
„The Effect of an Editorial Connection in the Peer Review Process of Economic Journals” (Marc Diederichs) SKILS 2025 Conference, Flims Laax, Switzerland, January 12-14, 2025

“Top Managers or Marionettes? The Roles of University Presidents for Achieving Excellence” (Tim Seidenschnur) ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, August 12-15, 2024.

“Different Fields – Variations of Competitions. A Contextualization of Funding Contests”, (Tim Seidenschnur)  19. Workshop on New Institutionalism (NIW), 21-22. March 21-22 in Jena.

“The Niches within Fields. How Academic Organizations Identify, Seek and Occupy Niches in German Higher Education” (Tim Seidenschnur)  19. Workshop on New Institutionalism (NIW), March 21-22 in Jena.

“Multiple Competition in Higer Education - Federal States in Germany as Organizational Actors?” (Tim Seidenschnur) lecture series of the Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo, November 17th, 2023.

“Diffusing Governance Modes of Competition. The Role of Field Logics for Institutionalization Processes”, (Tim Seidenschnur)  SCANCOR 2023 Organization Theory workshop at the University of Trondheim, November, 15th 2023.

“Pursuing alternatives to the metrics-driven University in the European higher education landscape”, (Tim Seidenschnur)  at the final conference of the network “European Universities – Critical Futures” at the University Foundation in Brussels, October 23rd, 2023.

“COVID-19 and open science: transformative research on the future roles of HEIs”, (Tim Seidenschnur)  final conference of the network “European Universities – Critical Futures” at the University Foundation in Brussels,October 23rd, 2023.

„ Contesting contests: How contests determine knowledge structures in different organizational fields”, (Tim Seidenschnur)  ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023 in the panel “Shaping knowledge policies in a globalized world – Actors, structures, and policymaking dynamics”

"Germany’s Exzellenzinitiative & Exzellenzstrategie: Background, Impact and Current Debates. Seminar on New Excellence Efforts in Higher Education" (Guido Buenstorf) Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, December 09, 2024.

"Multiple Wettbewerbe - Elemente eines analytischen Bezugsrahmens am Beispiel des Hochschulsystems" (Uwe Schimank). Universität Luzern, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Soziologisches Seminar. Forschungskolloquium Soziologie, December 12th, 2023

„Competition among Universities – a Dynamic Model Based on Selection Dynamics” (Nils Grashof) at the SCANCOR Thursday seminar, Stanford University (USA). November 2023

“Multiple Competition in Higher Education - Federal States in Germany as Organizational Actors?”, (Tim Seidenschnur) in the lecture series of the Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo, Norway, November 17th, 2023

"Zur Sozialisation von Postdocs" (Kathia Serrano-Velarde) Vortrag am Marsilius Kolleg der Universität Heidelberg, 15.  November 2023

“Diffusing Governance Modes of Competition. The Role of Field Logics for Institutionalization Processes” (Tim Seidenschnur) at the SCANCOR 2023 Organization Theory Workshop at the University of Trondheim, Norway, November 15th, 2023

"Surviving Science - Constructing Exit Decisions in Physics and History" (Tim Fenkner), Vortrag auf 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) Conference: Sea, Sky, and Land: Engaging in Solidarity in Endangeres Ecologies, November 8th, 2023, Hawaii

"The ‘Clusterization‘ of Research – Field-Comparative Perspectives" (Georg Krücken, Anna Kosmützky), Hawai’i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2023 Honolulu "Sea, Sky, Land, Endangered Ecologies, Solidarities", 08. November 2023.

"New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Science and Higher Education – New Forms of Actorhood?" (Georg Krücken, Anna Kosmützky), Stanford University, School of Education, Stanford, USA, Comparative Workshop, 24. Oktober 2023.

