Reihaneh Saremi
Research Cluster
Partnership in development cooperation: Accountability of development organisations towards beneficiaries or project affected persons

Prof. Dr. Pooya Alaedini, University of Tehran
Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, Kassel University
PhD Project Title
In/Formalizing the Informal Life: A Dialogue between Social Policy and Everyday Life in Iran
Educational Background
2017: MA: Sociology (with a focus on sociology of Shi’a) - University of Tehran, Iran
2014: BA: Software Engineering (with a focus on social networks) - University of Teheran, Iran
Professional Experience
September 2019 – September 2021: Head of the social research team at Sobhe Rouyesh institute, NGO for children in labour
December 2020 – March 2021: Research Fellow at the Tehran municipality, Tehran, Iran (Researching on institutes for educating children in labour)
July 2020 – November 2020: Coordinator for the project Socio-Economic, Cultural and Technical Aspects of Natural Disaster Management: A Dialogue between Germany and Iran, the Philips University of Marburg, Germany.
April 2019 – July 2019: Research Fellow at the Social Security Organization Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
March 2019 – August 2019: Head of the social research team, at Green Cube Company, Tehran, Iran.
August 2016 – February 2018: Associate product manager at Taaghche (eBook store), Hasin Company, Tehran, Iran.
September 2015 – March 2016: Head of the social research team, at the “Iranian Urban Identity” workgroup, Ministry of Roads & Urban Development, Tehran, Iran.
Prior to this I completed academic studies and worked in a variety of industries on a part-time and casual basis.
Social/Political Activities
- Board member of the student cultural club, University of Tehran
- Volunteer teacher in deprived rural areas in Iran, since 2009
- Volunteer researcher and teacher for children in labour
- Chief Editor, editor and author of student publications, University of Tehran
- Member of the “Sociology of Shi’a” research group
- Essay writer in non-academic journals
- Saremi, R (2022). “The conversion of the interpretation of Shia’s Female Icons in the official discourse”, in: The main issues of the sociological study of Shia, edit. Shariati, S. et al. Tehran: Arma.
- Saremi, R. (2019). A Rebirth; The sociological study of the ritual of Itikaf, Tehran: Arma.
- Shariati, S., Saremi, R. (2019). A Sociological Analysis of E‘tekāf's Functionality in current Iranian Society, Quarterly of Social Studuies and Research in Iran.
Conference Presentations
- Saremi, R (2021). “Justice in the speech of preachers: the complicity of religion and interests”, in: The 5th national conference of social and cultural research in Iran’s society, February, Iran Sociological Association, Iran.
- Saremi, R (2020). “The religious mask of revolution: a study on Engels’ view on religion”, in: Colóquio Engels: bicentenário de nascimento, November, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Saremi, R (2019). "An Interpretation toward salvation; applying Weber’s Sociology of Religion to Contemporary Islam", in: 2nd National Conference of critical Reading of Classical Sociologists and Problems of Iranian Society: Sociology of Max Weber, March, Kharazmi University, Iran.