Extreme Light for Nanostructures

In the Extreme Light for Nanostructures group at the University of Kassel, we strive to fade the lines between Physics and Engineering. We implement ultrashort laser pulses to modify properties of materials for practical applications. We want to understand how these very highly intense pulses interact with matter and we shape them temporarily and spatially, so we can modify in a custom way their properties.

To this end, we work closely with our Institute of Materials Engineering and its extensive arsenal of analytical methods, as well as the Experimental Physics department "Femtosecond spectroscopy and ultra-fast laser control" with its femtosecond laser system and material processing platform.

We are also a secondary member of the Institute of Physics.

Symbolic image for research in material processing. This photo shows a section of a microscope. In the center is a transparent glass slide on a black platform. Above it is a silver microscope objective pointed at the slide. A hand protrudes into the picture from the left. The hand can be turned in one movement around the turret of the microscope, which contains a black tube in addition to the silver objective.Image: Exp 3


Femtoseconds laser pulses are an efficient tool to investigate and create technically relevant nanoscale structures. We employ temporal and spatial pulse-shaping technologies to design the laser-material-interaction and have access to a whole range of characterization methods including laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.

Research: Continue to our Research

Our Team

Her you find the contact of Professor Camilo Florian Baron, the assistant office and our scientific staff and students.

Our Team: List of our members

Studies and Courses

Professor Florian Baron offers the course "Materials processing with ultrashort pulsed lasers" for advanced Bachelor and Master level students. The course contains an introduction into lasers, generation of pulsed lasers, their interaction with matter and applications.

Studies and Courses: Further information on lectures


We have a variety of student research projects to offer. Please contact us to discuss Bachelor, Master or PhD projects.

Theses: See our projects for students
Image: CINSaT

06/18/2024 | AktuellesThe Extreme Light department of the IFW, ELiNa, joins CINSaT

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