"Orientierung und Überlastung: Postdocs im multiplen Wettbewerb" (Julian Hamann), Jour Fixe des Robert K. Merton-Zentrums für Wissenschaftsforschung, 18. Oktober 2023, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

“Multiple competition in higher education — An analytical framework and insights from the German case” (Frank Meier, Andreas Röß, Uwe Schimank), Conference "The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?", October 5th-6th, 2023, Hannover

“Competitive capital-based positioning strategies of German universities” (Leonie Buschkamp & Tobias Bochmann) Panel “Multiple competition in science and higher education: Poland and Germany in a comparative perspective”, “The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?” LCSS / DZHW, Hannover, 6. October 2023

“Individual Research Autonomy in Multiple Competition” (Tobias Bochmann) Poster presentation at the International Conference “The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?” LCSS/DZHW in Hannover, 05. October 2023

 “Organizations in Competition: A ‚Meso‘political Perspective on Competitive Positioning Games from Universities” (Leonie Buschkamp) Poster presentation at the International Conference “The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times?” LCSS/DZHW in Hannover, 5. October 2023.

“Wettbewerb und Kooperation im Hochschulsystem. Neue Formen und ihre Folgen.” ( Anna Kosmützky) Keynote at the Conference of the Hochschulevaluierungsverbundes Südwest. Kooperation Trotz Konkurrenz? Chancen und Grenzen der Zusammenarbeit im Hochschulsystem. 29. September 2023.

"Orientation and role strain: On neglected function of academic competition among postdocs" (Kathia Serrano-Velarde),  at the BSA/WES conference in Glasgow (British Sociological Association/Work Employment & Society Group), September 13th-15th, 2023

Individuelle Autonomie von Wissenschaftler*innen. Ein konzeptioneller Vorschlag“ (Tobias Bocmann). Vortrag auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung in Osnabrück, 12. September 2023 

„Contesting contests: How contests determine knowledge structures in different organizational fields”, (Tim Seidenschnur & Leonie Buschkamp) at the ECPR General Conference, in the panel “Shaping knowledge policies in a globalized world – Actors, structures, and policymaking dynamics”, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, September 4th - 8th 2023

“Responding to Competition with University Governance Configurations. A Qualitative Meta-Study” (Jetta Frost & Luisa Overmeyer) at the 35th CHER Conference: Higher Education Institutions as Change Agents in Society: Perspectives on Adaptation and Impact, WU Vienna, Track 4: Governance, innovation & internationalization, August 30th – September 1st, 2023, Vienna, Austria.

“Failure in multiple competition” (Frank Meier), Workshop on Evaluation and Failure, July 13th, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic

“Federal States as Organizational Actors? How Funding Contests Realign the Roles Federal Ministries Take in German Higher Education” (Georg Krücken, Nicolai Götze, Tim Seidenschnur), University of Cagliary, Cagliari, Italien, 39th EGOS Colloquium "Organizing the Good Life, Between Legacy and Imagination. Sub-theme 78: Universities in Turbulent Times", 06.-08. Juli 2023

„(Autonome) Hochschulen im dynamischen Wettbewerb“ (Nils Grashof), bei der TU Ilmenau Wissenschaftsnacht, Ilmenau, Juli 2023

"Contests and the Making of People. A comparative Perspective on Organizational Socialization in Different Types of Organizations” (Tim Seidenschnur & Leonie Buschkamp) held at the ISA World Congress of Sociology (RC17), Melbourne, Australia, June 30th, 2023.

"Hochschulen im multiplen Wettbewerb“ (Georg Krücken), Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF), München, „50 Jahre IHF – Das nächste Kapitel der Hochschulforschung“, 29. Juni 2023.

„Wettbewerb und interne Governance“ (Georg Krücken), Festvortrag, Universität Wien, Österreich, Trilaterale Tagung "20 Jahre Universitätsgesetz - Governance Gestern - Heute - Morgen", organisiert vom Österreichischen Universitätsprofessor:innenverband (UPV), Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV) sowie der Vereinigung der schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden (VSH-AEU), 12. Juni 2023.

