Design and development of an emulation of material flows on virtual production lines | Larson Schneider | Bachelor thesis | 2024 |
Comparison of the communication overhead of transferring C++ coroutines and Itoyori tasks | Leon Gierschner | Bachelor thesis | 2024 |
Parallelization of the simulation program HAUSer with OpenMP | Martin Heide | Bachelor thesis | 2024 |
Resource elasticity for the task-based parallel programming system APGAS | Raoul W. Goebel | Bachelor thesis | 2024 |
Comparison of C++-based parallel programming systems using a benchmark | Jonathan Meier | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
TasGPI: A Global Load Balancing Framework for C++ | Adrian Steinitz | Master thesis | 2023 |
Prototypical development of a scheduler for malleable jobs | Janek Bürger | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Comparison of two experimental runtime systems based on the evaluation of GNNs | Luca Hertel | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Further development and evaluation of scheduling algorithms for elastic jobs in high-performance computing | Fabian Hupfeld | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Comparison of two work-stealing methods for nested fork-join programs | Felix Nolte | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Efficiency comparison of two load balancing methods for parallel programming systems | Konstantin Stitz | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Benchmarking of Virtual Threads in Java 19 | Marco Spöth | Bachelor thesis | 2023 |
Application of a SplitQueue data structure to work stealing in runtime systems of task-based parallel programming systems | Tobias Werner | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Fault tolerance for parallel MPI programs: A comparison between ULFM, Reinit++ and Fenix | Loay Tabbara | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Parallel evaluation of neural networks as a benchmark for a task-based parallel programming system | Katharina Rose | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Locality-optimized load balancing for task-based parallel programming systems in computing clusters | Kai Hardenbicker | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Performance evaluation of the Java parallelization framework APGAS with the benchmark system Task Bench | Torben R. Lahnor | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Virtual IO through memory emulation | Malte Zahn | Bachelor thesis | 2022 |
Comparison of the parallel programming environments Cilk-F and OpenMP regarding usability and efficiency | Vitali Wascher | Bachelor thesis | 2021 |
A Local Search Approach for Scheduling Volunteers in Missions of the German Red Cross Society | Tobias Klipp | Bachelor thesis | 2021 |
Development of a network layer for a Java-based programming system in the field of high-performance computing | Steve Hildebrandt | Master thesis | 2020 |
Dynamic addition and removal of places within the Global Load-Balancing Runtime of APGAS | Jonas Scherbaum | Master thesis | 2020 |
Logging and visualization of the runtime behavior of a task pool implementation | Jan Bingemann | Bachelor thesis | 2020 |
Restructuring and coupling of C++ programs for the simulation of environmental processes | Bernhard Zeidler | Master thesis | 2019 |
Comparison between APGAS and Akka | Lukas Ried | Bachelor thesis | 2019 |
Design and Evaluation of a Work Stealing-Based Fault Tolerance Scheme for Task Pools | Lukas Reitz | Master thesis | 2019 |
Comparison of APGAS and Charm++ | Aron Bollmann | Bachelor thesis | 2019 |
Isolation of APGAS benchmarks using containers in an HPC environment | Fabian Wurmbach | Bachelor thesis | 2019 |
Using fibers as a replacement for threads in the runtime system of the APGAS library for Java | Matthias Hartmann | Master thesis | 2019 |
An Asynchronous Backup Scheme Tracking Work-Stealing for Reduction-Based Task Pools | Lukas Reitz | Bachelor thesis | 2018 |
Redesign and Parallel Implementation of a Spatially Explicit Land-use Model | Andreas Leiker | Master thesis | 2018 |
Benchmarks for the task-based parallel programming system APGAS | Steve Hildebrandt | Bachelor thesis | 2018 |
