Martin Brown

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  • Activity:

        - Head of Energy Management and Operations electrical grids - Head of                   
          Operations Distribution Grids  at Fraunhofer IWES


  • Contact

             Phone +49 561 804-6202




  • 2005:     Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (University of Stuttgart)
  • 2005:     Dipl.-Kfm. techn. in technically oriented business administration (University of Stuttgart)
  • 2008:     Dr.-Ing. with dissertation "Provision of Ancillary Services by Distributed Generators" (University of Kassel)
  • 2005-2008:     Research Assistant at ISET, Kassel
  • 2009-2012:     Head of the research group Distributed Grid Services at Fraunhofer IWES, Kassel
  • 2010-2012:     Junior Professorship "Smart Power Grids" at the University of Stuttgart
  • since 2012:     Head of the Department of Distribution Grid Operations at Fraunhofer IWES, Kassel
  • since 2012: University Professor at the University of Kassel Head of Department Energy Management and Operation of Electrical Networks Competence Center for Decentralized Electrical Energy Supply Technology (KDEE)


Committee activities:

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
  • Member of the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform WG4 Developing Countries
  • International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Task 14:  Leader Subtask 2: "High Penetration of PV in Distribution Grids" (National Expert)
  • DKE STD_1911.10 "International Standardization SMART.GRID"
  • DKE STD_1911.5 "Grid Integration Electromobility"
  • CIGRE SC6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation
  • CIGRE WG C6.22 Microgrids
  • Member BSW Working Group PV Grid Issues
  • Member IEEE Power & Energy Society
  • VDE/ETG Member