Short-term Visiting Lecturer Program

Please not that the ICDD is not currently accepting new applications for visiting professorship positions.
We expect the visiting lecturer to stimulate the interdisciplinary research along the research lines of the ICDD:
- Decent work along agricultural value chains
- Organizing the informal economy
- Extractivism and rural welfare
- Rural-urban linkages: transformation processes, livelihoods and social protection
- Rethinking development cooperation
As a short-term lecturer, you will receive:
- South-North professors (full professor, reader, senior lecturer) as well as scientists and lecturers (junior lecturer, lecturer): allowance for accommodation expenses and subsistence of up to 2.150 Euros per month for stays of at least 23 days.
- South-South and North-South (professors (full professor, reader, senior lecturer) as well as scientists and lecturers (junior lecturer, lecturer): allowance for accommodation expenses and subsistence of up to 1.000 Euros per month for stays of at least 23 days.
- Health care can be subsidised by a sum not exceeding 100 Euros for the whole duration of your stay as a short-term visiting lecturer. Please note that organizing adequate health insurance is your own responsibility.
- Travel costs from your home country to the ICDD Partner University and back are included in all these options.