DFN appointment planner

The DFN Appointment Planner is a useful online tool developed by the German Research Network (DFN), which is available to all members of the University of Kassel. The easy-to-use platform helps you to organize appointments for meetings and events efficiently or to create text-based surveys for team events, for example.

The DFN Appointment Planner complies with German data protection standards, so your data is secure.


Please go to the following link: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/

Click on "Log in" in the menu and then on "Login"

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Select the "federated log in" option.

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A new window will open. Please select "University of Kassel" and click on "Select".

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The Shibboleth login page of the University of Kassel will now open. Log in here with the login details of your university account (Uk number and corresponding password) and then click on "Login".

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