
Events organised by the GPN target shortcomings of international partnerships that have historically been shaped by colonial relations between North and South.

Below you will find the event schedule and announcements.

Public Talk Recordings

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Public Talk Recordings : Watch recordings

Tea Time (Internal Event)

Find the schedule and announcements for the Tea Time

Tea Time (Internal Event): Explore

Schedule 2024

Schedule 2024



Pluriversum - Stimmen aus aller Welt



Schedule 2023

Schedule 2023




Réinsertion des migrants de retou



Indigenous visions of development and collective wellbeing in Arunachal Prades

Kalpavriksh, India


Atelier de formation sur la Décentralisation et Budgétisation Sensible au Genre Malika

Enda Graf Sahel, Senegal


Popular Movements And The Struggles For A Just Transitions In The Contemporary Global Sout



Political Economy of Climate Crisis

University of Kassel


Accelerating the Deep just transition in South Africa

University of Witswatersrand, South Africa


Labour rights in agricultural value system

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India


The political economy of agri-business in India: some regional experiences and policy implications

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India


Workshop on decentralisation, gender budgeting and advocacy for women and youzh of the national platform Suxali Jigeen in the suburbs of Dakar 

Enda Graf Sahel/ Plateforme Suxali Jigeen Telephone, Senegal


Reintegration of returning migrants

Enda Graf Sahel in collaboration with Boza fil, Senegal


Civil society voices on the conflict in the Sahel Region
University of Kassel


Strategic planning for management of the PBPA
Caribbean Coastal Area Management - C-CAM, Jamaica


Atelier de formation des jeunes leaders/ responsables des structures du Balai citoyen sur l’organisation des activités socio-éducatives et le Suivi Evaluation // 
Workshop for training of young leaders/managers for Balai citoyen's organisational strctures for social-educational activies and following evaluation 
Le Balai Citoyen, Burkina Faso 


Schedule - 2022

30th December


Atelier de restitution et de mise en débat experiénce d'implantation d'un agrobusiness sans déposseder les terres paysans

Quality Fruit Sénégal, Commune de

Mont-Rolland, Thiès-Sénégal

27th December


Launch of Towards a Feminist Solidarity Economy

India International Centre, Delhi
15th December

Public Talk:

The Invisible Conquest: From Indigenous Territories to National Frontiers in the Western Amazon (1850-1912)

Online via Zoom
21st and 22nd November


Capacity Building Training Programme for Trade Union Researchers

TUC- Ghana Conference Room, Accra
17th November

Public Talk:

Glo­bal Epis­te­mic Jus­ti­ce, Post-De­ve­lop­ment and Know­ledge Pro­duc­tion in the So­ci­al Sci­en­ces


Kleine Rosenstraße 3, Room 2019 (4th floor)

18th October

Policy and Empowerment Workshop:

What do civil society organisations in the global South need from us in Europe?

aka, Werner-Hilpert-Straße 22, Kassel, Germany
4th - 7th OctoberGPN Conference 2022University of Kassel (Gießhaus)


Technical Capacity building of the board and staff related to fundraising

23rd September

Online Book Discussion:

En Bolivia no hay racismo, indios de mierda. Apuntes de un problema negado

Speakers: Dr. Julio Roldán, M.A. Claudia Guzmán de Rojas and more

Online (on Zoom)
25th August


Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers (JNRWP) Localizing SDGs Workshop

The College of Science Agriculture and Education, Jamaica
15th - 16th July


Atelier de formation des jeunes leaders membres des structures du Balai citoyen sur la problématique de la participation citoyenne

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
23rd June and 29th September


Creating Alternative Modes Of Development Cooperation For Food Sovereignty And Reparatory Justice, Especially For Afro-Descendant Farmers

Hybrid (Institut Culturel Karl Lévêque, Haiti and online)
13th June


Listening to Refugee Voices: Towards Better Future for Refugees

India International Centre, Delhi

13th June

Public Lecture:

Post Development, policies, and the sustainability of life

Speaker: Dr. Ana Agostino (Uruguay)

Hybrid (at GPN and Online)
09th June

Public Lecture:

China-Africa agricultural cooperation and South-South Cooperation

Speaker: Mariasole Pepa

Hybrid (at GPN and Online)
14th FebruaryPublic Talk:

