal Saha is Assistant Professor (Economics) at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali. Prior to joining IISER, he taught at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati Campus for over 7 years and was one of the founding members of the Centre for Labour Studies and Social Protection (CLSSP), TISS Guwahati campus. He is author of Informal Markets, Livelihood and Politics: Street Vendors in Urban India (Routledge, 2017), co-author of Financial Inclusion of the Marginalised: Street Vendors in Urban Economy (Springer, 2013) and co-editor of Employment and Labour Market in Northeast India: Interrogating Structural Changes (Routledge, 2018), Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood: Issues and Challenges of Transformation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) and The Food Crisis: Implications for Labor (Rainer Hampp Verlag, 2013). He has also published articles in national and international journals on the issues related to urban informality, work and employment, social policy, plantation economy, and producer collectives.
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
2013 - 2020
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati Campus
Post Doctoral Fellow
University of Kassel
Journal Special Issue
Guest Editor, “COVID-19 and its Impact on the Indian Labour Market”, Indian Economic Journal, 69(3), 2021. (Co-edited with Anamitra Roychoudhury),
Books (Monograph)
Saha, Debdulal (2017). Informal Markets, Livelihood and Politics: Street Vendors in Urban India, London and New York: Routledge.
Bhowmik, Sharit and Saha, Debdulal (2013). Financial Inclusion of the Marginalised: Street Vendors in the Urban Economy, New York and New Delhi: Springer.
Books (Edited)
Xaxa, Virginius, Saha, Debdulal & Singha, Rajdeep (Eds) (2019). Employment and Labour Market in Northeast India: Interrogating Structural Changes, London and New Delhi: Routledge.
Xaxa, Virginius, Saha, Debdulal & Singha, Rajdeep (Eds) (2017). Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood: Issues and Challenges of Transformation, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Scherrer, Christoph & Saha, Debdulal (2013). The Food Crisis: Implications for Labour (Eds.), Mering (Germany): Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Journal Articles
Saha, Debdulal & Roychowdhury, Anamitra (2021). ‘Indian Labour Market in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Issues, Experience and Policy’, The Indian Economic Journal, 69 (3): 369–376.
Saha, Debdulal (2020). ‘Producer Collectives through Self-Help: Sustainability of Small Tea Growers in India’, International Review of Applied Economics, 34(4): 471-490.
Leubolt, Bernhard, Fischer, Karin & Saha Debdulal (2014). ‘Targeting and Universalism: Complementary or Competing Paradigms in Social Policy? Insights from Brazil, India and South Africa’, International Journal of Labour Research, 6(1): 75-94.
Saha, Debdulal (2011). ‘Collective Bargaining for Street Vendors in Mumbai: Toward Promotion of Decent Work’, Journal of Workplace Rights, 15(3-4): 445-460.
Saha, Debdulal (2011). ‘Working Life of Street Vendors in Mumbai’, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 54(2): 301-325.
Saha, Debdulal (2010). ‘Decent Work for the Street Vendors in Mumbai—A Distant Vision’, Journal of Workplace Rights, 14(2): 229-250.
Chapters in Edited Books
Saha, Debdulal (2019). ‘Occupational Health, Risk and Vulnerability: Conditions of Farm Labour on Independent Tea Plantations in India’ in Christoph Scherrer & Katja Radon (Eds.), Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in Southern Agriculture, pp. 156-170, München: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Saha, Debdulal, Singha, Rajdeep & Sharma, Padmini (2019). ‘Beyond Standard Outcomes: State of Employment and Labour in Tea Industry of Assam’, in Virginius Xaxa, Debdulal Saha & Rajdeep Singha (Eds.), Employment and Labour Market in Northeast India: Interrogating Structural Changes, London and New York: Routledge.
Xaxa, Virginius, Saha, Debdulal & Singha, Rajdeep (2019). ‘Introduction’, in Virginius Xaxa, Debdulal Saha & Rajdeep Singha (Eds.), Employment and Labour Market in Northeast India: Interrogating Structural Changes, London and New York: Routledge.
Saha, Debdulal (2018). ‘Informalisation of Tea Labour: from Plantations to Small Tea Gardens’ in Christoph Scherrer & Santosh Verma (Eds.), Decent Work Deficits in Southern Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies, Mering (Germany): Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Xaxa, Virginius, Saha, Debdulal & Singha, Rajdeep (2017). ‘Introduction’, in Virginius Xaxa, Debdulal Saha & Rajdeep Singha (Eds.), Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood: Issues and Challenges of Transformation, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Saha, Debdulal (2016). ‘Social Security for Urban Informal Workers: Street Vendors in Mumbai’ in Anand Kumar, Ashish Kumar Das & Sarada Prasanna Das (Eds.), Chronic Poverty in India: Policy Issues and Challenges, New Delhi: Vitasta Publications.
Saha, Debdulal (2014). ‘Public Space and Livelihood Security in the Urban Economy: The Case of Street Vendors in Mumbai’. In K. Fakier & E. Ehmke (Eds.), Socio-Economic Insecurity in Emerging Economies: Building New Spaces, London and New York: Routledge Earthscan.
Saha, Debdulal (2014). ‘Decent Work for Urban Informal Economy: The case of Street Vendors in Mumbai’ in Sharit Bhowmik (Ed.), The State of Labour: Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Labour, London and New Delhi: Routledge.
Saha, Debdulal & Scherrer, Christoph (2013). ‘Introduction: The Neglected Labor Dimension’ in Scherrer, Christoph & Saha, Debdulal (Eds.). The Food Crisis: Implications for Labor, Mering (Germany): Rainer Hampp Verlag.

