Subject Librarians by Subject

The subject librarians of the UB Kassel are responsible for the supply of literature and information in one or more subject areas. They act as a link between the library on the one hand and research and teaching on the other and are available for subject-specific consultations. You can see which subject librarian is responsible for your subject in the list below.

Overview of subject librarians by name

Agricultural scienceStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Architecture, urban and landscape planningVanja Juric
ArtsDr. Dorothea Behnke
BiologyStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Book scienceDr. Brigitte Pfeil-Amann (State Library)
ChemistryStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Civil engineeringDr. Tobias Pohlmann
Classical philologyArvid Deppe
Computer scienceDr. Birte Cordes
EconomicsSusanne Rockenbach
Education scienceSabina Lüdemann
Electrical engineeringDr. Birte Cordes
Engineering, generalDr. Tobias Pohlmann
English language and literatureDr. Dorothea Behnke
General bibliographiesArvid Deppe
GeographySabina Lüdemann
German studiesSusanne Rockenbach
Hessian regional studies and historyDr. Timo Kirschberger
HistoryDr. Daniela Müller-Wiegand
Journalism studiesSusanne Rockenbach
Language studies, generalDr. Dorothea Behnke
LawDr. Dorothea Behnke
Library scienceClaudia Martin-Konle
Literature studies, generalDr. Dorothea Behnke
ManuscriptsDr. Brigitte Pfeil-Amann
MathematicsStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Mechanical engineeringDr. Tobias Pohlmann
MedicineSabina Lüdemann
MusicSabina Lüdemann
Natural sciences, generalStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Other languages and literaturesDr. Dorothea Behnke
PhilosophySabina Lüdemann
PhysicsStefanie Bräuning-Orth
PoliticsSusanne Rockenbach
PsychologySabina Lüdemann
Romance studiesDr. Dorothea Behnke
Science studies, information scienceArvid Deppe
Social sciences, generalSusanne Rockenbach
SociologySusanne Rockenbach
SportsStefanie Bräuning-Orth
Theatre studiesSusanne Rockenbach
TheologySabina Lüdemann