About Us

There are currently around 11 members of the FB15 student council. We carry out various committee activities as your student representatives within the faculty. This includes, for example, appointing new professors or attending regular meetings of the faculty council.

We are a colorful bunch of mechanical engineers and mechatronics engineers. We meet weekly during the semester to discuss current issues and concerns. We also plan and organize things like the welcome week or the end-of-semester barbecue. We also organize regular games evenings.

We will support you from the welcome week right through to graduation, whether with exams or as a point of contact for questions and problems.

If you would like to get to know us or would like to join us directly, just come along to the next student council meeting in the Grey Room (due to the current situation, we are holding our meetings in Discord in the #Sessions channel). We look forward to meeting you!

Why should you join us?

  • You are always well informed thanks to the exchange with other students
  • Up to 1 credit per semester, maximum 4 credits per degree (see key skills list "Participation in student committees")
  • Extension of BAföG
  • Looks good on your CV: improves your teamwork and organizational skills

Members of the FSR

Academic replacement
Name, Forename Contact
Bouaichia, Adam
Bachelor Maschinenbau
Bouaichia, Adam
Kistner, Nicola
Bachelor Plus MINT, Schwerpunktstudiengang Maschinenbau
Kistner, Nicola
Öztürk, Emre
Master Maschinenbau
Öztürk, Emre
Streck, Markus
Bachelor Maschinenbau
Streck, Markus