Profile Summary
Dina has a degree in Marketing and International Business, and a Master's in Business and Regional Development. Her research projects involve Public Policy, Rural livelihood, Regional Development, Gender Perspective, and Science and Technology.She's also doing research associated in Patrimonio, Desarrollo y Sustentabilidad, A. C. where she gained experience in impact evaluation with quantitive and qualitative methods of international projects.
As an adept Research Associate, she has a well-rounded background in Sustainable and Regional Development and refined talents in Business and Economics. Additionally, her previous roles have strengthened my abilities in critical thinking, decision-making, and communication.
Work Experience
Head of the Study Revalidation Area
Registro Estatal de Trámites y Servicios
Castillo Loeza, D. C., Pereyra de la Rosa, E. & Becerril García, J. (XXXX). Gaps in public policy and rural livelihood strategies in the Yucatan. (Under review in Rural Society).
De la Rosa, E. P., Hérnandez Cuevas, F. I., Castillo Loeza, D. E., López Barreto, M., & Becerril García, J. (2021). La lucha socioambiental de proyectos alternativos: El caso del cerdo pelón en Yucatán [The socio-environmental struggle of alternative projects: The case of cerdo pelon in Yucatán]. Ecología política, (61), 74-79.
Castañeda-Navarrete, J., Castillo-Loeza, D.E., Pereyra de la Rosa, E. & Hernández-Cuevas, F. I. (2020). The impacts of Covid-19 on the mexican labor market: an analysis from a gender perspective. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin America Review. (9)1, pp. 83-112
Castillo-Loeza, D.E., Becerril García, J. & Hernández-Cuevas, F. I. (2019). Configuración de la política productiva: su contribución a los medios de vida rurales en Yucatán [Conformation of productive policy: its contribution to rural livelihoods in Yucatán]. Revista del Centro de Graduados e Investigación del Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida. (34)79, pp.109-117.
Castillo-Loeza, D.E., Becerril García, J., Canto Sáenz, R., Pech Ortiz, R. (2020). Efectos de la Política Pública y la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria en la agrobiodiversidad de los hogares rurales de Yucatán [Effects of Public Policy and University Social Responsibility on agrobiodiversity in rural households in Yucatan]. In J. Becerril García (ed.), Proyectos Sociales. Construcción Social de Conocimiento: su evaluación de impactos. México: Plaza y Valdez.

Profile Summary
Edith is Doctor in Social Science, she's a researcher and co founder in PADES, A.C. She has collaborated in impact evaluation of social projects in rural areas using qualitative and quantitative methods. She's also a teacher and mentor at Universidad Anahuac Mayab at the Business and Economics Faculty. Her expertise areas are: socioeconomics impact evaluation, regional development, competitiveness and business strategic direction.
Work Experience
Founding Partner and Research Associate
2018 - Present
Professor and Mentor
2020 - Present
Universidad Anahuac Mayab
Project Manager
2015 - 2016
Centro de Desarrollo y Competitividad A.C.
Graduate and Research Coordinator
Instituto Tecnológico Superior Progreso
2011 - 2012
Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Tabasco
Pereyra, Edith; Hernández, Francisco, Castillo, Diana, López, Mauricio and Becerril, Javier. (2021). La lucha socioambiental de proyectos alternativos. El caso del cerdo pelón en Yucatán. Ecología Política: cuadernos de debate internacional. Núm 61
Castañeda-Navarrete, J.; Castillo Loeza, D.; Pereyra de la Rosa, E.; Hernández-Cuevas, F. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 on the Mexican labor market: an analysis from a gender perspective. Journal of public governance and policy: Latin American review.
Pereyra, Edith; Javier Becerril e Iván Hernandez (2019), Proyectos sociales, alternativa al alivio de la inseguridad alimentaria en áreas rurales de Yucatán. Revista del centro de graduados e investigación. Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida. Vol. 33, Núm. 77. Junio.
Pereyra, Edith, Becerril, Javier, Canto, Rodolfo y Ortiz, Rafael. Construcción social del conocimiento y su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria en zonas rurales de Yucatán. En Proyectos Sociales. Construcción social del conocimiento: su evaluación de impactos.
Vazquez-Navarrete, C. & Pereyra de la Rosa, E. Sectores económicos. Contexto socioeconómico en Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) y Gobierno del Estado de Tabasco. 2019.La biodiversidad en Tabasco. Estudio de Estado. CONABIO. México. ISBN: 9786078570195
Pereyra, M and Pereyra, E. (2014) Competitividad de las micro y pequeñas empresas, en Revista Inventio No. 21. P. 13 – 17. ISSN digital: 2448-9026.