"Orientation and role strain: On neglected function of academic competition among postdocs" (Kathia Serrano-Velarde), at the DESY (Deutsches Elektronen Synchroton) virtual seminar, June 7th, 2023

„Windows of Opportunities. How the Pandemic Changed Education in Different Disciplines at Universities” (Tim Seidenschnur & Leonie Buschkamp) held at the ISA World Congress of Sociology (RC04), Melbourne, Australia, June 29th, 2023.

“Multiple Competition in Higher Education” (Tim Seidenschnur & Leonie Buschkamp) Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia, June 29th 2023

“Contests and the Making of People. A comparative Perspective on Organizational Socialization in Different Types of Organizations”, (Leonie Buschkamp & Tim Seidenschnur) held at the ISA World Congress of Sociology (RC04), Melbourne, Australia, June 29th, 2023.

„(Autonome) Hochschulen im dynamischen Wettbewerb“ mit Best Poster Award (Nils Grashof), TU Ilmenau Fakultätstag Wiwi & Medien, Ilmenau, Juni 2023

“Competitive capital-based positioning strategies of German universities. Some conceptual and empirical considerations” (Anna Kosmützky, Leonie Buschkamp & Tobias Bochmann) EGOS, Cagliari, Italy, Jun, 7th 2023.

"Multiple Competitions in Higher Education" (Georg Krücken), Tampere-Peking, Workshop "Peking-Tampere Online Lecture Series on Organization and Management in Higher Education", 16. Mai 2023.

"Latent functions of academic competition, with particular focus on the postdoc role" (Julian Hamann), Sociology of Science Seminar des Fachgebiets Sozialwissenschaftliche Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (Jochen Gläser) an der TU Berlin, April 27, 2023, Technische Universität Berlin

“Competing – An institutional view” (Frank Meier), 18th New Institutionalism Workshop, March 30th - 31th, 2023, Toruń, Poland

“Competition, Organizational Actorhood, and Collaborative Research Activities of University Members” (Anna Kosmützky). 18th New Institutionalism Workshop, March 30th - 31th 2023,Toruń, Poland

„(Autonome) Hochschulen im dynamischen Wettbewerb“ (Nils Grashof) im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie, Göttingen, März 2023

 „Is There a Niche for Everyone? The Positioning of Universities in Germany“ (Nils Grashof), DFG-Workshop on The Organisation, Economics and Sociology of Competition in Science and Higher Education, Burghausen, February 2023

"Fairer Wettbewerb in Wissenschaft und Sport" (Frank Meier), Workshop „Sport, Spiel und fairer Wettbewerb – Modelle des Klassifizierens, Vergleichens, Bewertens und Entscheidens“, 10.-11. Februar 2023, Eichstätt

"Who governs? Competition and cooperation in academia" (Anna Kosmützky, Georg Krücken) International Collegiality Project Workshop, Stellenbosch (SA). STIAS, January, 30th - February 1st 2023

„Competition on hold? How competing discourses shape academic organizations in times of crisis” (Buschkamp, Leonie, Seidenschnur, Tim  ), International Conference on Organizational Sociology, Trondheim, Norwegen, 08.12.2022.  

“Competitive Positioning of German Universities and the Stratification of the Academic Filed” (Bochmann, T., Buschkamp, L., Kosmützky, A., Schmid, R.B.) Herbsttagung der DGS Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie in Berlin, 24. November 2022     

Konferenzorganisation: Kosmützky, A.: “Competition and Organization – Comparative Perspectives”, gemeinsame Herbstkonferenz der DGS-Sektionen "Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung" und "Organisationssoziologie" (mit Julian Hamann and Anne Krüger), November 24-25.2022, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

„When Excellence is not Excellent: The Impact of Excellence Initiative on the Efficiency of Universities in Germany“ (Nils Grashof), TU Ilmenau Forschungsplattform, Ilmenau, November 2022

"Orientation and overload: How competition socializes postdocs" (Julian Hamann), Higher Education and Social Inequality Seminar at Durham University, November 28th 2022, online

"How to make sense of agency in the case of academic exits" (Tim Fenkner), Vortrag auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der DGS-Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie, 25. November 2022, Berlin

"Multipler Wettbewerb in der Hochschule: Interferenzen und differentielle Passungsverhältnisse2 (Frank Meier, Andreas Röß), „Wettbewerb und Organisation – Vergleichende Perspektiven“, gemeinsame Herbsttagung der DGS-Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie, 24-25. November 2022, Berlin.

