Job Offers

Job postings for student assistants

We are looking for student assistants (HiWi) for our teaching next semester (WiSe 2024/25). The working hours are negotiable, but the maximum is 40 hr./month.

Our FG Informationssicherheit will have a module “Introduction to Information Security” at the bachelor level, and a (more practical) module “Cryptography Engineering” at the master level.

We are looking for:

  • assistant for writing and updating existing slides or lecture notes
  • support for exercise classes, for instance, grading written / programming exercises, explaining the answers, and typesetting exercise sheets
  • doing Demo-programming (We probably will do some side-channel attacks too).

Since these two modules will be given in English and (or will be eventually) open to international study programs in the Fachbereich, we would require good English communication skills (Of course, no formal certificate is required).

Please send Prof. Pan an email (with a short motivation writing and a transcript of your past study) if you:

  • are interested in cryptography / information security. Of course, these topics have theoretical computer science in nature. We also welcome those who are interested in theoretical CS.
  • have strong skills in LaTex (e.g. beamer and TikZ) and programming (in Python, Jave, or C/C++).

It is preferrable (but not required) if you have taken “Introduction to Information Security” or “Foundations of Modern Cryptography” module.

If you have worked as a HiWi before, please mention it too.