Profile Summary
Evans is an agricultural economist with a research and teaching focus on sustainable management of agri-food supply chains and production networks. He has practical expereince in sustainable management of cocoa value chains in Ghana, West Africa. He is also an advocate for a better society for all Ghanaians and Africans.
Work Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher
2021 - Present
Univeristy of Kassel
Graduate Researcher and Teaching Assistant
2016 - 2021
University of Kassel
Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
United Nations University

Profile Summary
Senior Research Fellow
Work Experience
University of Cape Coast
2004 - Present
Asare, K. Y., Koomson, F., & Agyenim, J. B. (2021). Non-Farm livelihood diversification:
Strategies and constraints in selected rural and peri-urban communities, Ghana.
Journal of Agri-business and Rural Development, 1(59), 5 – 15.
Koomson, F & Enu-Kwesi, F. (2020) Social capital: The missing link in Ghana’s development.
Oguaa Journal of Social Sciences 9(1), 51 - 62.
Baah-Mintah, R., Owusu-Adjei, E & Koomson, F. (2018). Education and training of small-
scale entrepreneurs: A tool for poverty reduction in the Nkoranza South Municipality,
Ghana. Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 6(4), 143- 151.
Koomson, F. (2017). Accessibility to non-bank credit and the growth of micro and small
enterprises in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. Oguaa Journal of Social Sciences
8 (1), 1 - 35
Koomson, F. (2016). Social networks and technology adoption in selected farming
communities in the Central Region of Ghana. Contemporary Journal of Inter-
disciplinary Studies, 5 (3), 249 – 262.
Koomson, F., Adamu, M. K. & Osei-Kufour, P. (2016). Motivation and employee goal
attainment in the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, Takoradi. Journal of
Business and Enterprise Development, 6, 32 – 52.
Enu-Kwesi, F., Koomson, F., Segbenya, M. & Annan-Prah, E.C. (2016). Determinants of
employee retention in Ghana Commercial Bank, Kumasi. Journal of Business and
Enterprise Development, 6, 1– 12.
Acquah, A. A. K., Koomson, F., Ekumah, E.K. & Osei-Kufour, P. (2015). Utilisation of facility-
based maternal healthcare services in the Twifu-Hemang- Lower Denkyira District.
Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 3 (1), 123-155
Osei-Kuffour, P. & Koomson, F. (2014). Reducing poverty through community participation:
The case of the National Poverty Reduction Programme in the Dangme-West district
of Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3 (8), 1611 –
Enu-Kwesi, F., Koomson, F., & Baah-Mintah, R. (2013). The contribution of the Kakum Rural
Bank to poverty reduction in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Municipality in the
Central Region, Ghana. Economic Annals, LVIII (197), 121- 139.
Moses S., Annan- Prah E. C Enu-Kwesi, F. and Koomson, F. (2013). Employee retention and
attainment of organisational goals in Ghana Commercial Bank, Kumasi. Journal of
Business and Enterprise Development, 4, 110 – 124.
Tenkorang, E. Y., Koomson, F. & Owusu-Koranteng, H. (2005). OECD guidelines and
human rights in the mining sector in Wassa West District of Ghana. Journal of
Philosophy and Nature, 2 (2), 12 – 39.

Profile Summary
Hariati Sinaga is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. She graduated from the ICDD Graduate School, the University of Kassel, in 2017. Her research interests are labor relations, gender, trade, particularly in oil palm plantations in Indonesia.
Work Experience
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2021 - Present
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
Research Associate
Research Assistant
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Course instructor
Global Labor University
Sinaga, H. (2021). Buruh Siluman: The Making and Maintaining of Cheap and Disciplined
Labour on Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia. In Maria Backhouse, Rosa Lehmann,
Kristina Lorenzen, Malte Lühmann, Janina Puder, Fabricio Rodríguez, and Anne Tittor
(Eds.), Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities (175-193). Cham: Palgrave MacMillan
Sinaga, H. (2020). Competitive Pressures and Labour Rights: The Indonesian Oil Palm
Plantations. Augsburg: Rainer Hampp
Sinaga, H. (2018) Mengukur Pekerjaan Layak Pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Indonesia.
Mondial FNV
Sinaga, H. (2018). Measuring Decent Work Deficit in Indonesian Oil Palm Plantation
Sector. In C. Scherrer and S. Verma (Eds.), Decent Work Deficits in Southern
Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies (13-33). München: Rainer Hampp
Sinaga, H. & Scherrer, C. (2015) Internationale Kernarbeitsnormen unter Konkurrenzdruck. In
M. Banafsche and H. Platzer (Eds.), Soziale Menschenrechte und Arbeit (103-120).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Sinaga, H. (2013) Indonesian Oil Palm Plantations: Decent Work Deficit Despite
Employment Growth. In C. Scherrer and D. Saha (Eds.), The Food Crisis: Implications for
Labor (99-126). München: Rainer Hampp
Sinaga, H., Joynt, K., Carstensen, L., and Scheper, C. (2013). Peripherie Stichwort: Die
Theorie Globaler Produktionsnetzwerke. Peripherie, 130/131
Sinaga, H. (2013). Employment and Income of Workers on Indonesian Oil Palm Plantations:
Food Crisis at the Micro Level. Food for Future Journal, 1(2), 64-78
Sinaga, H. (2012). Geschlechterdifferentielle Auswirkungen von Handelsliberalisierungen. In
C. Scherrer and A. Hänlein (Eds.), Sozialkapitel in Handelsabkommen (51-70). Baden-
Baden: Nomos
Sinaga, H. & Scherrer, C. (2012). Core Labour Rights: Competitive Pressures and Non-
compliance. ICDD Working Paper
Sinaga, H. (2011). The Impact of Free Trade on Labour Standards in Labour- and Capital-
intensive Industries in Indonesia. New Research in Global Political Economy

