Cyano2023 - 8th Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria


Dear fellow Science enthusiasts,

we are happy to invite you to this year’s Cyano2023, the 8th early career researcher symposium on cyanobacteria, an initiative from the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie, VAAM). It will take place from 27‑29.09.2023 in Kassel, Germany, hosted by the Gutekunst Lab at the University of Kassel.

We would like to encourage graduate students and postdocs to participate. Our exciting schedule includes contributions from young scientists in the form of presentations and posters alongside top of the research presentations by four keynote speakers. We encourage plenty of scientific exchange in discussion panels, while also getting to know the people behind the research with a social program.

07.09. Update: The full schedule is now available here

Registration is now closed. It was open from 15.05.2023-15.08.2023.

We are looking forward to your participation!


Frauke Caliebe, Johanna Caliebe, Florian Paul, Nadine Strabel, Marius Theune

Keynote Speakers


AG Gutekunst

University of Kassel
FB 10 / Department of Biology
Molecular Plant Physiology


"Campus Center"
Moritzstraße 18
34127 Kassel

To get to the venue from downtown direction:
Take either Tram 1 "Vellmar" or Bus 52 "Salzmannshausen" or Bus 100 "Calden Flughafen" to get to the station "Holländischer Platz/Universität". You can find directions for the 400 m walk from this station to the venue below.

Supported by

We thank the VAAM and the University of Kassel for their financial support.

Vereinigung Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie

We would further like to thank our sponsors for providing handout gifts.