Course: Design of Experiment and Reliability
- Dr.-Ing. Timo Möller
Learning objectives
- Knowledge: Students are given an insight into the reliability assessment of material systems and materials. Starting with the test planning for a material statement (statement quality), the execution (mainly based on standards) of material tests is discussed and a result follow-up (plausibility and hypothesis tests) is carried out. In doing so, the students know the relevant elementary processes which must result in a material test with a decided accuracy.
Skills: Students are able to perform sophisticated materials testing for elementary and composite materials as well as additively manufactured materials. They are also able to assess and state the results with regard to the quality of the information (confidence interval). They are thus better able to assess and represent business economics and technological statement quality.
Competencies: The students are able to evaluate material systems with regard to their reliability and thus to assess them. They are also able to develop and implement suitable tests or a suitable test strategy within the framework of damage analyses.
- Creation of a test specification
- Test procedures (especially test acceleration) and areas of application - HALT, HASS, Success Run
- Physics of Failure
- Design of Experiment (DoE)
- Differentiation between reliability and safety
- Evaluation of reliability of material systems
- 8D process (for failure analysis)
Block course - dates (9-16:15 each):
- Individual blocks on Fridays and Saturdays; the dates have not yet been finalised.
Information and documents
- Registration required - from March 2025 via HIS!
All information and documents will be published this semester via Moodle ( Students who have registered in HIS by April 13, 2025 will receive the registration key for this course by mail on April 14, 2025.