Work Packages

Task 1.1 General administration & scientific coordination

Task 1.2 Technical implementation

Task 1.3 Communication strategy

Task 2.1 Managerial factors

Task 2.2 Camel performances

Task 2.3 Camels' most preferred feed and their nutritional profile

Task 3.1 Camel health care practices

Task 3.2 Camel health conditions

Task 4.1 Organization and functionality of VC

Task 4.2 Income generation

Task 4.3 Milk handling practices

Task 4.4 Microbial contamination of camel milk

Task 5.1 Capacity building

Task 5.2 'Best practice' feeding interventions

Task 5.3 'Best practice' health care interventions

Task 5.4 'Best practice' milk handling interventions