02/13/2025 | Aktuelles

Pupil experiments with materials at UNI:Lokal

The UNI:Lokal is a central and open venue and exhibition space in Kassel's city center. It offers citizens the opportunity to find out about current research topics at the University of Kassel. There is currently an exhibition by the Herkules Racing Team, where the team is presenting three racing cars from previous years (

Image: IfW
Erklärung der unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften metallischer Werkstoffe, wie z. B. Wärmeleitfähigkeit und elektrische Leitfähigkeit

In addition to the Herkules Racing Team exhibition, numerous workshops and hands-on activities are offered for young and old. We from the Institute of Materials Engineering were also represented during today's visit by the fourth-graders from Niedervellmar elementary school, as the development of new and innovative materials is also of central importance for the progress of racing car technology. We talked to the children about different materials and their properties, such as the electrical conductivity of different materials. With the help of a digital microscope, we delved into the world of the microcosm and used the notched bar impact test to characterize the toughness of spaghetti in its raw and cooked state.

Image: IfW
Explanation of the notched bar impact test
Video notched bar impact test with spaghetti