self-made-students (sms)

The self-made-students project ended after the conclusion of the EU funding on 31.12.2013. The workshop offer was taken over by ProStudium.


The self-made-students project was aimed at students who were

  • are the first in their family to study or
  • have a migration background or
  • come to the University of Kassel with other entrance qualifications than the Abitur (high school diploma)

... and want to get through their studies well!


The self-made-students offers dealt with important questions about your studies, for example:

  • How do I prepare a presentation?
  • What should I include in a term paper?
  • How do I study for an exam?
  • How can I best organize my learning?


All offers, such as consultations, coaching and workshops were free of charge.

Poster Projekt self-ma­de-stu­dents (sms)

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For the people of Hesse