“New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Science and Higher Education: Some Ideas on their Interconnectedness” (Kosmützky, A., Krücken, G.) REHES IV Workshop: Higher Education and its Organizations, Lugano, 06-07. Oktober 2022.

"Exit, voice and loyalty in academic careers" (Tim Fenkner), Vortrag auf einem Workshop am Robert K. Merton Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, 10. Oktober 2022, Berlin

"Weiche Landung oder harter Fall - Perspektiven auf den Exit aus der Wissenschaft im Fächervergleich" (Tim Fenkner), Vortrag auf dem DGS-Kongress, 30. September 2022, Universität Bielefeld

„Zwischen Personal, Person und Persönlichkeit – Anforderungen und Erwartungen an die Wissenschaft als Beruf“  (Kathia Serrano-Velarde und Julian Hamann) Vortrag auf dem 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie am 28. September 2022  an der Universität Bielefeld

"Multiple Competition in Higher Education: A Framework for Comparative Analyses" (Anna Kosmützky, Frank Meier), „Competition and Society: Comparative Perspectives“. Ad-hoc-Gruppe auf dem 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 26.-30.September 2022, Bielefeld

"Organizing crisis. Discursive change and windows of opportunity in academic organizations" (Leonie Buschkamp & Tim Seidenschnur), Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, Wien, 14. - 16. September 2022

“New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Science and Higher Education: Some Ideas on their Interconnectedness” (Kosmützky, A., Krücken, G.) REHES IV Workshop: Higher Education and its Organizations, Lugano, 06-07. Oktober 2022.

"Competing in research and education? Intended and unintended effects for universities in multiple competition" (Tim Seidenschnur), ECPR General Conference, University of Innsbruck,  August 2022, 22th-26th,

“Constellations of Multiple Competition in Higher Education: Interrelations between Organizational and Individual Competitors” (Andreas Röß, Anna Kosmützky, Frank Meier), “How do universities compete”, ECPR General Conference,  August 22th – 26th, 2022, Innsbruck.

"Multiple Competitions in Academia. What Role Do Funding Contests Play?" (Georg Krücken, Nicolai Götze, Tim Seidenschnur), Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich, 38th EGOS Colloquium "Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. Sub-theme 63: The Organizing of Academia". 07.-09. Juli 2022.

“Mapping the discourse of governing and organizing within universities“(Luisa Overmeyer & Jetta Frost) at the 38th EGOS Colloquium: The Beauty of Imperfection. Sub-theme 63: The Organizing of Academia. WU Vienna , July 7th – 9th, 2022, Vienna Austria

"Who is Organizing Research? Organizational Actorhood and Collaborative Research Activities of University Members“ (Kosmützky, Anna; Kienats, S.-R.). 38 EGOS Colloquium. Subtheme 63: The Organizing of Academia. Vienna, WU Vienna, 07.-09. July 2022.

Fächer im Multiplen Wettbewerb (Frank Meier), Workshop "Ökonomisierung der Wissenschaft?", 23.-24. Juni 2022, München

„Benachteiligte Disziplinen? Geisteswissenschaftliche Fächer im Wettbewerb“ (Andreas Röß), Tagung „Junge Hochschulen – wissenschafts- und hochschulpolitische Herausforderungen seit der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts“, 22. – 24. Juni 2022, Universität Paderborn

"Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem – Ursachen, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven" (Georg Krücken), Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Ring-Vorlesung "50 Jahre Universität Paderborn –  Eine Hochschule in der Region", 01. Juni 2022.

