Team Equality Unit

Name, ForenameContact
Ernst, Sylke
Representative for Women and Equality /​ Head of the Equality Unit
Image: Sonja Rode
Foto Sylke Ernst
Paul, Janina
Paul, Janina
Mause, Hanna
Equal Opportunities Consultant
Lacher, Alina
Coordination Family Welcome & Dual Career Service
Lacher, Alina
Ferin, Lisa
Diversity Consultant /​ Contact person for anti-discrimination (according to § 6 paragraph 2 HessHG)
Ferin, Lisa
Schmidt, Nadine
Gender equality consulting project
Schmidt, Nadine
Theis, Iris
Deputy Representative for Women and Equal Opportunities
Image: Sonja Rode
Foto Iris Theis
Compart, Bettina
Deputy Representative for Women and Equal Opportunities
Image: Sonja Rode
Compart, Bettina
Student assistants

Contact address

Mönchebergstr. 19
34109 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804- 2577
Skadi Brandt
Lea Marie Köhler
Project Gender in der Lehre
E-mail: gender.lehre[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Office hours: Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Pauline Elenberger 
Lydia Kohlert 
Larissa Löber 
Jane Reinhardt 
Hannah Elisabeth Roth 
Jonna Willeke