Profile Summary
Disciplined proffesional with a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences with over 5 years of working experience. Previous roles were related with teaching, research project design, statistical analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. In current role, as part of the Territorial Renewal Agency (ART in spanish), I participate in the process of follow-up implementation of iniciatives of the component of Economic Reactivation and Agricultural Production of the Territorially Focused Development Plans (PDETs in spanich) in the South of Cordoba - Colombia. Those plans are focused on 170 municipalities (covering 16 subregions) most affected by the armed conflict; rural areas of the country, which have been particularly affected by exclusion, violence, and inequality.
Work Experience
2020 - Present
Agencia de Renovación del Territorio
2010 - 2011
Universidad San Martín-CAT Montería
2006 - 2009
Universidad San Martín-CAT Barranquilla
Alfonso Juventino Chay-Canul, Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte, Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos, Jessica Beatriz Herrera-Ojeda, Juan Gabriel Magaña-Monforte, Irina N. Peniche-Gonzalez, José Herrera-Camacho, Ricardo Garcia-Herrera. 2020. Milk yield and composition of Katahdin and Pelibuey ewes in tropical conditions. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 29: 352-357.
Irina Nadieska Peniche-Gonzalez, Luis Armando Sarmiento-Franco, Ronald Herve Santos-Ricalde. 2018. Utilization of Mucuna pruriens whole pods to feed lactanting hair ewes. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 50 (7): 1455-1461.
Irina Peniche G, Luis Sarmiento F, Ronald Santos R. 2015. Estimation of milk production in hair ewes by two methods of measurement. Rev. MVZ Córdoba 20(2):4629-4635.
Irina N. Peniche-González, Zabdi U. González-López, Carlos F. Aguilar-Pérez, Juan C. Ku-Vera, Armín J. Ayala-Burgos y Francisco J. Solorio-Sánchez. 2014. Milk production and reproduction of dual-purpose cows with a restricted concentrate allowance and access to an association of Leucaena leucocephala and Cynodon nlemfuensis. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 42(3): 345-351.
5. III Congreso de Producción Animal Tropical e Instituto de Ciencia Animal. Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal. Tomo I Simposio de producción de rumiantes. P.R. 78. Cuba. 2010.
Lylian Rodríguez, Irina Peniche, T R Preston y K Peters. 2009. Nutritive value for pigs of New Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium); digestibility and nitrogen balance with different proportions of fresh leaves and soybean meal in a basal diet of sugar cane juice. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volumen 21, Articulo #16.
Productive and reproductive performance of grazing dual purpose cows with or without access to Leucaena leucocephala in the tropics. Serie de libros Ruminant Physiology. P. 770 - 771. Francia. 2009
Hamilton Escobar B., Irina Peniche G., Leonardo Alvarez A., Mastoby Martínez M. 2006. Evaluación histológica de la reparación tisular pospalatectomía parcial equina. Rev. MVZ Córdoba 11 (2): 855-859.
Digestibility and nitrogen balance in growing pigs fed a diet of sugar cane juice and fresh leaves of New Cocoyam (Xanthosomasa gittifolium) as partial or complete replacement for soybean protein. Memorias electrónicas del Seminario-Taller “Workshop on forages for pigs and rabbits”. Camboya. 2001.