„‘Dritte‘ im Wettbewerb des Wissenschafts- und Hochschulsystem“ (Bochmann, T., Buschkamp, L., Röß, A.) Workshop „The Economics and Organisation of Science“, TUM Campus Heilbronn, 20. Mai 2022.

„Multiple Competition Constellations“. (Kosmützky, A., Meier, F.) Workshop "The Economics and Organization of Science“, TUM Campus Heilbronn, 18-20.5.2022.

"Excellent Universities or Excellent Researchers? Competitive Strategies of Universities and Collaborative Research Activities of University Members“ (Kosmützky, A., Kienast, S.-R. ). Bristol Conversations in Education Research Seminar SeriesCentre for Higher Education Transformations (CHET), Bristol, 10.05.2022.

„Multilevel Competition in Higher Education in Germany“ (Nils Grashof), SKEMA Business School Sophia Antipolis “Brown Bag Seminar”, Valbonne France, May 2022

„Do competitive programs improve performance?" (Nils Grashof), DFG-Workshop on the Economics and Organisation of Science“, Heilbronn, May 2022

"DFG-Forschungsgruppe Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem (FOR 5234)“ (Julian Hamann, Georg Krücken), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Gemeinsamer Workshop mit der DFG-Forschungsgruppe „Kooperation und Konkurrenz in der Wissenschaft“ (FOR 2553)“, 06. Mai 2022.

“Competition in Higher Education: Universities as Strategic Actors in Stratified Fields” (Kosmützky, A., Bochmann, T., Buschkamp, L.), 17th Workshop on New Institutionalism, Madrid 25. März 2022.

"Competition and Actorhood. How Different Funding Contests Reshape the Academic Field and its Organizational Actors" (Georg Krücken, Nicolai Götze, Tim Seidenschnur), IE University, IE Business School, Madrid, Spanien, 17th Workshop „New Institutionalism“, 24. März 2022.

"DFG-Forschungsgruppe Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem“ (Guido Bünstorf, Georg Krücken), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 41. Sitzung des Hochschulrats der Universität Kassel, 10. Dezember 2021.

"Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und wissenschaftspolitische Implikationen" (Georg Krücken), WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich, Forschungskolloquium, 23. November 2021.

"Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem" (Georg Krücken), Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF), München, Forschungskolloquium, 09. November 2021.

"Kooperieren im multiplen Wettbewerb" (Frank Meier), "Kooperation in der Forschung – Wissenschaftsmanagement und globalisierter Wissenschaftswettbewerb", Workshop im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs WIMAKO, 21.-22. Oktober 2021 (online)

"Soziologie des Wettbewerbs. Einblick in ein Buchprojekt" (Georg Krücken), INCHER, Kassel, INCHER brown bag talk, 15. Juni 2021.

"Multiple Competitions in Higher Education – A Conceptual Approach" (Georg Krücken), Helmut Schmidt Universität, Hamburg, Tagung "The “Betrieb” (Organization, Firm, Establishment, …) As Corporate Actor – A Theoretical and Empirical Challenge, 29. April 2021.

"Multiple Competitions in Higher Education" (Georg Krücken), Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Ungarn, Central European University (CEU) and Austrian Higher Education Network, 6th Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference, 22. April 2021, online.


"Multiple Competitions in Higher Education" (Georg Krücken), IRCRES-CNR, Rom, Italien, 12. November 2020.

Wettbewerbsdruck als Auslöser fragwürdiger Forschungspraktiken? (Guido Bünstorf), 9 January, 2020, held at ZiF-Kooperationsgruppentagung „Anreizstrukturen in der akademischen Forschung und deren Auswirkungen auf das System des Wissens“, ZiF, University of Bielefeld

"Vom Wettbewerb zu multiplen Wettbewerben? Neue Positionierungen von Universitäten im Wettbewerb" (Anna Kosmützky, Georg Krücken), Universität Bielefeld, ZiF, Bielefeld, ZiF-Kooperationsgruppentagung „Anreizstrukturen in der akademischen Forschung und deren Auswirkungen auf das System des Wissens“, 09.-10. Januar 2020.