04/08/2024 | Forschung

New Atomic Force Microscope - Bruker Dimension Icon

New opportunities for characterizing the structure and mechanical properties of material surfaces at the nanometer scale

The Mechanical Behavior of Materials Group proudly welcomes its latest flagship microscope. The Bruker Dimension Icon AFM will provide access to the structural and nanomechanical properties of surfaces on the nanometer scale, which will actively support materials research and development at Kassel University.

The instrument is to benefit further research groups of the University through cooperations and independent operation. The specifics for initial training and regular operation are currently being worked out. As a first step, a new lecture is offered from this summer semester 2024 to teach prospective users the fundamentals of scanning probe microscopy.

Most important features

  • Icon XYZ closed-loop scanner with a scanning area of 85 x 85 µm x 9 µm
  • Nanoscope 6 controller with 8 simultaneous data channels
  • Sample positioning stage 150 x 150 x 15 mm with optical microscope

We would like to thank the University of Kassel and the State of Hesse for their financial support.