Profile Summary
He holds a Ph.D. in social science from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY). He has been part of CONACyT'S post-doctoral program 2020-2021 at the Medicine Faculty-UADY. He was the Director of Yucatan Peninsula Climate Action Fund from 2019-2020. His areas of interest are sustainable rural development, green economics, and environmental economics.
Work Experience
Postdoctoral Research Professor
2020 - Present
Facultad de Medicina UADY
Postdoctoral Research Professor
2017 - Present
Patrimonio, Desarrollo y Sustentabilidad A.C
Pereyra-de-la-Rosa, E., Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Castillo-Loeza, D.E., López-Barreto, M.F., Becerril-García, J. (2021). “La lucha socioambiental de proyectos alternativos: El caso del cerdo pelón en Yucatán”. Ecología política (61):74-79.
Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Becerril-García, J., Pérez-Herrera, N.E., Marín-Cardenas, A.D. & Dzul-Rosado, K.R. (2021). “Factores socioeconómicos y prácticas que inciden en la autopercepción de buena salud en familias rurales mayas en Yucatán”. Revista Salud y Bienestar Social 5(1): 1-16.
Becerril García, J. & Hernández-Cuevas, F.I. (2020). “Rural Economy in Yucatán and the Impact of COVID-19”. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review 9:23-49.
Castañeda-Navarrete, J., Castillo-Loeza, D.E., Pereyra-de-la-Rosa, E. & Hernández-Cuevas, F.I. (2020). “The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mexican Labor Market: An Analysis for a Gender Perspective”. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review 9:83-112.
Becerril García, J., & Hernández Cuevas, F. (2020). Apicultura: su contribución al ingreso de los hogares rurales del sur de Yucatán. Península, 15(2).
Callaghan-Capetillo, M.A., Huchim-Lara, I.G., Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Rodríguez-López, B., G Cantón-Duarte, M. & García-Burgos, A. (2020). “Valoración económica de las amenidades de un cenote en Pebá, Yucatán, México”. Revista de Estudios Ambientales 8(1):43-58. doi:
Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Becerril-García, J., & López-Barreto, M.F. (2019). “El trabajo verde agropecuario y su contribución al ingreso de los hogares rurales de Yucatán, México”. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Rurales 4(7):79-112.
Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Vázquez-Bracho-Illescas, A., Loranca Rodríguez, K.G., & Mc-Manus-Gómez, M.P. Pía. (2019). Contingent valuation of the hydric resource: the Case of the Ecological Reserve of Cuxtal, Yucatán. Revista interamericana de ambiente y turismo, 15(1), 14-27.
López-Barreto, M.F., Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., & Becerril-García, J. (2019). “Innovation potential in Yucatec Mayan home gardens within a socioproductive program: a biocultural heritage perspective”. In Knerr, B. & Becerril, J. (2019) “Traditional Smallholders Farmers in a Growing Economy and a Globalized Word. Kassel University Press.
Hernández-Cuevas, F.I., Becerril-García, J.& López-Barreto, M.F., (2019). “Production patterns and water footprints in Yucatan’s traditional agriculture”. In Knerr, B. & Becerril, J. (2019) “Traditional Smallholders Farmers in a Growing Economy and a Globalized Word. Kassel University Press.
López Barreto M. F., Hernández-Cuevas F. I. & Becerril-García J., (2018) “El patrimonio biocultural maya-yucateco desde la perspectiva de la ecología política: el caso del huerto familiar en Chimay”, Journal of Political Ecology 25(1). p.312-331. doi:
Profile Summary
John is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation, and a Lecturer at the Centre for African and International Studies at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Work Experience
Research Fellow
2020 - Present
Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation; Centre for African and International Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Tutor (Graduate level, Part-time)
2014 - 2018
School for Development Studies, University of Cape Coast
Teaching Assistant
2011 – 2012
Department of Sociology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
State Protocol Office, Office of the President, Ghana
Teaching Assistant
2006 – 2007
Kay Billie Klaer Academy, Ghana
Amoah, J. O. (2020). Toward a transformative social protection: A gender analysis of funeral insurance in the Wa West District of Ghana. Social Development Issues 42(3), 1-11. doi:
Amoah, J. O. (forthcoming). COVID-19 pandemic, gender and informal work: voices from street vendors
Avornyo, R. & Amoah, J. (2014). Disclosing parental Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) status to children in Ghana: Reasons for and against disclosure and effects of decision. Advances in Applied Sociology, 4, 205-211.

Profile Summary
Jonah N. Muthui is a research scientist in the field of veterinary and animal science (nutrition) with a social science background. His research interests are in agricultural policy, agricultural value chain governance, sustainable agricultural innovations particularly in animal nutrition.
Work Experience
Egerton University
Innovations and Business Development Lead
2021 - Present
Nakuru Living Lab
Comparison of decent work status among smallholder pig farmers in Kenya; An empirical approach using Principal Components. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Sub-tropics, Vol. 120 No. 1 (2019) 79-90.
Influence of nutrition and value chain governance on enterprise performance in smallholder pig production in Kenya. A PhD thesis. Egerton University. A PhD thesis evaluating the bio-economic benefits of using alternative feed resources in pig production in Kenya
Estimation of daily nutrient allowances for pigs fed with alternative feed resources in smallholder enterprises in Kenya. Tropical Animal health and Production, Vol 51 No. 4 (2019) 799 -808
Beneficial effects of non-conventional feedstuffs on carcass characteristics and ileal mucosal morphology of finisher pigs. Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Vol 49 No. 2 (2018) 167 - 177
The Influence of Livestock Market Structure Conduct and Performance on Herd Productivity among Smallholder Farmers in Western Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 3(1): 12-16, (February 2014).
Decent Work deficits in Agriculture: Concepts, Measures and Solutions. A summer school report held at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) Merida, Yucatan, publication description. Kassel University Press

Profile Summary
Jorge Enrique Forero is a sociologist and political scientist, and a postdoc researcher at the Environment and Sustainability Area of the Simón Bolivar Andean University in Quito.
Work Experience
National University of Education (Ecuador)
Senior Advisor of the President
National Institute of Advances Studies (Ecuador)
Guest Lecturer
Global Political Economy Program - University of Kassel
Associate Professor
Sociology Master’s Program - Latin American School of Social Science (FLACSO-Ecuador)
Associate Professor
Political Science Area of the University of the Americas (UDLA-Ecuador)
2021 "Buen vivir as an Alternative Development Model: Ecuador’s Bumpy Road toward a Postextractivist Society" in Latin American Perspectives v. 3 i. 48: 227-244.
2017 “‘Us’ and ‘them’: Theoretical insights about the class division in contemporary capitalism” in Oksana Balashova, Ismail Doga Karatepe, Aishah Namukasa (Eds.) Where have all the classes gone? A critical perspective on struggles and collective action. Labor and Globalization Vol. 8, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München.
2016 “State, Illegality, and Territorial Control: Colombian Armed Groups in Ecuador under the Correa Government“ in Latin American Perspectives, January 2016, 43 (1) 238-251:
2012 Economía política del paramilitarismo colombiano. Quito, Flacso.

