Thomas Sankara Scholars

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Anjana H Kumar | Invisible Women of Cashew Global Value System in Kerala |
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Képler Aurélien | (Postdoc) The economic stakes of the post-1986 cycle of political crises in Haiti: neocolonial economic development programs and power struggles |
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Bikila Abdisa Geleta | Trends and Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment, Its effects on GDP, Export Performance, and implications on Regional Trade Agreement in Ethiopia |
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Geofrey Muhairwe | Smart Technologies for Effective Service Delivery: The Case of Regulating Public Transport Service in Uganda |
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Neil Batsirai Maheve | Rethinking development and resistance in post-colonial Zimbabwe: the case of the CAMPFIRE project in Dande 1990-2016 |
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Rexford Akrong | Impact of Certification Programmes on Access to Export Markets by Smallholder Mango Farmers in Ghana |
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Les défis des programmes d’innovations écologiques dans la coopération au développement: exemple au Sénégal sur l’éco-construction, les énergies renouvelables et l’agriculture durable. (English translation: The challenges of ecological innovation programs in development cooperation: example in Senegal on eco-construction, renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.) | |
Oladjigbo Katchoni Georges Koba | Territorial governance and gender: challenges and perspectives in Burkina Faso and Togo |
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Reihaneh Saremi | In/Formalizing the Informal Life: A Dialogue between Social Policy and Everyday Life in Iran |
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Dev Krishnan Anil | Cooperation in Production as an Alternative for the Global South: An Exploratory Study of the Kudumbashree Farm Collectives of Kerala |
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Genius Ose Edokpa | Playing in the park: Exploring the dynamic performance of Jamaican Agroparks |
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Margaret Babirye | Climate Politics: Conservation, Displacement and Education – the case of Batwa of Uganda |
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