Game development MMORTS (development of a multiplayer online real-time strategy game)

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Game development MMORTS

Within the project, a multiplayer online real-time strategy game is being developed (Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy).


  • November 18, 2006 - 7:36pm -- page: The project now has a page on There the upcoming tasks are now managed between the developers. Link:
  • November 16, 2006 - 10:48 am -- Call for Students - Game Developer Conference 2007 Students can apply for free admission to the Game Developer Conference 2007 at until December 7. If accepted, all costs will be covered except for travel arrangements and travel expenses.
  • October 30, 2006 - 6:20 pm -- Rescheduled lecture "Anatomy of Computer Games". The said lecture will take place next week, on November 8, 2006 between 16:00-17:45 in the laboratory of the Department of Programming Languages and Methodology due to the student assembly on this Wednesday.
  • October 04, 2006 - 16:51 -- Postponement of the preliminary meeting: The first date of the project and thus the preliminary meeting has been postponed to October 24, 2006. This means that students who are helping with the introductory days for the first semester can also take part in the preliminary meeting.

Basic history
On a world not unlike Earth, in times gone by corporations waged fierce wars over the few continents and their resources. All sides used autonomous robot systems for this purpose.

Now the corporations have decided that more profit can be made by colonizing the continents and have offered rewards for eliminating the robots.

The players join a world that is constantly changing online and gradually render the robots harmless.

(Sub-)components of the game are developed and integrated by small groups in consultation with interfaces. Typical components that can be worked on are

  • Artificial intelligence (control of the robots)
  • Graphics (2D, 2.5D or 3D)
  • Audio (music and sound effects)
  • Physics (collision detection and handling)
  • Animation (movement of the game units)
  • Scripting languages (rapid prototyping of game mechanics)
  • Network capability

The resulting game will be actively used in research into the parallelization of computer games.


Students on the Diploma, Bachelor's or Master's degree course in Computer Science from the 5th semester and other interested parties.


Knowledge of C/C++ or Java (client development) and linear algebra or the willingness to acquire this knowledge during the project is a prerequisite. The willingness to acquire this knowledge during the project is a prerequisite.

Project manager
Björn Knafla

Technical advisor and development manager
Sebastian Schulz


Tuesdays from 11.00 - 12.00 in the laboratory of the department (new building, room 0646).

On 24.10.06 the preliminary meeting including further scheduling will take place at the specified time (Attention: date has been changed!).

8 SWS or two semesters with 4 SWS each (approx. double the workload must be expected)


HISLSFonline course catalog Links for the MMORTS project
Wikiof the MMORTS project (login data required) Page of the MMORTS project, e.g. for task management, bug tracking, etc.
