Maintenance work at our hebis network centre from 21-27 March 2025

Due to maintenance work on the hardware infrastructure of the University Computer Centre Frankfurt, where numerous hebis services are hosted, there will be restrictions in the period from Friday, 21 March, from 3 pm until Thursday, 27 March.
The following services will not be available during the entire period:
- interlibrary loan
- display of digitised catalogue cards
- display of pdf tables of contents
The hebis research platform HDS will experience outages during the move on 21 March, starting at 3 pm, and on 22 March.
It will not be possible to search in KARLA, including accessing the user account, during this time.
In all other periods, during maintenance work, it is possible to search in KARLA.
Our self-service facilities in the libraries are excluded from the maintenance work, i.e. borrowing, returning and renewing items can be done at our self-service machines and return shelves.
Please renew your items in good time. In addition to renewals at the self-service machines, we are offering renewals by telephone service on 21-22 March. Please note our telephone availability:
- 21 March from 9 am to 6 pm
- 22 March from 10 am to 1 pm