Thomas Sankara Scholars

Thomas Sankara Portrait by the Beninois Artist Youss Atacora

The GPN decided to name its PhD scholarships after Thomas Sankara being an outstanding personality from the Global South, whose ideas and practices of resisting neo-colonialism and promoting independent pathways for countries of the Global South are deemed to inspire the work of the Global Partnership Graduate School.

General information: Read more about Thomas Sankara and GPN

Ja­wa­har­l­al Neh­ru Uni­ver­si­ty

NameDissertation Topic
Anjana H KumarInvisible Women of Cashew Global Value System in Kerala

Haiti University

NameDissertation Topic
Képler Aurélien(Postdoc) The economic stakes of the post-1986 cycle of political crises in Haiti: neocolonial economic development programs and power struggles

Ha­ra­ma­ya Uni­ver­si­ty

NameDissertation Topic
Bikila Abdisa GeletaTrends and Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment, Its effects on GDP, Export Performance, and implications on Regional Trade Agreement in Ethiopia
Mideksa Fufa JilitoMulti-Stakeholder Partnerships and Engagement in Improving Rural Households Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals in Eastern Ethiopia

Ma­ke­re­re Uni­ver­si­ty

NameDissertation Topic
Geofrey Muhairwe

Smart Technologies for Effective Service Delivery: The Case of Regulating Public Transport Service in Uganda

Victoria KibonekaIdeology for food security? The Contest between Genetically Modified (GM) crops and Organic Farming as pathways to food security in Uganda

Rho­des Uni­ver­si­ty

NameDissertation Topic
Neil Batsirai MaheveRethinking development and resistance in post-colonial Zimbabwe: the case of the CAMPFIRE project in Dande 1990-2016

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cape Co­ast

NameDissertation Topic
Rexford AkrongImpact of Certification Programmes on Access to Export Markets by Smallholder Mango Farmers in Ghana

Uni­ver­si­ty of Ka­ra

NameDissertation Topic

Adama Doudou Diop

Les défis des programmes d’innovations écologiques dans la coopération au développement: exemple au Sénégal sur l’éco-construction, les énergies renouvelables et l’agriculture durable.

(English translation: The challenges of ecological innovation programs in development cooperation: example in Senegal on eco-construction, renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.)
Oladjigbo Katchoni Georges KobaTerritorial governance and gender: challenges and perspectives in Burkina Faso and Togo


Uni­ver­si­ty of Tehran

NameDissertation Topic
Reihaneh SaremiIn/Formalizing the Informal Life: A Dialogue between Social Policy and Everyday Life in Iran

Uni­ver­si­ty of Wit­waters­rand

NameDissertation Topic
Dev Krishnan AnilCooperation in Production as an Alternative for the Global South: An Exploratory Study of the Kudumbashree Farm Collectives of Kerala

Uni­ver­si­ty of West In­dies

NameDissertation Topic
Genius Ose EdokpaPlaying in the park: Exploring the dynamic performance of Jamaican Agroparks

Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel

NameDissertation Topic
Margaret BabiryeClimate Politics: Conservation, Displacement and Education – the case of Batwa of Uganda
María Fernanda Cordova SuxoAnalysis of the construction of the discourse on identities, realities and actions from the perspective of beneficiaries of development cooperation in the Andes, Bolivia