Transfer of a fault-tolerant algorithm for fork/join programs to reduction-based task pools | Maximilian Dratwa | Master thesis | 2017 |
Development of a C++ program for the determination of biodiversity indices | Bernhard Zeidler | Bachelor thesis | 2017 |
Comparison of the HabaneroUPC++ and APGAS libraries | Jonas Scherbaum | Bachelor thesis | 2016 |
Development of benchmarks for global load balancing in the parallel programming language X10 | Andreas Leiker | Bachelor thesis | 2016 |
Evaluation of fault tolerance in MPI / ULFM using example programs | Mario Richter | Bachelor thesis | 2016 |
Global Load Balancing and Intra-Node Synchronization with the Java Framework APGAS | Jonas Posner | Master thesis | 2016 |
Analysis and optimization of components in a CAD system | Maximilian Dratwa | Bachelor thesis | 2015 |
Detection and handling of transient errors in task pools using the example of GLB | Matthias Beer | Bachelor thesis | 2015 |
Case studies on fault-tolerant programming with Erlang | Christian Schaub | Bachelor thesis | 2015 |
A framework for global load balancing | Marco Postigo Perez | Master thesis | 2015 |
Fault-tolerant task pools in the parallel programming language X10 | Jonas Posner | Bachelor thesis | 2014 |
Master's thesis at SMA | Michael Pflüger | Master thesis | 2013 |
Master thesis at Crytek | Christopher Bolte | Master thesis | 2013 |
Distributed Priority Queue with Chapel | Marco Postigo Perez | Bachelor thesis | 2013 |
Bachelor thesis at SMA | Waldemar Seibel | Bachelor thesis | 2013 |
Experimental comparison of parallel programming languages with partitioned global memory using selected example programs | Nikolas Luke | Master thesis | 2012 |
Concept and implementation of a tag recommender for video resources using the example of UniVideo | Sebastian Boettger | Bachelor thesis | 2012 |
Extension of a chess engine to a team chess variant | Nikolas Luke | Bachelor thesis | 2011 |
Bachelor thesis at SMA | Alexander Vey | Bachelor thesis | 2011 |
Evaluation of genetic programming in the context of a tower defense game in Haskell | Frederik Kreckler | Bachelor thesis | 2011 |
Bachelor thesis at SMA | Patrick Ulbrich | Bachelor thesis | 2011 |
Bachelor thesis at SMA | Christian Tausendfreund | Bachelor thesis | 2010 |
Bachelor thesis at SMA | Florian Seeger | Bachelor thesis | 2010 |
CUDA Geometry Sensor Service | Christopher Bolte | Bachelor thesis | 2008 |
Comparison of pathfinding algorithms | Heiko Waldschmidt | Master thesis | 2008 |
Editor for 2.5D worlds from tile elements | Dominik Riehl | diploma thesis | 2008 |
Automatic fault detection in grid-parallel photovoltaic systems | Jens Haines | Diploma Thesis | 2008 |
Parallel Agent Models for a Realtime Strategy Game | Dennis Kessler | Bachelor thesis | 2008 |
Case studies on GPU usage and data structure design | Jens Breitbart | Master thesis | 2008 |
Parallel Crowd Renderer (Pace) | Johannes Spohr | Diploma Thesis | 2008 |
A framework for easy CUDA integration in C++ applications | Jens Breitbart | diploma thesis | 2008 |
Parallel Java Pathfinder for a real-time strategy game | Heiko Waldschmidt | diploma thesis | 2008 |
Parallel Spatial 3D Data Structures for Neighborhood Queries | Alexander Wirz | Diploma Thesis | 2008 |
Software Patterns with C++ and OpenMP | Florian Bachmann | diploma thesis | 2007 |
Development of a grid at the University of Kassel | Mirko Dietrich | diploma thesis | 2007 |
Parallelization of irregular parallel programs using Task Pools and OpenMP | Alexander Wirz | Diploma Thesis | 2006 |
An Evaluation of Threading Systems | Tobias Gunkel | Diploma Thesis | 2006 |
Legal Aspects and Implementation of a Notification System for Library Users | Sven Stefani | Diploma thesis | 2005 |
Artificial Intelligence for Racing Games/Simulations | Christian Niemand | Diploma Thesis | 2005 |
Grid Computing: Overview and Case Study | Ingram Hümmer, University of Giessen | Diploma Thesis | 2005 |
A Categorization and Visualization of available Parallel Programming Systems | Beliz Senyüz, M.Sc. at Istanbul Technical University | Master thesis | 2005 |
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