Engineering Vibrations


In the course Engineering Vibrations basic methods for the description of vibrations as well as for modelling and analysis of vibrating systems are treated. Besides systems with one degree of freedom systems with N degrees of freedom are treated and an introduction to vibrations of continuous systems is given as well.  Important phenomena are presented and discussed on the basis of typical questions in machine dynamics. The presentation concentrates on linear oscillating systems - nonlinear effects are addressed in passing.

In the course of the exercise, mechanical modelling is deepened and the application of methods for vibration analysis is demonstrated.


  • Introduction & Motivation
  • Basic terms, kinematics of oscillations, representation of oscillations, Fourier series, Fourier integral
  • Oscillators with one degree of freedom (free & forced oscillations of linear and simple nonlinear oscillators, shielding, seism. Transducers)
  • Multi-degree-of-freedom oscillators (free & forced oscillations of MK- and MDK-systems, absorption)


The contents of Mathematics 1-3 and Engineering Mechanics 1-3 are required.

Important note on the exam

  • The examinations from the summer semester 2015 onwards for the lecture Schwingungstechnik und Maschinendynamik are based on the new lecture content of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hetzler.
  • Students for whom the PO 2016 is valid must pass a course achievment (compulsory levy) from the summer term (2018) onwards in order to be able to take part in the exam.

  • Registration for the course achievment takes place in HisPos.