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06/18/2024 | Aktuelles

The Extreme Light department of the IFW, ELiNa, joins CINSaT

After applying for membership in March, the excecutive board of CINSaT now decided positively.

The recently created department "Extreme Light for Nanostructures" (ELiNa) is part of the Institute of Materials Engineering (IfW) at FB.15 Mechanical Engineering since 2023. The Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT) actively connects natural sciences at the University of Kassel since 2002: from physics to biology and chemistry, as well as materials engineering to civil engineering. The center supports interdisciplinary research projects by connecting young and established researchers and organizing the study program "Nanostructure Sciences" (Bachelor and international Master).

At the CINSaT Spring Colloquium in March 2024, Professor Florian Baron presented an overview of his recent projects and the future of ELiNa to apply for membership at the CINSaT. Now, the CINSaT board members decided to accept the application and ELiNa is happy to join the Center.