Profile Summary
Being part of AGT (Agriculture and bio system engineering ) university of Kassel working on solar cooling and heating and developing decentralised solutions with solar energy for farming community. Already developed successful solution of efficient milk cooling by minimising torque load on solar PV system. Currently working on solar heating by comparing different solar thermal collecting technologies.
Work Experience
Scientific Officer
2009 - 2012
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Khan, K. S., W. Amjad, A. Munir and O. Hensel. 2020. Improved solar milk chilling system using variable refrigerant flow technology (VRF). Solar Energy. 197(2020): 317-325.

Profile Summary
Core faculty at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research - Political Economy and Economics. PhD on Development Economics: Social and Labor Economics - University of Campinas (Brazil). She has served as Director of the Department of “Alternative Income” at the Secretary of Women for the city of São Paulo. Member of the Young Scholars’ committee of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE). Organizer of the Gender working group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) - Institute for New Economic Thinking. Member of LABIEB a multidisciplinary research group on development studies at the University of São Paulo and member of “As Pensadoras” a feminist scholars’ network.
Work Experience
Core Faculty (Economics, Political Economy)
2016 - Present
Brooklyn Institute for Social Reseach
Professor (Economics)
2016 - Present
Escola Superior de Administração e Gestão
2015 - 2018
Faculdade Paulista de Pesquisa e Ensino Superiro (FAPPES)
Department Director (Alternative Income )
2014 - 2015
Municipal Secretary of Policies for Women - City of São Paulo
Administrative Program Coordinator
2009 - 2012
Global Labour University
Fares, L. S. (2012). Flaskô: A Worker-run Factory. In M. Serrano & Edlira (Eds.), The Pursuit of Alternatives: Stories of Peoples’ Economic and Political Struggles Around the World (1. Aufl). Hampp.
Fares, L. S. (2020). [Interview].
Fares, L. S. (2021). Flaskô: Une usine gérée par les travailleurs. In AUTOGESTION L’encyclopédie Internationale (Vol. 10).
Fares, L. S., & Oliveira, A. L. M. de. (2020a). A feminist perspective on the 2017 Labor Reform in Brazil: Impacts on higher education faculty. In M. R. Walker (Ed.), Female voices from the worksite. Lexington Books.
Fares, L. S., & Oliveira, A. L. M. de. (2020b). Increasing Inequality in Working Time: An International Trend. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, 57, 83–113.
Fares, L. S., & Oliveira, A. L. M. de. (2020c, November). Why are women so tired? In Genere.
Fares, L. S., Oliveira, A. L. M. de, & Rolim, L. N. (2021). Working, Caring, Surviving: The Gender Dynamics of Remote Work in Brazil Under COVID-19. In D. Wheatley, I. Hardhill, & S. Buglass (Eds.), Handbook of research on remote work and worker well-being in the post-COVID-19 era. IGI Global.
Gibb, L. S. F. (2017). A tendência de despadronização da jornada de trabalho: Configuração no brasil e impacto nas mulheres. Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP.
Gibb, L. S. F., & Oliveira, A. L. M. de. (2015). A desigualdade na distribuição do trabalho total no Brasil: A quem favorece? Pesquisa & Debate, 26(2(48)).

Profile Summary
A deep concern regarding social and environmental justice issues has driven his academic research. His graduate studies focused on contemporary Yucatec-Mayan biocultural heritage and resource management from a political ecology perspective. During a recent postdoctorate position at the Peninsular Center for Humanities and Social Science (Cephcis UNAM), Mauricio carried out research regarding the cultural significance of the native bee in biodiversity conservation among groups of beekeepers, from a decolonial perspective.
Work Experience
Posdoctorate Researcher
2019 - 2021
Centro Peninsular de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Cephcis UNAM)
Executive Director
2018 - 2019
Fondo Climático de la Península de Yucatán (FCPY)
Executive Assistant
2007 - 2012
La lucha socioambiental de proyectos alternativos. El caso del cerdo pelón en Yucatán
La meliponicultura en La Reserva de la Biósfera de Los Petenes en la Península de Yucatán, México: Una iniciativa decolonial
La decolonialidad como alternativa para la conservación de la biodiversidad. El caso de la meliponicultura en la península de Yucatán
Indicadores bioculturales en proyectos de gestión ambiental. El caso de la meliponicultura en Yucatán
Patrimonio biocultural y participación comunitaria en Yucatán: una propuesta para la evaluación de políticas públicas
El patrimonio biocultural maya-yucateco desde la perspectiva de la ecología política: El caso del huerto familiar en Chimay
Huella hídrica de la agricultura de subsistencia en Yucatán: una aproximación Resistencias agroecológicas en Yucatán, México
Native Culture and Biodiversity: A complete sanctuary to conserve in Tambopata, Perú

