Wireless Communications

module titlecourse titlecourse CPmodule CPoffered in
Physical Layer in Wireless Communications R1aDigital Communication Through Bandlimited Channels (lec and ex)512summer
 Digital Communication Through Bandlimited Channels (lab)1 summer
 Digital Communication Over Fading Channels (lec and ex)5 winter
 Digital Communication Over Fading Channels (lab)1 winter
Reliable Transmission in Wireless Communications R2aForward Error Correction in Wireless Communications (sem)312winter
 Medium Access Control Protocols in Wireless Communications (sem)3  

Introduction to Information Theory & Coding (lec and ex)

 Introduction to Information Theory & Coding (lab)1  
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications R3aIntroduction to Signal Detection and Estimation (lec and ex)612summer
 Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab (lab)3  
 Signal Processing in Wireless Communications (sem)3  
Wireless Communications R4aMobile Radio (lec and ex)36winter
 Software Defined Radio (lab)3  
Wireless Communications Project Work P1aWireless Communications Project Work66winter/ summer
Wireless Communications Master Thesis T1aWireless Communications Master Thesis3030winter/ summer