FIT network

Around 14,000

Registered users receive the weekly FIT newsletter with the latest information on research funding.

Over 90

institutions (universities and non-university research institutions) are members of the FIT network.

Over 1,400

new entries in the FIT database per year - including information on science prizes, scholarships and various funding options.

Weiblich gelesene Person mit hellblauer Bluse tippt auf einer weißen TastaturImage: vladstar auf

What is FIT?

FIT stands for "Forschung, Internationales und Transfer" (i.e. research, international info, and transfer).

It is a database for research funding, events, calls and much more, updated daily by members of the University of Kassel and a number of partners from the network. FIT also offers a weekly newsletter, delivering relevant information right to your inbox.

Members of the FIT network can register at and set up a personal profile. With this profile they can search the database including the archive.

You're not a member of the FIT network, yet? Write us an e-mail, and we'll make you FIT for research!

To register in the FIT database, log in to search or manage your profile, please use the following link:

FIT database: FIT database

Who can use FIT?

The FIT newsletter service is available to researchers whose institution is a member of our network. Check here if your institution has access to FIT, and if so, a one-time individual registration is required for subscribing to the newsletter.

Short & sweet: The FIT leaflet

Our FIT leaflet gives you a compact overview of what the FIT service includes. Find the German and English versions below.

FIT registration

Your institution is a member of the FIT network and you would like to register to receive the newsletter? You can find detailed instructions here.


The FIT information service is managed by the Research Support office at the University of Kassel.

Carolin Schwarz and Roswitha Schwarz