Engineering Mathematics B3a


Credits points: 9

75 hours course attendance; 195 hours self-study

summer and winter

Language: English

Module type: compulsory

Module usability: M.Sc. Electrical Communication Engineering, M.Sc. Functional Safety Engineering

Module duration: one semester

Required qualifications:
undergraduate math (linear algebra, calculus, probability, random variables)

Competences to be acquired

Using mathematical frameworks in view of design objectives based on quantitative system specifications

Simulating and validating communication systems

Making deterministic and statistical inference



  • Fundamentals of linear algebra, basics in probability and statistics
  • Generalized functions and linear systems
  • Fourier transforms and Shannon-Kotelnikov (sampling) theorem
  • Bounded-input bounded-output stability in time-discrete linear time-invariant systems
  • Probability, stochastic processes, stationary processes and the central limit theorem
  • System description based on linear / non-linear operators (deterministic andstochastic)
  • System design and simulation using numerical methods
  • Monte-Carlo simulations
  • Single-/multi-variable calculus
  • Ordinary and partial differential equations
  • Optimization problems

Learning outcomes

  • Formulation of deterministic and stochastic mathematical models for systems and algorithms using linear and non-linear operators
  • Interpreting functions as elements of Hilbert spaces
  • Recap of undergraduate math topics


  • Lecturer: Dirk Dahlhaus, Nour Mansour
  • Teaching method: lecture and exercises
  • SWS: 5
  • Credit points: 9
  • Examination: written exam (120 minutes)
  • Course identifier: FB16-4915