Eradze, 2022: Unravelling the persistence of dollarization: the case of Georgia, Routledge.
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Babacan, E., Kutun, M., Pinar, E., & Yilmaz, Z. (Eds.). (2021). Regime Change in Turkey: Neoliberal Authoritarianism, Islamism and Hegemony. Routledge.
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- Namukasa, Aishah (2020). Law and Labour Migration Struggles: Legal Consciousness of East African Healthcare Professionals in Britain. Kassel University Press.
- Sinaga, H. (2020). Competitive Pressures and Labour Rights: The Indonesian Oil Palm Plantation and Automobile Sectors. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Ehmke, E. (2019). Social Security Expansion in the South: From Welfare Regimes to Implementation. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Yilmaz, G.; Karatepe, I. D.; Tören, T. (Ed.) (2019). Integration through Exploitation: Syrians in Turkey. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Knerr, B. & Garcia, J. B. (2019). Traditional Smallholder Farmers in a Growing Economy and a Globalized World: Evidence from the State of Yucatán. Kassel University Press.
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- Scherrer, C.; Radon, K. (Ed.) (2019). Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in Southern Agriculture. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Otoo, K. N. (Ed.) (2019). Informality and Labour Regulations in Ghana. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Krein, D., GIMENEZ, D. M., & Santos, A. L. D. (2018). Dimensões críticas da reforma trabalhista no Brasil. Campinas: Curt Nimuendajú.
- Xaxa, V.; Saha, D.; Singha, R. (Eds.) (2018). Employment and Labour Market in North-East India: Interrogating Structural Changes. Routledge India.
- Azarhoushan, B. (2018). The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in the Industrial Sector on Regional Inequality. The Case of China. Weimar: Metropolis.
- Khan, I, A.; Khan, M. S. (2018).Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan. CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group. Publication flyer
- Scherrer, C.; Verma, S. (Ed.). (2018). Decent Work Deficits in Southern Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies. Augsburg / Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag
- Jungehülsing, J. (2018). Transnational migration and international labor solidarity. On migrant union members' impact on unions' cross-border work. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Yarmolyuk-Kröck, K. (2018). The Implementation of International and European Occupational Safety and Health Standards into the National Legislation of Ukraine. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Zenglein, M. J. (2018). Institutional Framework and Dysfunctionality of the Transitional Chinese Wage Bargaining Regime. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Xaxa, V., Saha, D., & Singha, R. (2017). Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kip, M. E. (2017). The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labour and German Trade Unions. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Scherrer, C. (2017). Enforcement Instruments for Social Human Rights along Suppy Chains. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Balashova, O., Doga Karatepe, I., & Namukasa, A. (2017). Where have all the classes gone?. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München.
- Quintana, Osnaide Izquierdo; Burchardt , Hans-Jürgen (Ed.). (2017). Trabajo decente y sociedad. Cuba bajo la óptica de los estudios sociolaborales. La Habana: Editorial UH. You can download the introduction to the book here. [German and Spanish] You can download the open access e-book here. [Spanish]
- Scherrer, C. (Ed.). (2017). Public Banks in the Age of Financialization: A Comparative Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Order the printed version here. Order the e-book here.
- Xara, V., Saha, D., Singha, R. (Eds.). (2017). Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood - Issues and Challenges of Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan
- Burchardt, H.-J.; Peters, S., & Weinmann, N. (2017). Entwicklungstheorie von heute - Entwicklungspolitik von morgen. Stuttgart: Nomos.
- Webster, E., Britwum, A. & Bhowmik, S. (Eds.) (2017). Crossing the Divide: Precarious Work and the Future of Labour. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: Scottsville
- Peters, S., & Burchardt, H.-J. (Hg.). (2017). Umwelt & Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive. Ressourcen - Konflikte - Degrowth. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
- Rajeev,M., Pramanik, S. (2014). Reforming Cooperative Credit Structure in India for Financial Inclusion. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Britwum, A., Ledwith, S. (2014). Visibility and Voice for Union Women: Country case studies from Global Labour University researchers. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Schmelzer-Roldán, Sarah Elisabeth (2014). The Impact of Electricity Sector Privatisation on Employees in Argentina and Brazil. A Comparative Institutional Analysis. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Azzarello, S., Fish, J., Günther, S., Heimeshoff, L.M., Hobden, C. & Kirchhoff, M. (2014). "'We want to be the protagonists of our own stories!' A participatory research manual on how domestic workers and researchers can jointly conduct research". Kassel: Kassel University Press.
- Jessop, B., Young, B., Scherrer, C. (eds.). (2014). Financial Cultures and Crisis Dynamics (Vol 189). Oxford: Routledge.
- Scherrer, C. (2014). The Transatlantik Trade Investment (TTIP): Implications for Labot. München: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Scherrer, C. (ed.). (2014). The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Implications for Labor. Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Britwum, A. & Ledwith, S. (2014). Visibility and Voice for Union Women: Country case studies from Global Labour University researchers. München: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Fakier, K., & Ehmke, E., (2014). Socio-Economic Insecurity in Emerging Economies-Building new spaces. Routledge, Chapman & Hall.
- Hachmann, L., (2014).Pursuing a Developmental State Trade Agenda in a Neo-Liberal Context: Brazil and South Africa in Comparison. München, Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Mende, J. (2015): Kultur als Menschenrecht? Ambivalenzen kollektiver Rechtsforderungen, Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus Verlag.
- Schmelzer-Roldán, S. E. (2014). The Impact of Electricity Sector Privatisation on Employees in Argentina and Brazil. A Comparative Institutional Analysis. München: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Braun, R., Pippig, J., Mari, F., Heuschkel, Z., Albrecht, S., (Eds.) (2013). Future of Food - State of the Art, challenges and options for action. Oekom Verlag.
- Burchardt, H.-J., Peters, S., Weinmann, N. (Hg.) (2013). Arbeit in globaler Perspektive.Facetten informeller Beschäftigung. Campus Verlag.
- McGuire, D.(2013). Re-Framing Trade - Union Mobilisation against the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS). Rainer Hamp Verlag.
- Scherrer, C., Saha, D. (Eds.).(2013). The Food Crisis - Implications for Labor. Rainer Hamp Verlag.
- Sarah Mosoetsa and Michelle Williams (Eds.)(2012). Labour in the Global South - Challenges and alternatives for workers.
- Burchardt & Öhlschläger (2012). Soziale Bewegungen und Demokratie in Lateinamerika. Nomos Verlag.
- Melisa R. Serrano and Edlira Xhafa (Eds.)(2012). The Pursuit of Alternatives Stories of Peoples’ Economic and Political Struggles Around the World. Rainer Hampp Verlag(Download). Review
- Scherrer, C. & Hänlein, A. (2012). Sozialkapitel in Handelsabkommen: Nomos Verlag.
- Hawkins, D. (2011). The Struggles over City-Space. Germany, Nomos Verlag.
- Webster, E. & Bischoff, C. (2011). Relations Industrielles. Johannesburg, Southern Africa: Hiver Winter.
- Scherrer, C. (2011). China's Labour Question. Kassel, Germany: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Scherrer, C. & Kunze C. (2011). Globalisierung. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
- Hussain, A. (2010). Agency Constraints of Women Credit Clients: Embodiment and Emotionality of BRAC Micro-credit Clients in Bangladesh. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Burchardt, H.-J. (2009). Die Nord-Süd-Beziehungen im Umbruch. Neue Perspektiven auf Staat, Demokratie und Weltgesellschaft. Frankfurt: Campus.