Björn Knafla

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Current State of Affairs
In the beginning of 2008 I left the University of Kassel and am no longer a research associate but kept supervising ongoing theses of my students as a research helper.

The game development project has been picked up by Dennis Keßler - who was an invaluable help in the last semesters and carried the project with great passion, energy, and experience. See the education site of the Research Group Software Engineering for up-to date game development project informations.

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to see what I am up to these days .

Research Interests
I am mainly interested in parallel and distributed programming for: virtual reality (VR) applications, interactive real-time simulations, artificial intelligence (AI), 3D computer graphics, and computer games. Therefore I am researching the potential for parallelization and distribution at the different levels of abstraction of these applications, from the coarse architecture to the specific algorithms, the parallel / distributed design patterns emerging therefrom, and how to ease parallel and distributed programming.

Supervised Theses
Prof. Claudia Leopold and I supervise(d) the following theses together:

  • Christopher Bolte, master thesis, 2009 - ongoing
  • Dominik Riehl, Diploma1 thesis, 2008, Editor for 2.5D worlds from tile elements
  • Dennis Keßler, bachelor thesis, 2008, Parallel agent model
  • Christopher Bolte, bachelor thesis, 2008, CUDA geometry sensors for steering
  • Johannes Spohr, master thesis, 2008, Parallel Crowd Renderer (Pace)
  • Heiko Waldschmidt, Diploma1 thesis, 2008, Parallel Java Pathfinder for a real-time strategy game
  • Jens Breitbart, Diploma1 thesis, 2008, Data structures to support steering on GPUs
  • Alexander Wirz, master thesis, 2008, Parallel Spatial 3D Data Structures for Neighborhood Queries
  • Christian Niemand, Diploma1 thesis, 2005, Artificial Intelligence for Racing Games/Simulations


  • Project Spieleentwicklung MMORTS (Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) (Development of a Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game (MMORTS)) by Bjoern Knafla. Ongoing winter semester 2007-2008.
  • Project Spieleentwicklung MMORTS (Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) (Development of a Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game (MMORTS)) by Claudia Leopold and Bjoern Knafla. Summer semester 2007.
  • Project Spieleentwicklung MMORTS (Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) (Development of a Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game (MMORTS)) by Bjoern Knafla. Winter semester 2006-2007.
  • Project GPGPU Raumklimabeurteilung (Assessment of the climate conditions in rooms using general purpose graphics processor programming (GPGPU)) by Prof. Dr. Claudia Leopold and Björn Knafla.
  • Project Physiksimulation für Spiele (Physics Simulation for Games) by Prof. Dr. Leopold and Bjoern Knafla in the summer semester 2006. Seminar Programmierung von Grafikkarten (General purpose programming of graphics cards) by Prof. Dr. Leopold and Bjoern Knafla in the summer semester 2006.
  • Project Spieleentwicklung (Developing Computer Games) in the winter semester 2005/2006. Project KI und Technologie für Computer-/Videogame (Computer-/Videogame AI and Technology) in the summer semester 2005.
  • Seminar KI in Spielen (AI in Games) by Prof. Dr. Leopold and Bjoern Knafla in the winter semester 2004/2005.
  • Helping with Einführung in die Programmierung für Informatik ( Introduction to Programming for Computer Science ) by Prof. Dr. Leopold in the winter semester 2004/2005.
  • Exercises for the lecture Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Data Structures) by Prof. Dr. Leopold in the summer semester 2004.


  • [WKL08] A. Wirz, B. Knafla, Cl. Leopold: Comparison of Spatial Data Structures in OpenMP-Parallelized Steering, Proc. Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Cyprus, 2008, pp. 31-37.
  • [Kna07a] B. Knafla, C. Leopold: Parallelizing a Real-Time Steering Simulation for Computer Games with OpenMP, Parallel Computing 2007 - ParCo2007, Jülich, 2007, pp. 219-226 (Slides).
  • [Kna06b] C. Leopold and B. Knafla: Projektarbeiten Spieleentwicklung im Fachgebiet Programmiersprachen/-methodik (Poster DIN A0), Poster from the Day of Computer Science at the University of Kassel, 2006
  • [Kna06a] B. Knafla: Wie kommt der Drache ins Computerspiel (Poster DIN A0), Poster from the Day of Computer Science at the University of Kassel, 2006
  • [Kna03a] B. Knafla: Aufbau Interaktiver 3D Echtzeit Systeme zur Integration von Simulations-Engines, Diploma Thesis, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 2003
  • [Nar03] A. Nareyek et al: The 2003 Report of the IGDA's Artificial Intelligence Interface Standards Committee, 2003.