Profile Summary
Dr. Muhammad Arslan Nawaz's focus is on screening of widely adapted plant cultivars with improved stable yield and product quality for farmers and consumers. He is also into solving agriculture market challenges with emerging technologies as well as an interest in sustainable cropping systems, plant genomics data science, food supply chain, and ecological genetics.
Work Experience
Doctoral Researcher
2016 - 2021
University of Kassel
Research Associate
2014 - 2015
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Pheno-genetic studies of apple varieties in northern Pakistan: A hidden pool of diversity.
Superfruit in the Niche — Underutilized Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Morphological and Genetic Diversity of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in the Karakoram Mountains of Northern Pakistan.
A Review on Genetics of Seed Yield and Quality Related Traits in Brassica Group
Combining Ability Analysis for Yield Related Traits in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).
Mutation breeding approach to breed drought tolerant maize hybrids

Profile Summary
Nisha Bharti currently works as Program Mananger - Consortium Development for WHO project at Disha Foundation. She also teaches as guest faculty in the Center for Labor Studies at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Work experience
2017 - 2018
Aajeevika Bureau
Research Associate

Profile Summary
Pedro Henrique Evangelista has an undergraduate and master's degree in economics from the Federal University of Uberlândia in Brazil. He also has a PhD in Social and Labor Economy from Estate University of Campinas - Brazil, as well as being a PhD candidate at the International Center for Development an Decent Work in Kassel.
Work experience
Assistant professor
Federal University of Uberlândia
Assistant professor
Federal University of Goiás
2019 - Present
Brazilian Association for Labor Studies.

Profile Summary
Dr. Prem Jose Vazhacharickal is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Mar Augusthinose College Ramapuram.
Work experience
Assistant Professor
2004 - Present
Mar Augusthinose College, Ramapuram
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Anu Augustine; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Morphological, molecular and biochemical characterization of selected banana varieties in Kerala and evaluation of their anticancer activities: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781653756582
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Common pest and diseases affecting Banana in South-India: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781713114451
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Rathi C.R; Syamjith Reji; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew (2019). Wine production from vegetables and preliminary component analysis: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781709797835
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Ellamplackill Surya Santhosh; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Green synthesis of copper and zinc nanoparticles using different varieties of banana starch, latex and sap and evaluation of their antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum cubense. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 781089128670
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Tombin Thomas; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Comparative study using banana peel and male flower as substrates for amylase production using Aspergillus niger in Kerala: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781074447601
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Jackson Jose; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Morphological characterization of edible banana varieties in Kerala (including germplasm collection) and male flower nutritional analysis of selected varieties: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781071150368
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Asish Issac Mathew; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Comparative study using banana pseudostem and leaf vein as substrates for amylase production using Aspergillus niger in Kerala: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781072874324
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Ninu Maria James; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Morphological characterization and nutritional analysis (leaf and pseudostem) of selected banana varieties in Kerala: an overview. Amazon Publisher, USA. ISBN: 9781070898278
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Nissy Mary Joseph; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Green synthesis of copper and zinc nanoparticles using various plant extracts and evaluation of their antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum cubense: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9781095343852
Prem Jose Vazhacharickal; Eldho Mathews Boby; Sajeshkumar N.K; Jiby John Mathew; P. E. Sreejith; M. Sabu (2019). Characterization and nutritional analysis of commonly cultivated banana varieties in Kerala: an overview. Amazon Publishers, USA. ISBN 9781070738321
Journal articles
Vazhacharickal, P. J., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., Kuriakose, A. C., & Abraham, B., (2016). Wine production from various underutilized and neglected fruits in Kerala. CIBTech Journal of Biotechnology, 5(2), 1-14.
Vazhacharickal, P. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., Mathew, J. J., Kuriakose, A. C., Abraham, B., Mathew, R. J., Albin, A. N., Thomson, D., Thomas, R. S., Varghese, N., & Jose, S. (2015). Chemistry and medicinal properties of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus): a review on current statues of knowledge. International Journal of Innovative Research and Review, 3(2), 83-95.
Vazhacharickal, P. J., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., & Sebastian, M. (2015). A study on the vitamin C contents of various neglected and under utilized fruits from Western Ghat region in Kerala. International Journal of food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 5(1), 94-105.
Vazhacharickal, P. J. (2015). Dairy production in tabelas: scenarios from
Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), India. International Journal of Innovative Research and Review, 3(3), 43-57.
Mathew, J. J., Vazhacharickal, P. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., & Shaik Haseena Wasila K.S (2015). Amylase production by Aspergillus niger in solid state fermentation using agro-industrial substrates. Journal of Bio-Protocols, 4(2), 5-9.
Sajeshkumar, N. K., Vazhacharickal, P. J., Mathew, J. J., & Sebastian, A. (2015). Synthesis of silver nano particles from curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) extract and its antibacterial activity. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(2), 15-25.
Sajeshkumar, N. K., Vazhacharickal, P. J., Mathew, J. J., & Joy, J. (2015). Synthesis of silver nano particles from neem leaf (Aadirachta indica) extract and its antibacterial activity. Journal of Biotechnology,4(2), 20-31.
Vazhacharickal, P. J., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., & Pavana Prathap (2015). Effect of concentration and ph on the preservative action of calcium propionate against black bread mold (Rhizopus stolonifer) in Kerala. Journal of Biotechnology, 4(2), 1-12.
Therumthanam, A. C., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., & Vazhacharickal, P. J. (2014). Studies on Pineapple (Ananas comosus) cultivation as an intercrop in rubber replant: effects on soil microorganisms. Science Research Reporter, 4(2), 119-127.
Ulahannaan, S., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K., & Vazhacharickal, P. J. (2014). Pineapple (Ananas comosus) cultivation as an intercrop in rubber replant: effects on soil chemical and physical properties. International Journal of Advanced Life Science, 7(4), 1-6.
Vazhacharickal, P. J. (2014). Urban and peri-Urban Agricultural Migration: An Overview from Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), India. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3), 347-365.
Vazhacharickal, P. J. & Gangopadhyay, S. G. (2014). Wastewater usage in urban and peri-urban agricultural production systems: scenarios from India. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society 2(1), 111-133.
Thomas, N., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K. & Vazhacharickal, P.J. (2014). Biomass production and utilization of various lignocellulosic substrates using cultivation of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.). Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(2), 207-211.
Thomas, N. T., George, A., Mathew, J. J., Sajeshkumar, N. K. & Vazhacharickal, P.J. (2014). Studies on caffeine content in various tea samples: a case study from Kerala. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 4(2), 901-906.
Vazhacharickal, P. J. (2014). Balcony and terrace gardens in urban greening and local food production; scenarios from Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), India. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 4(2), 149-162.
Vazhacharickal, P. J., Predotova, M., D. Chandrasekharam., Bhowmik, S. & Buerkert, A. (2013). Urban and peri-urban agricultural production along railway tracks: a case study from Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 114(2), 145-157.
Siegfried, K., Vazhacharickal, P. J., Predotova, M., & Buerkert, A. (2012). Sorption and desorption characteristics of ion exchange resins to estimate leaching losses in the field. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43(7), 1065-1072.
Vazhacharickal, P. J. & Buerkert, A. (2011). Sustainable cities: an overview of the urban and peri-urban agricultural production in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Leituras de Economia Política (19), 69-87.

