Smart grids

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Lecture on intelligent power grids

Place and time: Tuesday at 14:00 to 16:00 in room 0315

First lecture: 23.10.2012.

Proof of performance: Written or oral exam

Previous knowledge: Fundamentals of electrical engineering

Smart grids stand for the transformation of conventional electrical energy supply from a centralized to a distributed approach. A large number of new types of local and controllable generators and consumers connected by communication networks allow fine-grained monitoring, control and optimization of grid operation. In particular, the integration of fluctuating renewable generators (wind and solar generators) and new types of consumers (electric vehicles) poses a major challenge for grid operators and can be solved with the help of smart grids.

The lecture covers the conventional electricity grid structure as well as new grid components and control strategies. The following topics are covered: Control options of decentralized generators, storage, electric vehicles and loads; aggregation, virtual power plants and microgrids; smart mete-ring, information and communication technology; grid connection conditions and system services (e.g. voltage and frequency maintenance); grid calculation, grid modeling, distribution grid planning and active distribution grid operation (e.g. voltage maintenance).