Online Materials

Below you can find our interview series and recordings of previous public talks.
Aiming to bring discussions on critical issues to a wider audience, one of our initiatives is to conduct interviews with researchers around the world about their research on the Decent Work Agenda.
ICDD Interview Series Episode 10
Featuring Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer (ICDD Executive Director)
ICDD Interview Series Episode 9
Featuring Dr. Javier Becerril Garcia, research professor at the Economy School at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY).
Interview Series Episode 8
Featuring Prof. Dr. Eleonor Faur, Full Professor, National Uniovesity of Sent Martin
ICDD Interview Series Episode 7
Featuring Prof. Dr. Pravin Sinha, from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India.
ICDD Interview Series Episode 6
Featuring Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan (agricultural scientist and vice-chancellor of the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)
ICDD Interview Series Episode 5
Featuring Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Herr (emeritus professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law)
ICDD Interview Series Episode 3
Featuring Prof. Dr. Saira Akhtar (Associate Professor, University of Agriculture Faisalabad)
ICDD Interview Series Episode 1
Featuring Verna Viajar (Visiting Research Fellow, University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations)
The end of globalisation? Farewell lecture by Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer (ICDD, University of Kassel)
Health, Safety and Security: The Everyday Struggles of Cabin Crew Workers in Aerolíneas Argentinas
Dr. Sara Cufré (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
The Rise of Non-Standard forms of Employment: Regulatory Changes and Trade Union Responses
Dr. Melisa Serrano (University of the Philippines, School of Labor and Industrial Relations)
The Phantom of Upgrading: Virtual Book Launch
Various speakers
Will the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) reshape the global economy and world order in the coming post-COVID-19 world?
Various speakers - Theoretical debate co-hosted by the ICDD and York Centre for Asian Research
The Brazilian Transition: State Formation and Capitalist Development
Pedro Salgado (Postdoc Fellow, ICDD, University of Kassel)
Harvesting Consent: South Asian Tea Plantation Worker´s Experience of Fairtrade Certification
Karin Astrid Siegmann (ISS)
Decent Work or Decent Finance? The Contradictions of Finance and Development
Anil Shah (ICDD, University of Kassel)
The Rise of the Far Right and the Exhaustion of Merkelism
Dr. Alexander Gallas and Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer (University of Kassel)
Reflections on the paradox of German academic precarity
Dr. Nicolas Pons-Vignon (Ela Bhatt Visiting Professor, ICDD)
Ecosocialism - Rereading Elmar Altvater
Dr. Raul Zelik
Precarious Work and Precarious Resistance: A Case Study of Zimbabwean Migrant Women Workers
Dr. Mondli Hlatswayo (Visiting Scientist, ICDD, University of Kassel)
The Rise of Eco-Fascism
Prof. Dr. Vishwas Satgar (Ela Bhatt Visiting Professor, ICDD, University of Kassel)
Is China better than the ‘West’ for Africa’s development?
Dr. Miguel A. Rivera-Quiñones (University of Puerto Rico)
Decentralized Postharvest Processing of Underutilised Species into Innovative Value-Added Products
Dr. Barbara Strum (University of Kassel)
Capitalist accumulation and the rural economy in Ghanas Upper West Region
Prof. Dr. Akua Britwum (University of Cape Coast)
Community-Based Rangeland Management
Dr. Tungalag Ulambayar (Saruul Khuduu Environmental Research & Consulting)
Do International Labour Rights Undermine Competitivness?
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer (ICDD, University of Kassel)
Gender Still Matters in Labour Studies
Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken (University of Osnabrück)
Trade Unions in Africa
Prof. Dr. Sakhela Buhlungu (University of Fort Hare)