Ancient Lineages, Modern Re-awakenings: Marx, Buddha and the Pursuit of Happiness

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Devan Pillay


Schedule - 2021

10 December


ZOOM101: ZOOM Sensitization Workshop for Rural Women in Agriculture

Bridge Palm Resort, Jamaica; Bluefields People's Community Association, Jamaika; Village Academy, Jamaika; College of Agriculture, Science and Education, Jamaika
10 December

Academic, Policy:

Agricultural value systems and finance capital in India

JNU, Delhi, India
9 December

Training, Empowerment:

Contract Farming in India: A multi-sectoral exploration

JNU, Delhi, India
24-25 November


16th Annual Caribbean Child Research Conference, 2021

24-25 November


Journeys of initiation to Complete Sexual

Enda Graf Sahel, BP 13 069 Grant Yoff, Cité Millionaire, Dakar
18-19 November


Digitization training for organic vegetable farmers in the Bono east region to improve the marketing of their products

California Hall at Ghana Permaculture Institute
11-12 November


Digitization training for organic vegetable farmers in the Bono east region to improve the marketing of their products

California Hall at Ghana Permaculture Institute
27 & 29 October

Empowerment Workshop:

Empowerment of women in vulnerable communities of the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica

Portland Cottage Community Center; Lionel Town, Claredon; Old Habour Bay
18 October

Public Talk:

Battleground Agriculture: Resistance of Indian Farmers to Neoliberalism

> Watch the recording



Digitization training for organic vegetable farmers in the Bono east region to improve the marketing of their products

California Hall at Ghana Permaculture Institute

14-16 October

National Forum:

Agro ecology and food sovereignty: for food systems in line with popular demands

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
13 October

Webinar Series: AURORA

Mediterranean Food Systems in Conflict and Crisis
with Professor Rami Zurayk

5-6 October


Making an Employment Program that works for Urban India

New Delhi, India
15 September


Introduction of the AURORA project

(Read more on the AURORA project)

Online (American University of Beirut and University of Kassel)
9-10 September


The Role of Women's Organisations in Urban Agriculture

278 -Avenue Bendogo,- BURKINA FASO 278 -Avenue Bendogo, - BURKINA FASO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
3 September


"Free Prior Informed Consent" for the tribal/indigenous leaders and policy makers

Udaipur, India
18 August


"Free Prior Informed Consent" for the tribal/indigenous leaders and policy makers

Madhupur, India
13-14 August

Training Workshop:

Balai Citoyen’s Executive Training Workshop on Strategic Planning and Thematic Policy Formulation

Centre National Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, Dagnoen, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
11-12 August

Training Workshop:

Balai Citoyen’s Executive Training Workshop on Strategic Planning and Thematic Policy Formulation

Royal St. Louis; Rue de l'usine Yilma, Koubri, Burkina Faso
6 August

Empowerment Workshop:

Workshop on Food Systems in Haiti

Foreign direct investment megaprojects in Haiti: points of view and resistance of peasants and peasant farmers threatened or victims of eviction/expropriation

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
7 May - 11 June

Webinar Series:

The International System of Power

9 March

Public Talk:

Global Partnerships, Global Finance and Uneven Inclusion

by Prof. Dr. Juvaria Jafri (Wangari Maathai Visiting Professor at the GPN)

> Link to the recording

25-29 Jan

Training & Empowerment Workshop:

Rural Women Empowerment Recovery amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

26 Jan

Training Workshop:

Impact of COVID 19 and Climate Change on Vulnerable Women

Portland Bight Discovery Center, Jamaica
16 Jan

Policy Workshop:

Framework workshop for actors and experts in political governance in Burkina Faso on the theme:

Building and stabilizing political institutions (post-election) in West Africa - The case of Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
7-8 Jan

Empowerment Workshop:

Ghana Permaculture Institute Empowerment program for Peasant farmers in Bono East Region

Ghana Permaculture Institute, Ghana

Schedule - 2020

19-20 Nov

Academic & Training Workshop:

School governance and territorial development: what roles for the local elite?

02 NovOnline Kick-off ConferenceUniversity of Kassel, Germany
30 Oct

Online Kick-off Conference

> Link to the recording

University of Kassel, Germany