Nanoindenter HSR (Alemnis)

Nanoindentation is the method of choice for measuring hardness and elastic modulus with submicrometric resolution. For this purpose, the Alemnis Nanoindenter represents a programmable, intrinsically displacement-controlled system that is ideally suited for mechanical tests at high strain rates. Strain rates up to Strain rates up to 104 s-1 can be achieved.

The Alemnis system's piezoelectric sensors and actuators provide the world’s highest attainable sustained indentation strain rates, excellent control over actuation profiles, and data acquisition rates of up to 1 MHz.


    The Alemnis nanoindenter is a modular system that is especially well suited to high strain rate applications:

    • Load

      • Standard Load Cell (SLC): max load 1500 mN

      • Mini Load Cell (MLC): max load 500 mN

      • High Strain Rate Load Cell (HSRLC): max load 1000 mN

    • Displacement

      • Piezo Stack (PZS): max displacement 80 µm

      • Enhanced Smart Tip (EST): max displacement 4 µm

    • displacement resolution: 0.004 nm

    • Strain rate range: 0.0001 – 10000 s-1

    • max. data acquisition rate: 1 MHz

    • Available tips: Berkovich, Cube-Corner, Spherical, etc.


    This equipment is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 949626).