Current Issues

Teaching Summer Term 2024

The Department of Technical Dynamics offers the courses Engineering Vibrations (TSL), Technical Dynamics (TD) and Applied Multibody Dynamics this summer semester. Further information on the course programme can be found in the respective Moodle courses. In addition to the classroom lectures in TSL and TD, a digital supplementary offer is provided in the Moodle course. This includes a video recording of the lecture.

If you have any questions about the respective courses, please contact the respective staff member:

The Engineering Dynamics Group wishes you a successful summer semester 2024!

New Journal Pa­per pub­lished

We are happy to announce that our most recent paper A combined FD-HB approximation method for steady-state vibrations in large dynamical systems with localised nonlinearities was published in the journal Computational Mechanics.

New Journal Paper published

We are happy to announce that our most recent paper An Engineering Perspective on the Numerics of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations - A Comparison of two Hyper-Time Approaches based on a unified Framework was published in the journal Nonlinear Dynamics.

Office hours of the Dean of Studies

For the office hours of Prof. Hetzler in his function as Dean of Studies, please make an appointment by email.

Older messages


University of Kassel
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Mechanics
Engineering Dynamics Group
Moenchebergstrasse 7
D-34125 Kassel