Practical Functional Programming

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Practical Functional Programming

Functional languages, e.g. Haskell, Lisp, Scheme and Erlang, offer a fundamentally different approach to the planning and development of software systems compared to imperative languages.

While classical textbooks and introductory courses on functional programming focus on the development of smaller programs or individual functions, this project will develop larger and more complex applications.

In a bi-weekly meeting the collected experiences, problems and solutions of the individual groups will be discussed together by means of short lectures and smaller live demonstrations.

The participants will additionally be familiarized with the techniques of distributed version control, automatic documentation generation and various test systems. It is planned to publish particularly successful projects as open source.

Project contents
The participating groups can choose their project contents - in coordination with the lecturers - freely according to their areas of interest.

Possible project contents would be e.g.

  • Game programming
  • Complex algorithms from computer science (artificial intelligence, optimization, ...)
  • Image processing
  • Visualization of multidimensional relationships
  • Physics simulations
  • Distributed or parallel computing

It is useful to write an email to the lecturers in case of an already existing concrete choice of topics.


  • Successful completion of the courses Introduction to Programming, Algorithms and
  • Data Structures and Programming Methodology
  • Knowledge in functional languages, e.g. acquired through attendance of the course "Functional Programming" or through self-study
  • the willingness to familiarize oneself in a short time with a fundamentally different programming paradigm and a related language and to develop a software system based on it

Students of the diploma, bachelor or master program in computer science from the 5th semester and other interested persons.

Project leader

Prof. Dr. Claudia Fohry
Dipl. Inf.Michael Lesniak

Preliminary discussion and further scheduling
Monday, 19.10.09 from 10.00-11.00 a.m. in the laboratory of the department (room 0646)


  • Bachelor 4 SWS (6CP) or 8 SWS (12 CP)
  • Master 4 SWS (8 CP)

Interested? Questions? Please contact Prof. Dr. Claudia Fohry or Dipl. Inf. Michael Lesniak by e-mail. The earlier it is known how many people are interested, the better the project can be planned and the event can be prepared.

Project Bachelor in the HISLSF online course catalog
Project Master in the HISLSF online course catalog