Profile Summary
Economist, Doctor in Economic Development and Professor at the State University of the Midwest of Paraná.
Work experience
2021- Present
Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste
Ministerio do Meio Ambiente
Faculdade Fortium
2010 - 2012
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Tecnológicas - FACITEC
General Program Integration Coordinator
2008 - 2009
Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome
Cifuentes, R., Ansiliero, G., Constanzi, RN, (2021). Acompanhando a cobertura previdenciária pela PNAD contínua: proposta de indicadores para as diferentes versões da pesquisa. Text for discussion nº 2689. ( )
Cifuentes, R., Ansiliero, G., (2015). Cobertura e padrão da inserção previdenciária dos trabalhadores autônomos no âmbito do Regime Geral de Previdência Social. ABET.
( )
Profile Summary
Dr. Sami Ul-Allah works as an associate professor at the College of Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Layyah campus. He mainly does teaching and research, and is currently doing research on the tolerance of field crops against abiotic stresses.
Work Experience
Associate Professor
College of Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Layyah campus

Profile Summary
Verna Dinah Q. Viajar is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Dialogue Programme of Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung (Berlin); a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines Diliman (UP SOLAIR); and a PhD Fellow (2012-2019) at the International Center for Development and Decent Work, University of Kassel, Germany. She finished her PhD at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) Universität Osnabrück, Germany.
Work Experience
Post-doctoral Research Fellow 2019 - 2022
Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Berlin
Senior Lecturer 2019 - 2020
School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines Diliman
Project Manager 2017 - 2019
International Labour Organization - Country Office Manila
Faculty 2007 - 2011
University of the Philippines
Senior Researcher 2002 - 2008
Labor Education and Research Network
University Researcher 1998 - 2002
Third World Studies Center University of the Philippines.
Program Coordinator Research and Publications 1991- 1998
Labor Education and Research Network
Viajar, V. (2021). “Unions and workers against the Suharto regime in Indonesia”. In Azzelini, D. (Ed). IF NOT US, WHO?: Global Workers Against Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Dictatorships. pp.129-135. Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung.
Namukasa, A., Sinaga, H. and Viajar, V. (2021). “Gendered Dimensions of the Corona Pandemic”. In Duarte, P. and Fares, L. (Eds.). Labor and Globalization: Covid-19 Pandemic. ICDD.
Viajar, V. (2020). “Unravelling Duterte’s Iron Hand in the Time of Covid-19”. Available online: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
Viajar, V. (2021). "Trade Unions and NGOs in Malaysia: Contentions and Collaboration in Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers". Philippine Journal on Industrial Relations. University of the Philippines.
Viajar, V. (2020). “Asia: Mapping of trade union’s use of digital communication and education tools (When Covid-19 was declared a pandemic)”. Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung.